Learn how to use the JAMstack from an expert in this full course for beginners. The JAMstack allows people to create websites that are simpler, faster, and more secure than other methods of creating websites. Sites created with the JAMstack are delivered by pre-rendering files that are served directly from a CDN, removing the requirement to manage or run web servers. ? Course developed by Phil Hawksworth. Phil is part of the Developer Experience team at Netlify and is very experienced with the JAMstack. ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00:00) Video Introduction ⌨️ (00:01:56) Introduction to the JAMstack ⌨️ (00:35:14) All simply static
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex1 ⌨️ (00:40:40) Changing the DOM with JavaScript
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex2 ⌨️ (00:42:21) Introducing a static site generator
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex3 ⌨️ (01:24:09) Generating pages from a content API
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex4 ⌨️ (02:02:17) Generating localized pages, with geo-IP routing at the CDN
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex5 ⌨️ (02:28:08) Client-side rendering targeted API content
? Code: https://findthat.at/jamstack/ex6 ⌨️ (03:19:50) How to gradually introduce the JAMstack to your existing infrastructure ⭐️ Resources ⭐️
? List of resources: https://findthat.at/jamstack/fcc
? JAMstack book: https://findthat.at/jamstack/book
? JAMstack Slack: https://findthat.at/jamstack/slack — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=freecodecamp