Web Development Company

UI/UX Designer with App & Web Development

Top-Rated Mobile/Web App Developers

We are experienced iOS developers who have a strong background in application development.
The iOS is one of our passions. Over the last few years, we have been working in mobile application world, especially iOS and Android platforms.

During those years, we got extensive development skills of iPhone/iPod/iPad, OS X, Android as well as broad experience in a number of professional products such as web services, embedded systems, networking and multithreading solutions, algorithm development. In other words we really felt in love with mobile technologies.

Our priorities are:
best quality
delivery in a timely manner

Areas of Expertise:

Swift, Objective-C, watchOS, tvOS, AutoLayout, StoreKit (in-app), etc.

Cloud services:
Firebase, Mixpanel, Crashlytics, Parse Data & Cloud Code, Urban Airship, Flurry, iCloud, AWS, DropBox

Google Maps, RestKit, ReactiveCocoa, RxSwift, Alamofire, AFNetworking

SQLite, CoreData, MySQL, Realm

Social networks integration:
Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram

Game Dev:
Cocos2d, box2D, chipmunk, Tiled Map Editor

iAd, AdWhirl, AdMob

Expert in PHP development using MySQL / YII framework
Over 10 years of extensive experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Support and Maintenance of several major Web and Client/Server Applications for various business environments and commercial projects.
Strong working knowledge of Object Oriented Programming techniques.
Can complete all the taks for the existing web application.
Hands on expertise for working with simple to high end kind of complex wen applications
Good working knowledge of PHP, My SQL and Java Script…
Can create database for sending and receiving data feeds

Web Development
UX and UI Design
HMTL/CSS/JS/Ajax based development
Javascript Based Development(Angular.js, Node.js, Bootstrap)
Enterprise Web Applications
Social Media, Mash-ups and Facebook Apps
CMS and e-Commerce Solutions
SaaS, Amazon AWS and Salesforce Consulting

Support and Maintenance
Application Support & Maintenance
System Admin Support
Performance Testing and Review

Our Technology Profile
PHP(Zend,Yii, Laravel), Python, WordPress, Magento, RoR
J2EE (JSP, EJB, Servlets)
HTML,CSS, jquery, javascript,

Objective C, SWIFT and Cocoa
Unity 3D
Cocos 2d-x

.NET, Win Forms, VB.NET, C#
Java and J2EE Solutions
Objective C, SWIFT and Cocoa


Git, Asana, Pivotal Tracker, Slack
TestFlight / AppStore
Graphics: Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator
UI/UX according to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines

We shall deliver you a bug-free and high-quality solution, which end users would like to use and experience.