🚀 **Deploy your Django app with Docker & DockerHub on AWS EC2!** This step-by-step guide will teach you how to **containerize your Django app**, push it to **DockerHub**, and deploy it on an **AWS EC2 Virtual Machine**. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional Django app running on a cloud server with **Nginx & Gunicorn** for production. — ## **🔹 What You'll Learn in This Video:** ✅ How to **Dockerize a Django App** ✅ How to **Push a Docker Image to DockerHub** ✅ How to **Set Up an AWS EC2 Virtual Machine** ✅ How to **Pull and Run the Docker Image on EC2** ✅ How to **Set Up Nginx as a Reverse Proxy** ✅ How to **Run Django in Production with Gunicorn** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites:** ✔️ **Basic Knowledge of Django & Docker** ✔️ **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ **GitHub Repository with Django Code** ✔️ **Docker Installed Locally** ([Get Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started)) — ## **🔹 Step 1: Create a Dockerfile for Django** Inside your Django project folder, create a file named **`Dockerfile`**: “`dockerfile
# Use an official Python runtime as a base image
FROM python:3.9 # Set the working directory
WORKDIR /app # Copy the project files
COPY . /app/ # Install dependencies
RUN pip install –no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Expose the application port
EXPOSE 8000 # Start the Django application using Gunicorn
CMD ["gunicorn", "–bind", "", "your_project.wsgi:application"]
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Create a `docker-compose.yml` (Optional)** To simplify container management, create **`docker-compose.yml`**: “`yaml
version: '3.8' services: web: build: . ports: – "8000:8000" volumes: – .:/app environment: – DEBUG=False depends_on: – db db: image: postgres:13 environment: POSTGRES_USER: django POSTGRES_PASSWORD: django POSTGRES_DB: django_db
“` — ## **🔹 Step 3: Build and Test Your Docker Image Locally** Run the following command in your Django project directory: “`bash
docker build -t your-django-app .
“` Once the build is complete, test it by running: “`bash
docker run -p 8000:8000 your-django-app
“` ✅ Open `http://localhost:8000` to check if the app is running. — ## **🔹 Step 4: Push the Docker Image to DockerHub** 1️⃣ Log in to DockerHub: “`bash
docker login
2️⃣ Tag your image: “`bash
docker tag your-django-app your-dockerhub-username/your-django-app:latest
3️⃣ Push the image to DockerHub: “`bash
docker push your-dockerhub-username/your-django-app:latest
✅ Your image is now stored in DockerHub! — ## **🔹 Step 5: Launch an AWS EC2 Virtual Machine** 1️⃣ **Go to AWS EC2 Console** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Choose **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** 4️⃣ Select **t2.micro (Free Tier)** 5️⃣ Configure **Security Group**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** – Allow **HTTP (port 80)** – Allow **HTTPS (port 443)** 6️⃣ Click **Launch** and **download the key pair (`.pem` file)** — ## **🔹 Step 6: Connect to AWS EC2 via SSH** 🔹 **For Mac/Linux Users:** “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
🔹 **For Windows Users (Using PuTTY):** 1️⃣ Convert `.pem` to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen** 2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key 3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` — ## **🔹 Step 7: Install Docker on AWS EC2** Once connected to your EC2 instance, install Docker: “`bash
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install docker.io -y
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
“` — ## **🔹 Step 8: Pull & Run Your Docker Image on EC2** 1️⃣ Log in to DockerHub: “`bash
docker login
2️⃣ Pull your Docker image: “`bash
docker pull your-dockerhub-username/your-django-app:latest
3️⃣ Run the container: “`bash
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 your-dockerhub-username/your-django-app
✅ Your Django app is now running on **port 8000** on AWS EC2! — ## **🔹 Step 9: Set Up Nginx as a Reverse Proxy** 1️⃣ Install Nginx: “`bash
sudo apt install nginx -y
2️⃣ Configure Nginx: “`bash
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/django
3️⃣ Add this configuration: “`
server { listen 80; server_name your-ec2-public-ip your-domain.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }
4️⃣ Enable the configuration and restart Nginx: “`bash
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/django /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo systemctl restart nginx
✅ Your Django app is now **accessible via HTTP on EC2**! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Django #Docker #DockerHub #AWS #EC2 #Nginx #Gunicorn #DjangoDeployment #DevOps #CloudComputing #AWSDeployment
Category: Computer Programming Tutorials
How to Deploy a Django App on AWS EC2 | Django Deployment Tutorial (2025)
🚀 Learn how to **deploy a Django app on AWS EC2 using GitHub and Nginx** in this step-by-step tutorial! We’ll go through setting up an **AWS EC2 instance**, pulling code from **GitHub**, and configuring **Gunicorn & Nginx** to serve your Django app in a production environment. By the end of this video, you’ll have a **fully deployed Django application** running on AWS EC2 with **a custom domain, HTTPS, and Nginx as a reverse proxy**. — ## **🔹 What You'll Learn in This Video:** ✅ How to launch an **AWS EC2 instance** (Free Tier) ✅ How to **clone a Django project from GitHub** to EC2 ✅ How to **set up a virtual environment & install dependencies** ✅ How to configure **Gunicorn to serve the Django app** ✅ How to install & configure **Nginx as a reverse proxy** ✅ How to set up a **firewall & security groups** for secure access ✅ How to run Django **with a PostgreSQL/MySQL database (optional)** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ **GitHub Repository with Django Project** ✔️ Basic knowledge of **Django & Linux Commands** ✔️ **SSH Access to EC2 Instance** — ## **🔹 Step 1: Launch an AWS EC2 Instance** 1️⃣ Log in to **AWS Console** → Go to **EC2** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Select **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** as your AMI 4️⃣ Choose **Instance Type** → Select **t2.micro** (Free Tier) 5️⃣ Configure **Security Group**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** – Allow **HTTP (port 80)** for Nginx – Allow **HTTPS (port 443)** for SSL 6️⃣ Click **Launch** and **download the key pair (`.pem` file)** — ## **🔹 Step 2: Connect to AWS EC2 via SSH** 🔹 **For Mac/Linux Users:** “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
“` 🔹 **For Windows Users (Using PuTTY):** 1️⃣ Convert `.pem` to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen** 2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key 3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` — ## **🔹 Step 3: Install Required Packages on EC2** Once connected, update the system and install dependencies: “`bash
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv nginx git -y
“` — ## **🔹 Step 4: Clone Django Project from GitHub** Navigate to the home directory and **clone your GitHub repository**: “`bash
cd /home/ubuntu
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-django-project.git
cd your-django-project
“` — ## **🔹 Step 5: Set Up Virtual Environment & Install Dependencies** Create a virtual environment and install requirements: “`bash
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
“` — ## **🔹 Step 6: Configure Django Settings for Production** 1️⃣ **Update `ALLOWED_HOSTS` in `settings.py`** “`python
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["your-ec2-public-ip", "your-domain.com"]
“` 2️⃣ **Migrate the Database:** “`bash
python manage.py migrate
“` 3️⃣ **Create a Superuser:** “`bash
python manage.py createsuperuser
“` — ## **🔹 Step 7: Set Up Gunicorn to Serve Django App** 1️⃣ Install Gunicorn: “`bash
pip install gunicorn
“` 2️⃣ Run Gunicorn to test: “`bash
gunicorn –bind your_project.wsgi
“` ✅ Now your Django app should be running on **port 8000**. — ## **🔹 Step 8: Set Up Nginx as a Reverse Proxy** 1️⃣ Stop Gunicorn and install Nginx: “`bash
sudo apt install nginx -y
“` 2️⃣ Create an Nginx configuration file for Django: “`bash
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/django
“` 3️⃣ Add the following configuration: “`
server { listen 80; server_name your-ec2-public-ip your-domain.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }
“` 4️⃣ Enable the Nginx configuration: “`bash
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/django /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo systemctl restart nginx
“` — ## **🔹 Step 9: Run Gunicorn as a Background Process** Create a Gunicorn systemd service file: “`bash
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service
“` Add the following content: “`
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve Django
After=network.target [Service]
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/your-django-project/venv/bin/gunicorn –workers 3 –bind unix:/home/ubuntu/your-django-project/gunicorn.sock your_project.wsgi:application [Install]
“` Save and restart Gunicorn: “`bash
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start gunicorn
sudo systemctl enable gunicorn
### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Django #AWS #EC2 #Nginx #DjangoDeployment #Gunicorn #GitHub #Python #CloudComputing #DevOps #FullStack #AWSDeployment
How to Deploy a Flask App with Docker & DockerHub on a Virtual Machine (AWS EC2) (2025)
🚀 Want to **deploy a Flask app using Docker and DockerHub on AWS EC2**? In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the **step-by-step process** to containerize your Flask app, push it to **DockerHub**, and deploy it on an **AWS EC2 instance** using Docker. By the end of this video, you’ll learn: ✅ How to **containerize a Flask app using Docker** ✅ How to **push and pull Docker images from DockerHub** ✅ How to **deploy and run the Flask app on AWS EC2** ✅ How to **expose the Flask app to the internet using AWS security groups** — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to **write a Dockerfile for a Flask app** ✔️ How to **build and test a Docker image locally** ✔️ How to **upload the Docker image to DockerHub** ✔️ How to **install Docker on AWS EC2** ✔️ How to **run a Flask container on AWS EC2** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ **Docker & DockerHub Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://hub.docker.com/)) ✔️ Basic knowledge of **Flask & Python** ✔️ A Flask app ready for deployment — ## **🔹 Step 1: Write a Dockerfile for Flask** In your Flask project folder, create a **Dockerfile**: “`dockerfile
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.9 # Set the working directory
WORKDIR /app # Copy the current directory contents into the container
COPY . /app # Install dependencies
RUN pip install –no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Expose the port Flask runs on
EXPOSE 5000 # Define the command to run the Flask app
CMD ["python", "app.py"]
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Build & Test the Docker Image Locally** 1️⃣ Open your terminal and navigate to your Flask app directory. 2️⃣ Run the following command to build the Docker image: “`bash
docker build -t my-flask-app .
“` 3️⃣ Run the Flask container locally to test: “`bash
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-flask-app
“` 4️⃣ Open your browser and go to **http://localhost:5000** to see your Flask app running. — ## **🔹 Step 3: Push the Docker Image to DockerHub** 1️⃣ Log in to DockerHub from your terminal: “`bash
docker login
“` 2️⃣ Tag the Docker image with your DockerHub username: “`bash
docker tag my-flask-app your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
“` 3️⃣ Push the image to DockerHub: “`bash
docker push your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
“` ✅ Now your Flask Docker image is **hosted on DockerHub** and ready to be deployed on AWS EC2. — ## **🔹 Step 4: Launch an AWS EC2 Instance** 1️⃣ Log in to **AWS Console** → Go to **EC2** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Select an **Amazon Machine Image (AMI)**: – **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** (Recommended) – **Amazon Linux 2** 4️⃣ Choose **Instance Type** → Select **t2.micro** (Free Tier) 5️⃣ Configure **Security Group**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** – Allow **HTTP (port 80)** – Allow **Custom TCP Rule (port 5000)** for Flask 6️⃣ Click **Launch** and **download the key pair (`.pem` file)** — ## **🔹 Step 5: Connect to AWS EC2 via SSH** 🔹 **For Mac/Linux Users:** “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
“` 🔹 **For Windows Users (Using PuTTY):** 1️⃣ Convert `.pem` to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen** 2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key 3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` (for Ubuntu) or `ec2-user` (for Amazon Linux) — ## **🔹 Step 6: Install Docker on AWS EC2** Once connected to EC2, run the following commands: 🔹 **Update system and install Docker:** “`bash
sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker.io -y
“` 🔹 **Enable & Start Docker Service:** “`bash
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker
“` 🔹 **Verify Docker installation:** “`bash
docker –version
“` — ## **🔹 Step 7: Pull & Run Flask Docker Image from DockerHub** 1️⃣ Pull your Flask app image from DockerHub: “`bash
docker pull your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
“` 2️⃣ Run the Flask container on EC2: “`bash
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
“` ✅ Your Flask app is now running on port **5000** on your AWS EC2 instance. — ## **🔹 Step 8: Access Your Flask App on AWS** 1️⃣ Open your browser and go to: “`plaintext
2️⃣ 🎉 Your Flask app is now live on AWS EC2! — ## **🔹 Optional: Run Flask Container in the Background (Restart on Reboot)** To keep your container running even after reboot, use: “`bash
docker run -d –restart unless-stopped -p 5000:5000 your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
“` ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #AWS #Docker #Flask #EC2 #DeployFlask #DockerHub #Python #CloudComputing #DevOps #DockerContainers #AWSDeployment
From Poker Dealer to Self-Taught Developer [Podcast #160]
On this week's episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Julia Undeutsch who is a self-taught software engineer and accessibility specialist. She works at a large European consultancy helping companies make their software more accessible for people with disabilities. Taught herself to code in her 30s using freeCodeCamp. We talk about:
– Julia's coding journey from poker dealer to self-taught software engineer
– How she creates tutorials in Japanese
– Her passion for making software easier to use for everyone
– Working remotely at a big European software consultancy Links we talk about during our conversation: – Julia's website: https://www.juliaundeutsch.com/ – Movie trailer for the 1999 Clive Owen movie "Croupier" that Quincy mentions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDWzeq5QGiA Chapters 0:00:00 Teaser
0:00:19 Introuction
0:01:24 Song: Fever
0:02:20 Introduction to Accessibility and Self-Taught Development
0:05:12 Understanding Accessibility: Importance and Impact
0:08:16 The Role of Accessibility in Software Development
0:11:14 Julia's Journey: From Poker Dealer to Accessibility Specialist
0:14:27 The Transition to Coding: Overcoming Challenges
0:17:16 Cultural Insights: Working Across Borders
0:20:21 The Experience of Working in a Consultancy
0:23:15 Building Confidence in a New Role
0:26:16 Final Thoughts on Accessibility and Career Growth
0:34:36 Navigating the Early Days of Development
0:36:21 The Evolution of Front-End Frameworks
0:37:52 Continuous Learning and Skill Development
0:39:36 Passion for Accessibility
0:41:26 Cultural Perspectives on Accessibility
0:44:03 The Importance of Accessibility in Gaming
0:45:54 The Future of Accessibility in Technology
0:50:35 Practical Tips for Web Accessibility
0:56:40 The Role of Companies in Accessibility
1:03:36 The Value of Language Learning
How To Deploy a Flask App on AWS EC2 | Flask on EC2 | Running a Flask App on AWS EC2 (2025)
🚀 Want to **deploy your Flask app on AWS EC2**? In this step-by-step guide, I'll show you how to **set up an AWS EC2 instance, install Flask, configure Gunicorn & Nginx, and run your Flask app in production**! By the end of this tutorial, you’ll learn: ✅ How to **launch an AWS EC2 instance** ✅ How to **set up Python, Flask, and dependencies** ✅ How to **configure Gunicorn for production** ✅ How to **set up Nginx as a reverse proxy** ✅ How to **secure your Flask app with a firewall** — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to **create an AWS EC2 instance** (Ubuntu/Amazon Linux) ✔️ How to **connect to EC2 via SSH** ✔️ How to **install Flask, Python, and Pip** ✔️ How to **run Flask with Gunicorn & Nginx** ✔️ How to **set up a firewall for security** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ An **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ Basic knowledge of **Flask & Python** ✔️ A **Flask app** ready for deployment ✔️ A system with **SSH (Mac/Linux) or PuTTY (Windows)** — ## **🔹 Step 1: Launch an AWS EC2 Instance** 1️⃣ Go to **AWS Management Console** → Navigate to **EC2** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Choose an **Amazon Machine Image (AMI)**: – **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** (Recommended) – **Amazon Linux 2** 4️⃣ Select **Instance Type** → Choose **t2.micro** (Free Tier) 5️⃣ Configure **Security Groups**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** – Allow **HTTP (port 80)** – Allow **HTTPS (port 443)** 6️⃣ Click **Launch** and download the **key pair (`.pem` file)** — ## **🔹 Step 2: Connect to EC2 via SSH** 🔹 **For Windows (Using PuTTY):** 1️⃣ Convert your `.pem` file to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen** 2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key 3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` (for Ubuntu) or `ec2-user` (for Amazon Linux) 🔹 **For Mac & Linux (Using Terminal):** “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
“` 💡 Replace `your-key.pem` with your actual key file name and `your-ec2-public-ip` with your EC2 instance's public IP. — ## **🔹 Step 3: Install Flask, Python, and Dependencies** 🔹 **Update the system and install Python:** “`bash
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
“` 🔹 **Install Flask and Virtual Environment:** “`bash
sudo apt install python3-venv -y
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flask gunicorn
“` 🔹 **Create a Simple Flask App (`app.py`):** “`python
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def home(): return "Hello, Flask on AWS EC2!" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='', port=5000) “` — ## **🔹 Step 4: Run Flask with Gunicorn** 🔹 **Test the app locally:** “`bash
python app.py
“` 🔹 **Run Flask with Gunicorn (Production Mode):** “`bash
gunicorn –bind app:app
“` — ## **🔹 Step 5: Set Up Nginx as a Reverse Proxy** 🔹 **Install Nginx:** “`bash
sudo apt install nginx -y
“` 🔹 **Configure Nginx for Flask:** “`bash
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/flaskapp
“` 🔹 **Add the following configuration:** “`nginx
server { listen 80; server_name your-ec2-public-ip; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; }
“` 🔹 **Activate the Nginx configuration:** “`bash
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/flaskapp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo systemctl restart nginx
“` — ## **🔹 Step 6: Configure Firewall & Test the App** 🔹 **Allow necessary ports:** “`bash
sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
sudo ufw enable
“` 🔹 **Access your Flask app in a browser:** “`plaintext
“` — ## **🔹 Common Issues & Fixes** 🔹 **Nginx not working?** ✅ **Fix:** Check Nginx status → `sudo systemctl status nginx` 🔹 **Permission denied (publickey) error?** ✅ **Fix:** Ensure your **key file permissions** are correct: “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
“` 🔹 **Firewall blocking requests?** ✅ **Fix:** Open port 80 for HTTP traffic: “`bash
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
“` — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ **Developers** deploying Flask apps on AWS ✅ **Cloud engineers** setting up production servers ✅ **Beginners** learning AWS EC2 & cloud deployment — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **AWS, Flask, and Cloud Computing tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #AWS #Flask #EC2 #DeployFlask #CloudComputing #Python #Gunicorn #Nginx #DevOps #Ubuntu #AWSDeployment
How to Remotely SSH (Connect) Visual Studio Code to AWS EC2 | VS Code Remote SSH Setup (2025)
Want to **remotely connect Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to an AWS EC2 instance** via SSH? 🚀 In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll show you how to **set up remote SSH in VS Code**, so you can edit and work on your AWS server just like a local machine. By the end of this video, you’ll learn: ✅ How to **install and configure the VS Code Remote SSH extension** ✅ How to **set up an SSH connection to your AWS EC2 instance** ✅ How to **edit files and run commands on EC2 from VS Code** ✅ How to **troubleshoot common SSH connection issues** — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to **generate an SSH key or use an existing AWS key pair** ✔️ How to **install the Remote – SSH extension in VS Code** ✔️ How to **configure the SSH connection in VS Code** ✔️ How to **connect, edit files, and manage EC2 remotely** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ An **AWS EC2 Instance** (Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, etc.) ✔️ **Visual Studio Code (VS Code)** installed ([Download Here](https://code.visualstudio.com/)) ✔️ **Remote – SSH Extension** installed in VS Code ✔️ An **SSH Key (`.pem` file)** downloaded from AWS — ## **🔹 Step 1: Install VS Code and Remote – SSH Extension** 1️⃣ Open **VS Code** 2️⃣ Go to **Extensions** (or press `Ctrl + Shift + X`) 3️⃣ Search for **"Remote – SSH"** and install it 4️⃣ Once installed, restart VS Code — ## **🔹 Step 2: Configure SSH in VS Code** 1️⃣ Open VS Code 2️⃣ Press **`Ctrl + Shift + P`** (or `Cmd + Shift + P` on Mac) to open the Command Palette 3️⃣ Search for **"Remote-SSH: Open Configuration File"** and select it 4️⃣ Choose the **SSH config file** (`~/.ssh/config` on Mac/Linux or `C:\Users\your-username\.ssh\config` on Windows) — ## **🔹 Step 3: Add Your AWS EC2 Instance to the SSH Config** In the SSH config file, add the following: “`plaintext
Host aws-ec2 HostName your-ec2-public-ip User ubuntu IdentityFile C:\path\to\your-key.pem
“` 💡 **Replace:** – `aws-ec2` → Any name you want for the connection – `your-ec2-public-ip` → The public IP of your AWS EC2 instance – `User ubuntu` → Use `ec2-user` for Amazon Linux, `ubuntu` for Ubuntu – `IdentityFile` → The path to your AWS private key (`.pem` file) — ## **🔹 Step 4: Connect to AWS EC2 from VS Code** 1️⃣ Open **VS Code** 2️⃣ Press **`Ctrl + Shift + P`** and search for **"Remote-SSH: Connect to Host"** 3️⃣ Select the host (`aws-ec2`) from the list 4️⃣ VS Code will open a new window and **connect to your EC2 instance** 🚀 — ## **🔹 Step 5: Edit and Work on EC2 Remotely** ✔️ **Open Terminal in VS Code** (`Ctrl + ~`) and run commands on EC2 ✔️ **Edit files directly from VS Code** as if they were local ✔️ **Run Python, Node.js, or any other scripts remotely** — ## **🔹 Troubleshooting SSH Issues** 🔹 **Permission Denied (publickey)?** ✅ **Fix:** Ensure your **.pem file has correct permissions** (`chmod 400 your-key.pem`) 🔹 **Cannot Connect to EC2?** ✅ **Fix:** Make sure **port 22 (SSH) is open in the EC2 security group** 🔹 **Wrong User?** ✅ **Fix:** Check if you need `ubuntu`, `ec2-user`, or `root` for login — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ **Developers** deploying code on AWS ✅ **Cloud engineers** managing remote servers ✅ **Beginners** setting up AWS for the first time — ## **🔹 More AWS Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Set Up AWS EC2 Instance (Free Tier)** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Deploy a Flask App on AWS EC2** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Connect MySQL on AWS RDS from VS Code** → [Watch Now] — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more AWS, DevOps, and Cloud Computing tutorials! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #AWS #EC2 #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #RemoteSSH #CloudComputing #DevOps #Ubuntu #AmazonLinux #Cloud #SysAdmin #Python #Docker
How to Create a Virtual Machine on AWS EC2 | Launching Your First AWS EC2 Instance (Free Tier)(2025)
Want to set up a **free AWS EC2 virtual machine**? 🚀 This tutorial walks you through **creating an AWS EC2 instance using the AWS Free Tier**—perfect for beginners exploring **cloud computing** and **server hosting**! By the end of this video, you’ll learn: ✅ How to **sign up for AWS Free Tier** ✅ How to **launch an EC2 instance** (Virtual Machine) ✅ How to **configure security groups & SSH access** ✅ How to **connect to your EC2 instance** ✅ How to **stop, start, and terminate** your instance — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to **create an AWS account** ✔️ How to **launch an AWS EC2 instance** ✔️ How to choose the right **Amazon Machine Image (AMI)** ✔️ How to connect to your VM using **SSH (Linux/Mac) or PuTTY (Windows)** ✔️ How to manage your instance efficiently — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ A **Free AWS Account** ([Sign Up](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ Basic knowledge of **cloud computing** ✔️ A system with **SSH (Mac/Linux) or PuTTY (Windows)** — ## **🔹 Step 1: Sign Up for AWS Free Tier** 1️⃣ Go to [AWS Free Tier](https://aws.amazon.com/free/) 2️⃣ Click **Create an AWS Account** 3️⃣ Enter your **email, password, and account details** 4️⃣ Add a **payment method** (AWS Free Tier is free, but verification requires a card) 5️⃣ Verify your **phone number** 6️⃣ Choose **Basic Free Plan** — ## **🔹 Step 2: Launch an EC2 Instance (Virtual Machine)** 1️⃣ **Login to AWS Console** → Open **EC2 Dashboard** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Choose an **Amazon Machine Image (AMI)**: – **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** – **Amazon Linux 2** (Best for AWS-native applications) – **Windows Server** (For Windows-based applications) 4️⃣ Select **Instance Type**: – **t2.micro** (FREE for 750 hours/month) 5️⃣ Configure **Storage (8GB default for Free Tier)** 6️⃣ **Create a Key Pair** (Download the `.pem` file for SSH access) 7️⃣ Configure **Security Group**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** for Linux – Allow **RDP (port 3389)** for Windows 8️⃣ Click **Launch** 🚀 — ## **🔹 Step 3: Connect to Your EC2 Instance** ### **For Windows (Using PuTTY)** 1️⃣ Download **PuTTY & PuTTYgen** ([Download Here](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html)) 2️⃣ Open **PuTTYgen**, load the `.pem` file, and save it as `.ppk` 3️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter your **EC2 Public IP Address** 4️⃣ In SSH → Auth, browse and add the `.ppk` file 5️⃣ Click **Open** and login as `ubuntu` — ### **For Mac & Linux (Using Terminal)** Run this command: “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
“` 💡 Replace `your-key.pem` with your actual key file name and `your-ec2-public-ip` with your instance’s IP. — ## **🔹 Step 4: Manage Your EC2 Instance** ✔️ **Stop the Instance (Pause, No Charges for Compute Time):** “`bash
aws ec2 stop-instances –instance-ids i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
“` ✔️ **Start the Instance Again:** “`bash
aws ec2 start-instances –instance-ids i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
“` ✔️ **Terminate the Instance (Permanently Delete):** “`bash
aws ec2 terminate-instances –instance-ids i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
“` — ## **🔹 Common Issues & Fixes** 🔹 **Permission denied (publickey) error?** ✅ **Fix:** Ensure your **key file permissions** are correct: “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
“` 🔹 **Cannot connect to EC2 instance?** ✅ **Fix:** Check your **security group settings** and allow **SSH (port 22)**. 🔹 **No public IP assigned?** ✅ **Fix:** Enable **Auto-assign Public IP** during instance setup. — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ **Beginners** exploring AWS Free Tier ✅ **Developers** deploying web applications ✅ **System Administrators** setting up cloud-based servers — ## **🔹 More AWS Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Deploy a Flask App on AWS EC2** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Setup an AWS RDS MySQL Database** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Connect AWS EC2 with a Custom Domain** → [Watch Now] — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, please **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **AWS, Cloud, and DevOps tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #AWS #EC2 #VirtualMachine #CloudComputing #AWSFreeTier #DevOps #Cloud #Linux #AWSCloud #SysAdmin Now you know how to **launch a free AWS EC2 instance** and start working with cloud servers! 🚀💻