How to Run Container in Background Using the “docker run” Command

In this tutorial, you will learn how to run a container in the background using the "docker run" command. When you run a Docker container with the "docker run" command, the container runs in the foreground, and you can see the container's output in your terminal window. However, in some cases, you may want to run the container in the background, so it does not interfere with your terminal session. To run a container in the background, you can use the "-d" or "–detach" option with the "docker run" command. This option tells Docker to run the container in the background, and you can continue to use your terminal window. You can also use the "-p" option to map a container's port to a host port and the "-v" option to mount a volume in the container. Once you've started a container in the background, you can use the "docker ps" command to view a list of running containers. You can also use the "docker logs" command to view the container's output. To stop a running container, you can use the "docker stop" command followed by the container ID or name. You can also remove a container with the "docker rm" command followed by the container ID or name. Running a container in the background using the "docker run" command is a valuable skill for any Docker user who wants to manage and run containers efficiently.