How to Outsmart AI as a Developer with Dr. Chuck [Podcast #127]

On this week's episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Dr. Chuck. He's a software engineer and Computer Science professor at University of Michigan, which has one of the top-ranked CS programs in the world. Dr. Charles "Chuck" Severance is also creator of many popular free learning resources like his Python for Everyone and C for Everyone, which millions of students have taken over the past decade. We talk about:
– What separates a Master Programmer from an average developer, and how to become one
– Dr. Chuck's mission to make programming knowledge freely available
– The fundamental shortcomings of how Computer Science is currently taught at universities – even elite universities like the one he's a professor at
– Dr. Chuck's theories on recent tech layoffs and what he thinks the near future holds
– Dr. Chuck's love of racing $500 cars that he revives from the junk yard, and flying planes Can you guess what song I'm playing on my bass during the intro? It's from a 1973 song. Be sure to follow The freeCodeCamp podcast in your favorite podcast app. And share this podcast with a friend. Let's inspire more folks to learn to code and build careers for themselves in tech. Also, I want to thank the 9,331 kind people who support our charity each month, and who make this podcast possible. You can join them and support our mission at: Links we talk about during our conversation: – Dr. Chuck's latest freeCodeCamp course on C programming: – Dr. Chuck's Python for Everyone freeCodeCamp Course: – Kylie Ying's popular Machine Learning for Everyone course inspired by Dr. Chuck: – Dr. Chuck's website with his free interactive coursework: 0:00:00 Introduction and Background
0:02:20 Programming as an Art and Craft
0:13:11 The Importance of Hardware
0:43:16 Privacy and Auto-Expiring Data
0:44:31 Challenges in Learning Management Systems
0:46:08 Auto-Expiring Data and Privacy Standards
0:47:37 Teaching Technical Skills in High School
0:54:18 Togetherness in the Free Code Camp Community
1:15:02 The Limitations of AI and Looking Forward
1:20:20 The Importance of Free Code Camp in Education ? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
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