Data Analytics with the Google Stack (SQL, Python, Data Visualization, Data Analysis)

Learn data analytics by building projects using different free Google services. ➡ Data Analysis with Google Sheets
➡ SQL with Google BigQuery
➡ Python with Google Colab
➡ Data Visualization with Google Looker Studio ✏️ Course developed by @analyst_adithya Code and resources: ⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:01:48) Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:48) Spreadsheets for Data Analysis
⌨️ (0:40:52) SQL with Google BigQuery
⌨️ (1:41:36) Python with Google Colab
⌨️ (2:19:01) Data Visualization with Looker Studio 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan 👾 Oscar Rahnama — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: