CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) – Pass the Exam!

Prepare for the Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam and pass! This certification demonstrates a user’s foundational knowledge and skills in Kubernetes and the wider cloud native ecosystem. ✏️ Andrew Brown and Marino Wijay created this course.
🐦 Andrew on Twitter:
🐦 Marino on Twitter: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
☁️ (0:00:00) Introduction
🎀 Introduction
🎀 Exam Guide Walkthrough
🎀 Practice Exam Preview ☁️ (0:22:31) Cloud Native Kubernetes Concepts
🎀 What is Cloud Native
🎀 Cloud Native vs Cloud Service Provider
🎀 Cloud Native Shared Responsibility Model
🎀 The Linux Foundation
🎀 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
🎀 Preview LF and CNCF Website Follow Along
🎀 Cloud Native Landscape
🎀 Cloud Native Landscape Follow Along
🎀 Cloud Native Trail Map
🎀 Cloud Native Trail Map Follow Along
🎀 VMs vs Containers
🎀 Micro services
🎀 Kubernetes
🎀 Kubernetes Components EDIT ENDING
🎀 Manifest Files in Kubernetes
🎀 Control Plane and Worker Nodes
🎀 Pods
🎀 API Server
🎀 Deployment
🎀 Replica Sets
🎀 Stateless vs Stateful
🎀 Stateful Sets
🎀 Namespaces
🎀 In Tree vs Out Tree
🎀 In Tree vs Out Free Follow Along
🎀 Endpoints and Endpoint Slices
🎀 Jobs and Cron Jobs
🎀 Kubernetes Dashboard ☁️ (1:36:41) Selectors
🎀 Selectors
🎀 Recommend Labels
🎀 Selecting Labels
🎀 Annotations ☁️ (1:42:33) Kubelet
🎀 PodSpecFile
🎀 gRPC
🎀 Kubelet ☁️ (1:50:15) KubeCTL
🎀 KubeCTL
🎀 KubeCTL Commands Ref Follow Along ☁️ (1:59:20) Distrubutions
🎀 MiniKube
🎀 K3s
🎀 Kind
🎀 MicroK8s
🎀 Lightweight K8s Distribution Comparison
🎀 Managed Kubernetes Providers
🎀 Management Layers
🎀 CNCF Certified Distribution Follow Along ☁️ (2:26:25) Runtimes
🎀 Container Runtime Interfaces
🎀 ContainerD
🎀 Container Runtimes
🎀 CGroups
🎀 Linux Containers ☁️ (2:37:04) Storage
🎀 Container Storage Interface
🎀 Kubernetes Backing Store and etcd
🎀 Rook and MinIO
🎀 Volumes
🎀 Persistent Volume
🎀 Storage Classes
🎀 Persistent Volume Claim
🎀 ConfigMaps ☁️ (2:51:34) Service
🎀 Services
🎀 Traffic Policies
🎀 ClusterIP
🎀 NodePort
🎀 Load Balancer
🎀 Headless
🎀 ExternalName
🎀 KubeCTL Expose Command
🎀 BusyBox ☁️ (3:06:52) Networking
🎀 Ingress
🎀 Load Balancing
🎀 Probes
🎀 Netfilter
🎀 IPTables
🎀 Various Proxies
🎀 kube proxy
🎀 Container Networking Interface
🎀 Service Mesh
🎀 Enovy ☁️ (3:33:05) Cluster Networking
🎀 Eth0 and Netwrok Namespace
🎀 Eth0 Network Namepsace P2
🎀 Cluster Networking
🎀 Container to Container Networking
🎀 Virtual Ethernet Devices
🎀 Pod to Pod Networking
🎀 Pod to Service Networking
🎀 Ingress Egress Internet to Cluster ☁️ (3:50:50) Security
🎀 4Cs
🎀 Infrastructure Security
🎀 Role based Access Controls
🎀 Role Configuration Example
🎀 Secrets Management
🎀 Network Policy
🎀 Calico
🎀 Anatomy of a Network Policy File
🎀 In Transit vs At Rest
🎀 Certificates and TLS
🎀 K8s Security Best Practices ☁️ (4:23:51) Autoscaling
🎀 Autoscaling
🎀 Scale vs Autoscale
🎀 KEDA ☁️ (4:28:23) Open Standards
🎀 Open Standards ☁️ (4:31:17) Goverance
🎀 Governance Structure
🎀 Memberships
🎀 Governing Board
🎀 Technical Oversight Committee
🎀 Special Interest Groups
🎀 End User Community
🎀 End User Technology Radar
🎀 CNCF Charter
🎀 CNCF Values
🎀 Goverance Follow Along
🎀 Kube Con
🎀 Kubecon CloudNativeCon Follow Along
🎀 CNCF Projects ☁️ (5:01:37) Serverless
🎀 Serverless
🎀 Cloud Native K8s Serverless
🎀 Function as a Service
🎀 Knative
🎀 Knative vs OpenFaaS ☁️ (5:10:29) Observability
🎀 The Pillars of Observability
🎀 Open Telemetry
🎀 Prometheus
🎀 Grafana
🎀 Traces and Spans
🎀 Cost Management
🎀 Kubernetes System Logs and Klogs ☁️ (5:24:45) Cloud Native Application Delivery
🎀 Testing and Chaos Testing
🎀 Helm
🎀 Kustomize
🎀 What is Infrastructure as Code
🎀 Popular IaC
🎀 IaC for Kubernetes
🎀 GitOps
🎀 Argo vs Flux
🎀 Jenkins and JenkinsX
🎀 Circle CI ☁️ (5:44:03) Deployment Strategies
🎀 Deployment Strategies
🎀 Recreate
🎀 Rolling Update
🎀 Canary
🎀 Blue Green
🎀 A to B Testing
🎀 Dark Launches
🎀 Deployment History, Rollout, and Rollback ☁️ (5:58:59) Follow Along
5:58:59 🎀 Review of Light Weight Containers
6:05:14 🎀 Building an App Using Docker
6:29:29 🎀 Minkube
6:55:36 🎀 Kind
7:03:41 🎀 Microk8s
7:27:10 🎀 Kubectl Fix
7:28:38 🎀 Pod Communication via IP
7:36:44 🎀 Service ClusterIP
7:51:20 🎀 Service NodePort
7:59:14 🎀 Service LoadBalancer
8:09:19 🎀 Service Externalname
8:24:53 🎀 Ingress
8:38:51 🎀 Jobs
8:46:35 🎀 ReplicaSets
8:50:56 🎀 Scale and Autoscale
9:00:39 🎀 Configmap
9:23:29 🎀 Secrets
9:34:08 🎀 PV and PVC
9:56:30 🎀 NetPolicy
10:20:29 🎀 Knative
10:34:30 🎀 OpenFaaS
10:46:11 🎀 Helm
10:55:19 🎀 LinkerD
11:32:49 🎀 Google Kubernetes Engine
11:47:25 🎀 Azure Kubernetes Service
12:03:09 🎀 AWS Elastic Kuberenetes Service
12:35:47 🎀 IBM Cloud
12:48:18 🎀 Digital Ocean
13:10:22 🎀 CIVO
13:26:14 🎀 Namespaces
13:30:59 🎀 RBAC
13:58:00 🎀 KubeCTL Extra Commands

CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) – Pass the Exam!

CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) – Pass the Exam!










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