Welcome to this course on Beginner's Tutorial to the Bash Terminal. Linux is a computer operating system free for development and distribution, both commercially and non-commercially. There are times when you may spend hours doing a repetitive task. A person who knows command line can write a script in 10 minutes and if he has to repeat it, can do it in a second. So what is Command Line and why is it so popular? Command line applications provide us with numerous benefits which cannot be achieved with any of the available GUI applications. One can create scripts to automate work, and can go so much deeper into the system and explore things that would generally be not possible with GUI. This course is designed for beginners who are new to this operating system and have never installed or operated Ubuntu Linux. People thinking about being a Linux system administrator or engineer can use this as the perfect place to start learning the basics from. This is not restricted for these people, anyone who wants to optimize their tasks and make them simpler using command line scripts can take up this course. No prior experience with Ubuntu is necessary. 1 – Introduction
2 – ls command in Linux
3 – cd command in Linux
4 – cat command in Linux
5 – I/O Redirection
6 – mkdir Command
7 – rm and rmdir commands for linux 8 – cp command
9 – mv command
10 – less command
11 – touch command
12 – nano command
13 – sudo command
14 – top command
kill command
16 – echo command
17 – file permissions, symbolic permissions and chmod
18 – directory permissions and chmod
19 – Octal and Numerical permissions (chmod) 20 – Introduction to Bash Scripting
21 – which and whatis command
22 – useradd command (Creating Users)
23 – userdel command (Removing Users)
24 – Basic Group Management (groups, groupadd, groupdel)
25 – .bashrc File
26 – Viewing Resources (du , df, free command)
27 – watch command
28 – Head and Tail Commands
29 – find command
30 – wc command
31 – cal command
32 – date command
33 – How to Run multiple Terminal Commands
34 – apt-get command to Install Software
35 – ifconfig command
36 – tar command to Compress and Extract Files
37 – grep command
38 – netstat command #Linux #LinuxTerminal #BashTerminal #LinuxTerminalTutorial #UNIX #MAC #LinuxTutorial #BasicCommandLine #CommandLineBasics
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