7 Best Practices for Google Responsive Search Ads – Create Relevant Google Search Ads That Convert

Google Ads Responsive Search Ads are the default text ad type when you are creating search campaigns. Instead of your standard text ads or expanded text ads, responsive search ads allow you to create 15 headlines, 4 description lines, and add your assets to your advertisements. Google Responsive Search Ads Best Practices: 1. TARGETING: Keep your campaign and your Ad Groups organized
2. RELEVANCE: Use your targeted keywords and search terms as ad copy
3. BENEFITS & USP: Ad copy should focus on benefits for your customers
4. TESTING: Create 2 Responsive Search Ads per Ad Group
5. COMPLETION: Use all of the headline & description lines
6. EXCELLENT AD STRENGTH: Make sure your ads are rated Excellent
7. ASSETS: Utilize all relevant assets for your ads (previously extensions) You do not have to worry about character limits with responsive search ads. You get 15 headlines that are 30 characters each and 4 description lines that are 90 characters each. That along with your assets, such as sitelink assets, callout assets, structured snippet assets, call assets, image assets, and more.

7 Best Practices for Google Responsive Search Ads – Create Relevant Google Search Ads That Convert

7 Best Practices for Google Responsive Search Ads – Create Relevant Google Search Ads That Convert










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