How to Launch a Dropshipping Product | Facebook Ads Testing Blueprint [Step-by-Step]

✅ Notes from the video: ✅ $1,083,252 in 5 months with one product (full case study): ✅ Free dropshipping course playlist: ✅ Join the FB Mastermind group: ✅ Dropshipping center: ✅ Follow me on IG: Hey everyone! In this video, I talk about my method for testing new dropshipping products. Using this method, I've achieved a success rate of 60% launching products with Facebook Ads. My testing method is very different than most and often requires more capital to start out with. However, it allows you to thoroughly test a product and the chances of it eventually becoming profitable are much higher. I start by explaining what 95% of people do to test products, and why I think that most people fail. In contrast to that, I give an overview of my testing strategy and why I think that it's been so successful for me. I break down my method into six main steps: 1. Only test products that you KNOW are selling.
2. Put in extra effort for each product you test by building a branded store, social media pages etc.
3. Start by testing at LEAST 3 ad variations with a PPE split test
4. Figure out the demographic (Age range + Gender + Country) by targeting all countries you can ship to & all ages without any interest targeting (WC PUR optimization)
5. Once you figure out the demographic targeting, use that demographic + single interests to start narrowing down (WC PUR optimization)
6. Test all LAAs possible as soon as you have enough data (WC PUR optimization) I cover all of these steps in-depth in the video. To give you a real example of this testing method, I also take you into my ads manager to show you the month-by-month progression of ad account launching a new store with this method. Lastly, I end off the video by outlining the pros and cons of this method. Thanks for watching! If you found this video helpful, please leave a thumbs up and subscribe. I try to post one new value-packed video like this one every week. If you made it this far in the description, leave a comment below telling me what you want to see next, I would really appreciate it!