The Hard Truth About Marketing & What Will Stop Working In The Near Future. Ads keep getting more expensive, SEO takes longer to see results from, social media algorithms keep restricting organic reach. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) : How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019 :
____________________________________________ Here's the hard truth, marketing is going to keep getting harder, and what used to work and what used to be easy is no longer going to be the case. Companies in Silicon Valley raise millions of dollars, in many cases hundreds of millions, and sometimes even billions of dollars. Do you know what that money is mainly spent on, these days? Marketing and Sales, that's driven up costs drastically. There's even an age-old saying, do you know who the best marketer is, the one who can spend the most money on marketing. In other words, it's going to get more expensive, it's going to get harder and harder so what should you do. First, marketing isn't about marketing anymore. Marketing is about putting the user first. If you do what's best for them, you'll get the traffic, you'll get the sales. If you don't create something that's amazing, something that delights people, you're not going to do well, and if you don't know how to do that, you need to go back to the drawing board and talk to your potential customers. You can use tools like Hotjar, SurveyMonkey to survey them, you can pick up the phone and start calling people and getting their feedback. The second thing that you need to know is, marketing has changed to omnichannel approach. One channel isn't going to drive you the results that it used to, for all these older companies, the reason being is the landscape is more competitive. It doesn't mean marketing doesn't work, it just means it's competitive, and you're not going to get the results you want from each channel. But, if you combine them all, you can still do well. I want you to do things like collect emails, and leverage push notifications. By leveraging all of these channels, you're going to do better. The third thing that you need to know is, you need to have differentiation. Businesses online are a dime a dozen now. Everyone's considered creating a business online, more than they're even trying to create a business offline. People don't want all these retail stores, people don't want to have all these Verizon boots anymore, selling you cellular phone service. Instead, they want all these Internet and web-based companies that deliver within an hour, so that way they don't have all these fixed costs. In other words, if you can't differentiate yourself because there's more competition now, there's no reason for people to go with you, over your competition. For example, I use Apple computers, not because of the price, but because they connect with all my devices, they're seamless, they're easy to use, and they last a long time. And you do get a good product for the price. While there's a lot of other cheap PCs out there, a lot of them break, they get slowed down after you use them for like six months. You don't have those issues with an Apple computer. If you can't figure out what differentiates you from your competition, you won't do well. The fourth thing I want you to do is to leverage the rule of seven. When someone sees your brand seven times, they're much more likely to convert. If you don't engage and interact with them seven times, they're not going to do as well. So doing things like remarketing helps, and I know a lot of you are already doing that. The last thing I want you to do is to update your content. Update your site, continually improve your load time. In other words, I want you to keep getting better. Just because you're doing well doesn't mean you should stop. Things are going to keep getting harder, in the future years. So if you don't keep improving, eventually you're going to find that your traffic, your sales are all going to dip. Think of it this way, there's so many blogs out there, over a billion, that now Google doesn't want to just rank the best content, they also want to rank the freshest content, because they have so many to choose from. So if you don't keep updating your content, your rankings will dip, if you don't keep improving your load time, Google's going to rank someone else, who keeps having a faster site. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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