Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method

Want to know an SEO strategy that works to rank product pages, landing pages, AND blog posts? It’s called the ‘Middleman method.’
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Additional SEO Tutorials and Resources How to Get Backlinks By "Stealing" From Low-Quality Pages (Skyscraper-like Technique) ► Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish (2019) ► SEO Tutorial: 10 Detailed Steps to Rank #1 in Google ► Ecommerce SEO Tutorial to Get More Free Search Traffic ► *************************************** When you’re doing search engine optimization, you need a repeatable and scalable strategy to consistently rank on the first page of Google. You probably know that keyword research and link building are important. But how do go beyond tactics? What are some on-page SEO techniques you can use to power other pages on your website? Or maybe you’re wondering how to go beyond ranking blog posts and to start generating your “money pages” like product and landing pages. The middleman method can help you solve these problems so you can shoot for higher Google rankings fast. In this video, you’ll learn how using a “middleman” from your most “authoritative” pages can help you rank. And even if you have a new website, you’ll learn how to create authoritative pages so you can create your own army of “middlemen.” Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. #seo #seostrategy #seotips STAY TUNED:
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