How to Increase Your eCommerce Sales by 10% With Email Marketing

How to Increase Your eCommerce Sales by 10% With Email Marketing // You could be making 10% more money tomorrow. The tips I’m going to share with you today can increase eCommerce sales by upwards of 10% right from the moment you start implementing them. So if you want to learn how to sell products easily through Email Marketing, keep watching. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this! : Do THIS if Your eCommerce Product Doesn’t Sell : Hello Bar:
____________________________________________ People come to your site, they may look at your stuff, you could even do things like remarketing campaigns because most of the people that come to your site, they're not going to buy right then and there. But what's more effective then just running remarketing campaigns? Is to collect email addresses. You can do things like offering incentives to collect emails such as a $10 coupon, free shipping, whatever it may be. There's tools like Hello Bar, your eCommerce site, you'll be able to collect more emails. It only takes a few minutes to set up. It's easy to go. And boom, you'll generate more sales. Now after you've started collecting emails, the second thing that you need to do is start writing copy. And this isn't just copy to be like, hey check out this sale and promotion that we're doing. Yeah you can do that. But where you're going to see a bigger impact in revenue is when you collect the email and that person was on your product page that's selling toilet paper, you know that your email copy should be around toilet paper or the bathroom. Now when someone comes to your site and you collect email from the toilet paper page, you don't want to send them emails in regards to selling them a television. It needs to be relevant. And that's the key because if you don't figure out, segment out your list and figure out what emails you should be sending out and to who, you're not going to do well. And the beautiful part is with Hello Bar you'll be able to do that. The third tip I have for you is to do partial check-outs. So when someone goes to your check-out page they're on that step. Their asking for their name and email. Then the second page should be their credit card information. The reason I'm saying you do partial check-outs is because you can then get their name and email address. So when most people don't buy, you can now email them to follow-up to convince them to finish their check-out process. The fourth tip I have for you is to segment out your emails once people buy. So you should have a different group of emails just for all the people that've made one purchase from you or more. The moment someone makes one purchase from you, it's so much easier to get them to make a second, or third, or fourth purchase from you. These people you want to continue to email. Offer them other upsales, downsales related to the product you are offering. This will help you generate extra revenue from those same visitors without spending more dollars on ads. And last but not least, and this is a bonus tip, use tools like subscribers to get people to subscribe through their browser so that you can get them to come back if they have left the check-out or if they are viewing certain products you can get them to come back, finish the check-out, and generate extra revenue on top of what you're doing with email marketing. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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