Amazon SEO – Tutorial For Beginners

Amazon SEO, here's a tutorial for beginners. Have you ever heard of the advertising triathlete? It's people talking about Google ads, Facebook ads, and Amazon ads. Amazon is the powerhouse that most marketers take for granted, especially when it comes down to SEO. So, let's go over how you can optimize your Amazon listings so … Continue reading “Amazon SEO – Tutorial For Beginners”

Here’s What Google Classifies as Helpful Content

By now you know about Google's helpful content update. It's all about how Google wants you to create content for humans and not search engines which makes sense because no one wants to read content there's just stuff with keywords and doesn't make sense. Today, I wanted to break down seven ways to make your … Continue reading “Here’s What Google Classifies as Helpful Content”

How Google Uses NLP and How You Can Too With Your SEO

Have you noticed that when you search on Google, in most cases, they know what you're looking for? It's because they're using NLP. NLP stands for Natural Linguistic Processing. This helps Google understand that when you search for terms like Apple, are you actually looking for the food or the computer company that sells phones. … Continue reading “How Google Uses NLP and How You Can Too With Your SEO”

Here’s What Facebook and Google Aren’t Telling You About Your Ads

Marketing has turned into omnichannel approach in which you drive traffic and sales through multiple channels, not just one. And in marketing, they talk about this thing called the rule of seven, which reinforces omnichannel. What the rule of seven is about is when someone hears or sees or interacts with your brand seven times, … Continue reading “Here’s What Facebook and Google Aren’t Telling You About Your Ads”

What Google’s Quick Read Test Tells Us About the Future of SEO

What Google's Quick Read tells us about the future of SEO. If you haven't seen yet, Google's running an experiment called Quick Read. It is where they let you know in the search results if something is fast read or not. It looks something like this. It's actually been going on for a bit. So … Continue reading “What Google’s Quick Read Test Tells Us About the Future of SEO”

5 Quick Ways to Improve Your SEO Rankings

SEO is all about the long game, slow and steady wins the race. At our agency, NP Digital, clients stick around with us for years, in our enterprise division, we're keeping clients for five plus year, that's a long time. Eventually, we'll probably start keeping enterprise clients for over seven years, but keep in mind, … Continue reading “5 Quick Ways to Improve Your SEO Rankings”