How to Rank Smaller Websites on Google in 2020 – FAST Method for Non-Techies

You see all these big sites dominating Google, but, hey, we're not all big sites, we're not all billion-dollar companies. What happens if we have a small website with little to no backlinks, very little content? Is it even possible for us to get rankings on Google? Today I'm going to break down how to … Continue reading “How to Rank Smaller Websites on Google in 2020 – FAST Method for Non-Techies”

8 Things to Remove From Your Website Immediately If You Want to Rank on Google

There are things on your website that are sabotaging your Google rankings and traffic. No matter how much effort you put into writing content, optimize your technical SEO, building backlinks, they're going to keep you down. Today I'm going to teach you eight things that you need to remove from your website immediately if you … Continue reading “8 Things to Remove From Your Website Immediately If You Want to Rank on Google”

6 Reasons Why Your Site Will NEVER Rank (STOP Doing This) | Neil Patel’s SEO Tips

According to Ahrefs, 91% of content gets zero traffic from Google. That means less than 1 out of every 10 web pages get any traffic at all. If your site is among the 9% that gets their traffic, that's awesome and good for you. But, if you're part of the 91% that doesn't, it's probably … Continue reading “6 Reasons Why Your Site Will NEVER Rank (STOP Doing This) | Neil Patel’s SEO Tips”

The Ultimate SEO Checklist For New Websites | Get Traffic & Rankings FAST

The Ultimate SEO Checklist For New Websites | Get Traffic & Rankings FAST // You got a brand new website, you want higher rankings on Google. What should you do? There's so much information out there, it's so overwhelming. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ HelloBar: Subscribers: Ubersuggest: Buzzsumo: Ahrefs: SEMRush: … Continue reading “The Ultimate SEO Checklist For New Websites | Get Traffic & Rankings FAST”

Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2019 | Is it Even Possible?

Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2019? Is it Even Possible? // With all the changes that Google is making and their algorithm keeps getting harder and harder, is it even possible to rank at the top anymore? Today I'm answering the question of is it even possible to rank at the … Continue reading “Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2019 | Is it Even Possible?”