What is CTR? Advertising and Marketing CTR Explained for Beginners

What is CTR in Marketing and Advertising? CTR stands for Click Through Rate, which measures the rate of clicks per impression as a percentage. A high CTR usually signifies good advertisements, a strong offer, and relevant targeting for an advertising campaign. A High CTR is vital for your Google Ads search campaigns because it improves … Continue reading “What is CTR? Advertising and Marketing CTR Explained for Beginners”

What is CPC? Advertising and Marketing CPC Explained for Beginners

What is CPC? CPC Stands for Cost Per Click. It refers to the average amount that advertisers pay for a click on their advertisements over the course of an Advertising campaign. For example, if I am running a Google Ads campaign and I drive 1,000 clicks for a cost of $1,000, then my cost per … Continue reading “What is CPC? Advertising and Marketing CPC Explained for Beginners”

What Is CPM? Marketing and Advertising CPM Explained For Beginners

What is CPM? CPM is a popular metric in Marketing and Advertising because it tells advertisers how much they are paying for impressions. CPM is the cost per 1,000 ad impressions. It is calculated differently across different platforms. CPM stands for Cost Per Mille. Mille is a latin word that means "thousand." CPM in Marketing … Continue reading “What Is CPM? Marketing and Advertising CPM Explained For Beginners”

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): An Overview for Beginners

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? You will learn everything you need to know about Search Engine Marketing as you get started by watching this video. It is a basic Search Engine Marketing Tutorial for Beginners for 2020. If you have ever wondered the difference between SEO and SEM, why you should create SEM campaigns, … Continue reading “Search Engine Marketing (SEM): An Overview for Beginners”

SEO Tutorial for Beginners 2020 – Simple Search Engine Optimization Strategy To Rank Higher

Check out my SEO Tutorial for beginners 2020. I will go through a simple step-by-step process and strategy that you can follow for success. I currently use this strategy and it is easy to follow and implement for your own website. I will be using my SEO Tutorial 2020 tutorial part 1 to go over … Continue reading “SEO Tutorial for Beginners 2020 – Simple Search Engine Optimization Strategy To Rank Higher”

6 Landing Page Design Tips to Improve Conversion Rates

Your landing page design is vital to your success. It's very difficult to design landing pages that convert, so we put together some simple yet effective landing page tips you can follow. If your goal is to drive more sales, leads, sign-ups, free trials, or subscriptions, this video will be helpful for you as you … Continue reading “6 Landing Page Design Tips to Improve Conversion Rates”

SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference and Why You Should Care

What’s the difference between SEO and SEM? When should you be using them? In this tutorial, you’ll learn the difference, plus when and where you should using SEO, PPC, or both. Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub_confirmation=1 *************************************** Additional SEO Resources What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and How Does it Work? ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-XxAk8-OXY&list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2uHtGoHf8K06ebr-TIrgM0G&index=2 SEO For Beginners: A … Continue reading “SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference and Why You Should Care”