8 Things to Remove From Your Website Immediately If You Want to Rank on Google

There are things on your website that are sabotaging your Google rankings and traffic. No matter how much effort you put into writing content, optimize your technical SEO, building backlinks, they're going to keep you down. Today I'm going to teach you eight things that you need to remove from your website immediately if you … Continue reading “8 Things to Remove From Your Website Immediately If You Want to Rank on Google”

How I Rank #1 For Very Competitive Keywords on YouTube

Since 2017, I've grown my YouTube channel from zero to over 490,000 subscribers. YouTube is the second most popular search engine on Earth. I'm ranked for keywords on YouTube that are some of the most competitive, like SEO and content marketing. Today, I'm going to break down how to rank number one for very competitive … Continue reading “How I Rank #1 For Very Competitive Keywords on YouTube”

7 Marketing Trends to Help you DOMINATE Social Media in 2020

Out of all the marketing spaces out there, social media is the one that changes the most every year, and it changes so drastically. And look, if you're going to follow advice from one or two years ago, it's not really going to work in the future. Today I'm going to break down seven marketing … Continue reading “7 Marketing Trends to Help you DOMINATE Social Media in 2020”

How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google – The Non-Designer’s Guide

How do you make your homepage more SEO friendly? You know that hey, for a lot of keywords, content pages tend to do better, but does that mean that your homepage can't rank for anything? Of course not. Today I'm going to teach you how to design a beautiful home page that ranks on Google. … Continue reading “How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google – The Non-Designer’s Guide”

STOP Using Facebook Ads – The Best Alternative Ad Platforms

Facebook ads are getting more and more expensive and more competitive. Yes, there is a huge ROI from running Facebook ads, but that's if you have amazing copy, good images, good videos, you figured out how to target the right audience. And if you figured it all out, you should keep using Facebook Ads because … Continue reading “STOP Using Facebook Ads – The Best Alternative Ad Platforms”

4 USELESS Marketing Tools You’re Still Using (STOP Wasting Your Money)

While six to eight years ago some of the tools that I'm going to mention were really useful. Today, they're just going to waste your time. So, when you read about them on the blackout forums or SEOs talking about how they can skyrocket your rankings, you should avoid them at all costs cause they're … Continue reading “4 USELESS Marketing Tools You’re Still Using (STOP Wasting Your Money)”