How to Get Backlinks From Any Website (Big or Small)

If you've been watching my channel or doing SEO for a while, you've probably heard this over and over again. Back links have a big correlation with rankings and traffic from Google. But acquiring legitimate backlinks from authoritative websites, or even small ones, is becoming harder and harder each day. You send out hundreds, if … Continue reading “How to Get Backlinks From Any Website (Big or Small)”

9 Things You Didn’t Know About The World’s Top Websites in Search Traffic

If you took all the websites that generate the most traffic, what do they have in common? Do they actually do good in any form of SEO? Or is link building even thing for them? What makes them so successful? And how can you replicate that? Today, I'm going to break down nine things you … Continue reading “9 Things You Didn’t Know About The World’s Top Websites in Search Traffic”

How Did Amazon Get So Big? (The Marketing Secrets Behind Amazon’s Growth)

How Did Amazon Get So Big? (The Marketing Secrets Behind Amazon’s Growth) | In terms of revenue, Amazon is the biggest company in the world. They have over $232 billion in revenue, and that was just in 2018. '19's even bigger, and '20, '21 will be bigger as well. And did you know, as we're … Continue reading “How Did Amazon Get So Big? (The Marketing Secrets Behind Amazon’s Growth)”

96% Of Your Landing Page Visitors Will NEVER Convert (And How to Improve That)

You're selling a product or service, you hire a designer, a web developer to build amazing landing pages for you. You pay hundreds of dollars for ad clicks, maybe even thousands. But when you look at your conversions, you're not even breaking even when it comes to your admen. What should you do? Today I'm … Continue reading “96% Of Your Landing Page Visitors Will NEVER Convert (And How to Improve That)”

How to Choose a Great Business Name | Creating an Amazing Brand

There are an estimated 30000000 companies in the world today. That's roughly one company for every 26 people. With so many brands in the world, ranging from huge brands like Coca-Cola and Apple, to small brands like Mom and Pop shops. It's becoming harder and harder to stand out. So how can you create a … Continue reading “How to Choose a Great Business Name | Creating an Amazing Brand”

How to Rank Smaller Websites on Google in 2020 – FAST Method for Non-Techies

You see all these big sites dominating Google, but, hey, we're not all big sites, we're not all billion-dollar companies. What happens if we have a small website with little to no backlinks, very little content? Is it even possible for us to get rankings on Google? Today I'm going to break down how to … Continue reading “How to Rank Smaller Websites on Google in 2020 – FAST Method for Non-Techies”

How Does Google Make Money? Google Business Model Explained

Today I want to walk you through how Google makes their money. In other words, I'm going to explain Google's business model. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools : The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) : ____________________________________________ Did you know that Google's … Continue reading “How Does Google Make Money? Google Business Model Explained”