Should You Update Old URLs for SEO When You Update Content?

One question that marketers have frequently is whether or not they should update URLs when they are updating old content. It is a best practice to keep your content up to date, but it can be a challenge. If you update your old articles once per year, should you also update the URL each time … Continue reading “Should You Update Old URLs for SEO When You Update Content?”

What Is SEO & How Does It Work? 100% Free Beginner’s Guide To SEO.

Learn what Search Engine Optimization is, how it works and the best way to learn seo free! The best way to learn SEO is through the Ultimate Guide To SEO here: Prefer video? Get the full learn SEO class free here: You will need to learn how to research keywords, too… This playlist … Continue reading “What Is SEO & How Does It Work? 100% Free Beginner’s Guide To SEO.”