Funnel vs. Website vs. Blog? What’s Best For Making Money Online

Do you need a sales funnel? Can you build a funnel on your blog or website? What is the best opt-in for making making money online? Access the free sales funnel template here – Whether you're new to making money online or a seasoned veteran you need to be conscious of how you're funneling traffic from 3rd party websites (like YouTube, Google, Instagram or Reddit) onto your list. You'll need a series of steps, but do you need a dedicated sales funnel tool like ClickFunnels? For example, this affiliate marketing funnel that can be built out in 30 minutes or less: Or, can you build out your blog to attract traffic from Google and integrate a sales funnel onto your blog with a ClickFunnels Alternative? Like this DIY Sales funnel that can run on WordPress: The real question has to do with your traffic source… Are you going to be driving organic traffic from google with SEO optimized blog posts designed to rank on Google? This free SEO class explains the process – or… Are you just wanting to build out an opt in page, a lead magnet and drive traffic with paid ads to grow your email list and your business? Like the ATM sales funnel taught here: Both options work… This video will help you understand which is best for you… A sales funnel vs. website or a blog. A sales funnel is a marketing strategy that guides potential customers through a series of steps to eventually make a purchase. It is designed to convert leads into customers by providing them with relevant information, building trust, and ultimately convincing them to make a purchase. On the other hand, a blog is a website or section of a website that is regularly updated with new content. It is a platform for sharing information, insights, and opinions on a particular topic. A blog can be used to attract potential customers, establish authority and credibility, and create engagement with your audience. The main difference between a sales funnel and a blog is that a sales funnel is designed to guide potential customers towards making a purchase, while a blog is designed to provide information and build relationships with your audience. A sales funnel is a more targeted approach to marketing, while a blog is a more general approach to building an audience and establishing authority in your niche. In summary, a sales funnel is a marketing strategy that focuses on converting leads into customers, while a blog is a platform for sharing information and building relationships with your audience. Both can be effective in their own ways, depending on your business goals and needs.