CEO Reveals How He Made $1,000,000 By Investing Just $2

You are watching the “Kevin David Experience”. Our special guest for today is the CEO at Click-flow who is also an Investor, Podcaster and Author of “Leveling up: How To Master The Game of Life”- Eric Siu. He was not academically or socially successful, but he was a high level eSports and poker player. He is also the chairman of Single Grain and has worked with companies such as Amazon, Airbnb, Salesforce, and Uber to acquire more customers. He hosts two podcasts: Leveling up and Marketing School with Neil Patel. He speaks frequently about the world of Marketing and SaaS. Watch this podcast and know how Eric ultimately converted his focus and success in gaming to a very successful career in marketing. He also shares some of the key concepts he learned from gaming that can be applied to other areas of life. Please Enjoy! If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider being 1% and leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/ iTunes? It takes less than 30 seconds, and it really makes a world of difference in reaching new interesting guests! To sign up for Kevin’s Podcast email Newsletter and to view the show notes & past guests please visit- Follow Kevin: ? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST CLIPS CHANNEL ➤ ? Follow Me on IG ➤
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