Spending $1,300,000 During A Global Pandemic | The Story


I invested $1.3Million During A Global Pandemic. Here's What Happened. – Instagram: @Bowles My eCommerce Program: https://www.ecommseason.com/academy Custom Built Shopify Stores ($30 OFF): https://www.ecommseason.com/store Apply To Work With My Advertising Agency (We Will Run All Your Ads): https://ecommseason.typeform.com/to/aBNYYL FREE 8-Step Beginner Checklist For eCommerce: https://www.ecommseason.com/beginnerchecklist Get An Animated Ad From Viral Ecom Adz Q4 Package (20% Discount with code: bowles20 ): https://viralecomadz.com/?ref=etVaPlMe9-HX Need A Quality Supplier? If You Are Doing 15+ Orders A Day, Get Quotes Here: https://dsa2020.myshopify.com/?ref=etVaPlMe9-HX Ecom Season YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/ecommseasonyoutube Email Us With Any Questions About The Agency, Coaching or Education Programs: Scale@HaydenBowles.com 30 Day eCommerce Academy: https://www.ecommseason.com/launch ?SUBSCRIBE To The Channel ► http://bit.ly/2n37hkL
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___________________________________________________________________________ Spending $1,300,000 During A Global Pandemic | The Story In this video we talk about how to invest in real estate, why I am buying rental properties and the investments I made during the 2020 pandemic. This year has had a lot of highs & lows, but underneath any volatility almost always lies opportunity. You just have to do the opposite thing as the masses. So as the world starting going crazy, the fed starting to drop interest rates, which made it a lot easier to get nearly free money with a mortgage. So taking out a home loan has been easier and less expensive, causing the demand for real estate to skyrocket, thus increasing property value and lowering the inventory available. This has made it harder to find an investment property, but there's always deals if you look hard enough. So in this video we talk about mortgages, how to get a good loan, what good debt VS bad debt is and how to start investing in different asset classes. I also share how I have been buying rental properties using the money that my Dropshipping/ecommerce businesses makes me. This is a great hedge against inflation and also helps me diversify my portfolio. Drop a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!
*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables in your success.