In this Power Bi video we will see the two different methods, through which data in visuals is filtered. These methods are:
1. Drill Through 2. Slicers
Drill through works on visuals spanning through separate pages, while Slicers work on all the visuals in the same page. This is a Power BI introductory tutorial video. In this we will be seeing what is Power BI software? What are the features of Power BI? We will also take a look at Power Bi components and try to compare the recent market trends on the popularity of Power BI and Tableau to compare its popularity. Power Bi is a business intelligence tool that helps to visualize the data in the form of reports and dashboard. #PowerBI #Microsoft #DataVisualization #visualization #BusinessIntelligence #BI #PowerBIDesktop #PowerBIService #PowerBIMobileApp #PowerBIReportServer #Excel #Windows10