Java Testing with Selenium Course

Learn how to use Selenium with Java using Page Object Model and master the art of automated web testing. Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web browsers, enabling you to simulate user interactions and verify web application functionality. 💻 Code: Course created by Rex Jones. YouTube:
Website: ⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Introduction to the Course (0:09:39) Set Up Project (0:16:15) 1st Selenium Using Java Test (0:37:09) Part 2 – Introduce Page Object Model (0:42:56) Create Page Object Model (1:05:48) Create Test Using Page Object Model (1:22:54) Part 3 – Introduce Working With WebElements (1:29:40) Scroll To Element Using JavaScriptExecutor (1:47:26) Working With Radio Buttons (2:01:18) Working With Checkboxes (2:11:23) Working With Tables (2:33:39) Working With Links (2:45:04) Working With Drop Downs (3:20:46) Working With Dates (3:49:07) Part 4 – Introduce Selenium Interfaces & Methods (3:50:36) How To Take A Screenshot (4:05:25) How To Handle A Modal (4:23:04) Switch To Information Alert (4:40:20) Switch To Confirmation Alert (4:48:39) Switch To Prompt Alert (4:56:54) Switch To Frames Introduction (5:09:08) Switch To Frames Using String (5:24:16) Switch To Frames Using Index (5:32:57) Switch To Frames Using WebElement (5:37:09) Switch To Windows (5:58:07) Explicit Wait (6:14:57) Fluent Wait (6:33:56) Implicit Wait (6:36:47) Page Load Timeout & Script Timeout (6:38:10) Simulate Mouse Movements (6:59:00) Simulate Keyboard Event