🚀 **Deploy a Simple Dockerized Web App Using AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) & EC2!** In this tutorial, we will take a **Dockerized web application**, push it to **AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry)**, and deploy it on an **AWS EC2 instance**. By the end of this video, you'll have a fully working web app running in the cloud! — ## **🔹 What You'll Learn in This Video:** ✅ How to **Containerize a Web App with Docker** ✅ How to **Push a Docker Image to AWS ECR** ✅ How to **Launch an AWS EC2 Instance** ✅ How to **Pull & Run a Docker Container on EC2** ✅ How to **Expose the App to the Internet** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites:** ✔️ **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)) ✔️ **Basic Knowledge of Docker & AWS CLI** ✔️ **Docker Installed Locally** ([Get Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started)) ✔️ **AWS CLI Installed & Configured** ([Install Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html)) — ## **🔹 Step 1: Create a Simple Web App** Let’s create a simple **Flask app** (`app.py`): “`python
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/")
def home(): return "Hello from Dockerized Flask App on AWS EC2!" if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=5000)
“` Create a `requirements.txt` file: “`
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Create a Dockerfile** Inside the project folder, create a file named **`Dockerfile`**: “`dockerfile
# Use an official Python runtime as a base image
FROM python:3.9 # Set the working directory
WORKDIR /app # Copy project files into the container
COPY . /app/ # Install dependencies
RUN pip install –no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Expose the application port
EXPOSE 5000 # Start the application
CMD ["python", "app.py"]
“` — ## **🔹 Step 3: Build & Test Docker Image Locally** Run the following commands in your project directory: “`bash
docker build -t my-web-app .
Test the app locally: “`bash
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-web-app
✅ Open `http://localhost:5000` to verify the app is running. — ## **🔹 Step 4: Set Up AWS ECR & Push Docker Image** ### **1️⃣ Create an AWS ECR Repository**
Run the following command to create a repository in AWS ECR: “`bash
aws ecr create-repository –repository-name my-web-app
“` ### **2️⃣ Authenticate Docker to AWS ECR** “`bash
aws ecr get-login-password –region us-east-1 | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
“` ### **3️⃣ Tag & Push Image to ECR** “`bash
docker tag my-web-app:latest aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/my-web-app:latest
docker push aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/my-web-app:latest
✅ The image is now stored in AWS ECR! — ## **🔹 Step 5: Launch an AWS EC2 Instance** 1️⃣ Go to **AWS EC2 Console** 2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance** 3️⃣ Choose **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** 4️⃣ Select **t2.micro (Free Tier Eligible)** 5️⃣ Configure **Security Group**: – Allow **SSH (port 22)** – Allow **HTTP (port 80)** – Allow **Custom TCP (port 5000)** 6️⃣ Click **Launch** and **Download the Key Pair (`.pem` file)** — ## **🔹 Step 6: Connect to EC2 via SSH** 🔹 **For Mac/Linux Users:** “`bash
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
“` 🔹 **For Windows Users (Using PuTTY):** 1️⃣ Convert `.pem` to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen** 2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key 3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` — ## **🔹 Step 7: Install Docker on EC2** Once logged in, install Docker on EC2: “`bash
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install docker.io -y
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
“` Verify Docker is installed: “`bash
docker –version
“` — ## **🔹 Step 8: Pull & Run the Docker Image from AWS ECR** ### **1️⃣ Authenticate Docker on EC2**
aws ecr get-login-password –region us-east-1 | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
“` ### **2️⃣ Pull the Docker Image**
docker pull aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/my-web-app:latest
“` ### **3️⃣ Run the Docker Container**
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/my-web-app:latest
“` ✅ Your web app is now **running on port 5000** on AWS EC2! — ## **🔹 Step 9: Access the Web App on EC2** To access your app, **open a web browser** and go to: “`
“` If the page loads with **"Hello from Dockerized Flask App on AWS EC2!"**, 🎉 **your deployment was successful!** — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #AWS #ECR #EC2 #Docker #Flask #WebApp #CloudComputing #AWSDeployment #DevOps #DockerTutorial