Learn college Precalculus from an experienced university mathematics professor. You will also learn how to implement all the Precalculus concepts using the Python programming language. ? Code: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Wn8CLlR__gQAMmGrC2DL6YqglTTrsviN ✏️ Ed Pratowski developed this course for freeCodeCamp.org. ⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (00:00:24) Get Data ⌨️ (00:04:48) Draw Lines
⌨️ (00:36:17) Trigonometry basics
⌨️ (00:46:19) Solve Right Triangles
⌨️ (01:06:16) Degrees and radians
⌨️ (01:25:01) Unit Circle
⌨️ (01:37:08) Trigonometry and Graphing
⌨️ (01:59:28) The Six Trig Graphs
⌨️ (02:18:35) Transforming Trig Graphs
⌨️ (02:30:48) Periodic Data and Prediction
⌨️ (02:53:14) Build a Clock with Trigonometry
⌨️ (03:04:52) Law of Sines
⌨️ (03:21:38) Law of Cosines
⌨️ (03:35:46) Area of any Triangle
⌨️ (03:47:44) Solve Any Triangle
⌨️ (03:50:57) Triangle from Any Three Points
⌨️ (04:09:03) Certification 4 Walkthrough
⌨️ (04:23:09) Matrix Addition and Subtraction
⌨️ (06:11:22) Matrix Multiplication
⌨️ (06:17:24) Inverse of a Matrix
⌨️ (06:26:01) Use a Matrix to Solve a System
⌨️ (06:35:03) Use a Matrix to Develop an Equation
⌨️ (06:46:53) Encoding and Decoding Messages
⌨️ (06:56:15) Inverse Matrix to Solve a System
⌨️ (07:27:34) Complex Numbers
⌨️ (07:43:13) Graphing the Mandelbrot Set
⌨️ (07:58:31) Sum of a Series
⌨️ (08:10:41) The Number e as a Series
⌨️ (08:32:08) How e relates to Sine and Cosine
⌨️ (08:37:48) The Beautiful Math Formula
⌨️ (08:47:54) Probability
⌨️ (09:05:00) Pascal and the Triangle
⌨️ (09:15:18) More Probability Applications
⌨️ (09:26:45) The Math of Gambling
⌨️ (09:44:52) Certification 5 Walkthrough
⌨️ (09:53:40) Organize Your Colab Notebook
⌨️ (11:16:10) A Few More Useful Formulas
⌨️ (11:41:51) Simplify Trig Expressions
⌨️ (10:59:43) Conclusion ? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
? davthecoder
? jedi-or-sith
? 南宮千影
? Agustín Kussrow
? Nattira Maneerat
? Heather Wcislo
? Serhiy Kalinets
? Justin Hual
? Otis Morgan ? Oscar Rahnama — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news