Want to **push and pull Docker images** to and from **Docker Hub**? 🚀 In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the **basics of Docker Hub**, including how to **upload, manage, and pull container images** from a remote repository. By the end of this video, you’ll know how to: ✅ **Push Docker images** to Docker Hub ✅ **Pull Docker images** from Docker Hub ✅ **Tag and manage images** properly ✅ Use Docker Hub as a **private or public repository** — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to **set up a Docker Hub account** ✔️ How to **push images** to Docker Hub ✔️ How to **pull images** from Docker Hub ✔️ How to tag Docker images correctly ✔️ How to manage private and public repositories — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **Docker Installed** ([Download Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started)) ✔️ A **Docker Hub account** ([Sign Up](https://hub.docker.com/)) ✔️ Basic knowledge of **Docker commands** — ## **🔹 Step 1: Login to Docker Hub** First, log in to **Docker Hub** from your terminal: “`bash
docker login
“` Enter your **Docker Hub username and password** when prompted. 💡 If you’re using **two-factor authentication (2FA)**, generate a **personal access token** from Docker Hub instead of using your password. — ## **🔹 Step 2: Pull an Image from Docker Hub** You can pull an official image like **Nginx, Python, or MySQL**: “`bash
docker pull python:latest
“` To check if the image is downloaded, run: “`bash
docker images
“` This lists all **Docker images available locally**. — ## **🔹 Step 3: Build and Tag a Docker Image** If you have a **custom Dockerfile**, build an image and tag it for **Docker Hub**: “`bash
docker build -t yourdockerhubusername/myapp:1.0 .
“` 🔹 `yourdockerhubusername/myapp:1.0` is the image name and tag. 🔹 Always **tag your images** properly before pushing them to Docker Hub. — ## **🔹 Step 4: Push a Docker Image to Docker Hub** Now, push your image to **Docker Hub**: “`bash
docker push yourdockerhubusername/myapp:1.0
“` Once the upload is complete, visit **Docker Hub** to see your image! — ## **🔹 Step 5: Pull Your Image from Docker Hub** On any other system, you can **pull the image** and run it: “`bash
docker pull yourdockerhubusername/myapp:1.0
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 yourdockerhubusername/myapp:1.0
“` This downloads the image from **Docker Hub** and runs it in a container. — ## **🔹 Step 6: Manage Your Docker Hub Repository** To manage your repositories: 🔹 Go to [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) 🔹 Set images to **public or private** 🔹 Delete or update images as needed — ## **🔹 Common Issues & Fixes** 🔹 **Denied: requested access to the resource is denied** ✅ **Fix:** Ensure you're logged in with `docker login`. 🔹 **Error: unauthorized: authentication required** ✅ **Fix:** Check your credentials and re-authenticate. 🔹 **Image not found when pulling** ✅ **Fix:** Double-check the repository name and tag. — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ Developers working with **Dockerized applications** ✅ DevOps engineers managing **container registries** ✅ Anyone starting with **Docker containerization** — ## **🔹 More Docker Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Build & Run a Flask App in Docker** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Deploy Docker Containers on AWS ECS** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Use Docker Compose for Multi-Container Apps** → [Watch Now] — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, please **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **Docker and DevOps tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Docker #DockerHub #Containerization #DevOps #DockerTutorial #CloudComputing #SoftwareDevelopment #Microservices Now you know how to **push and pull Docker images from Docker Hub** like a pro! 🚀🐳
Category: Computer Programming Tutorials
Build a Memory Game in React Tutorial
Create an accessible, interactive memory game using React. This course takes you through building a polished project while exploring how to fetch data, manage state, and implement best practices for inclusivity and functionality. ✏️ Study this course interactively on Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/memory-game-in-react-c0a3odsk39?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=fcc-memory-game-launch Code is available on the Scrimba course page for each lesson. Discover how to build a fully interactive memory game in React, designed to enhance your development skills and with a focus on accessibility.
This course guides you through each step, from fetching and managing API data to designing reusable components and implementing user interactions.
You’ll work on challenges such as randomizing game elements, detecting matches, and handling errors. Along the way, you'll gain practical experience in solving common development problems.
Accessibility is a key focus of the project, with detailed guidance on ARIA attributes, semantic HTML, and designing for inclusivity.
This course is ideal for anyone looking to deepen their React knowledge while working on a meaningful, real-world project. By the end, you’ll have an accessible, polished memory game that demonstrates your skills and commitment to building user-friendly applications. Scrimba on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Scrimba Timestamps:
Building the Foundation 0:00:00 – Intro 0:06:00 – Boilerplate code 0:11:53 – Fetch data from API 0:17:18 – Store API data in state 0:21:19 – Aside: HTML entities 0:26:08 – Render memory cards with API data 0:30:45 – Issue with emojisData 0:33:29 – Get random emojis pt. 1 0:43:32 – Get random emojis pt. 2 0:49:32 – Duplicate and shuffle emojis Core Game Functionality 0:55:10 – Side note: Address future discrepancies 0:58:59 – Select a memory card pt. 1 1:05:22 – Select a memory card pt. 2 1:10:37 – Select a memory card pt. 3 1:20:16 – Detect matching cards 1:28:50 – Are all memory cards matched? 1:34:11 – Create EmojiButton component 1:42:58 – Identify selected & matched cards in MemoryCard 1:48:38 – Conditional memory card content 1:54:44 – Conditional memory card styling Accessibility Enhancements 2:04:33 – Disabled attribute & conditional event handler 2:12:01 – Aside: aria-label & aria-live 2:21:50 – Add aria-label to EmojiButton 2:31:00 – Side note: Renamed state variable 2:32:32 – Create AssistiveTechInfo component 2:41:29 – Aside: aria-atomic 2:47:52 – Make AssistiveTechInfo component accessible 2:50:46 – Create GameOver component 2:54:05 – Add button to GameOver component 3:02:07 – Accessibility issue in GameOver component 3:03:45 – Aside: Focus as an accessibility tool 3:14:14 – Make GameOver component accessible Advanced Features 3:18:11 – Identify error handling issue 3:21:10 – Handle errors with useState 3:26:52 – Create and render ErrorCard component 3:34:24 – Refactor App to use formData 3:42:18 – Create form elements 4:00:19 – Save form selections in state 3:57:44 – Refactor form pt. 1 4:05:15 – Refactor form pt. 2 4:12:13 – Improve accessibility of Form component 4:20:50 – Outro
How to Use GPS for Location Tracking in Python | Visualize GPS Data with Folium (2025)
Want to **track GPS location and visualize it on a map** using Python? 🌍📍 In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to **fetch live GPS coordinates**, process them in Python, and **plot them using Folium** for interactive map visualization. 🚀 https://github.com/Prathambathla10/ProgrammingKnowledge-Youtube By the end of this video, you’ll be able to: ✅ Get **GPS location data** (latitude & longitude) ✅ Use **Folium** to create an interactive map ✅ Plot real-time **GPS coordinates** on a live map ✅ Track movement over time with **multiple markers & polylines** — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✔️ How to get **GPS coordinates** using Python ✔️ How to visualize location data on a **Folium map** ✔️ How to **add markers, popups, and routes** ✔️ How to use **real-time GPS tracking data** — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **Python Installed** ([Download Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)) ✔️ **Basic Python knowledge** ✔️ Install required libraries: “`bash
pip install geocoder folium
“` — ## **🔹 Step 1: Get GPS Coordinates in Python** You can use the **geocoder** library to fetch your current location based on your IP or GPS device: “`python
import geocoder # Get current location
location = geocoder.ip("me") # Fetch location based on IP address
latitude, longitude = location.latlng print(f"Latitude: {latitude}, Longitude: {longitude}")
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Create a Map Using Folium** Now, let's **plot the GPS location** on an interactive map: “`python
import folium # Create a map centered at your location
mymap = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=15) # Add a marker for your location
folium.Marker( [latitude, longitude], popup="You are here!", icon=folium.Icon(color="blue")
).add_to(mymap) # Save the map to an HTML file
print("Map saved! Open gps_location.html to view.")
“` 📌 **Open the HTML file in a browser to see your location on the map!** — ## **🔹 Step 3: Real-Time GPS Tracking** If you're using a **mobile GPS device**, you can fetch live data and update the map dynamically. 🔹 Use the **GPS module (`gpsd-py3`)** to get real-time coordinates: “`bash
pip install gpsd-py3
“` 🔹 Fetch **live GPS data** from a device: “`python
import gpsd # Connect to the GPS daemon
gpsd.connect() # Get current GPS data
packet = gpsd.get_current()
latitude, longitude = packet.position() print(f"Live GPS Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}")
“` — ## **🔹 Step 4: Track Movement on a Map** To visualize **movement over time**, you can **add multiple markers** and connect them with a polyline: “`python
import folium # Example list of GPS coordinates over time
gps_coords = [ (37.7749, -122.4194), # Example: San Francisco (34.0522, -118.2437), # Example: Los Angeles (40.7128, -74.0060), # Example: New York
] # Create map centered at the first coordinate
mymap = folium.Map(location=gps_coords[0], zoom_start=5) # Add markers for each location
for coord in gps_coords: folium.Marker(coord, popup=f"Location: {coord}").add_to(mymap) # Draw a line connecting the points (tracking path)
folium.PolyLine(gps_coords, color="blue", weight=2.5, opacity=1).add_to(mymap) # Save and display the map
print("GPS tracking map saved! Open gps_tracking.html to view.")
“` 🚀 **This will plot multiple points and connect them to show movement over time!** — ## **🔹 Step 5: Get Location Details (Reverse Geocoding)** Want to **convert GPS coordinates to an address**? Use **geopy**: “`bash
pip install geopy
“` “`python
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="geoapi")
location = geolocator.reverse((latitude, longitude))
print("Address:", location.address)
“` — ## **🔹 Common Issues & Fixes** 🔹 **Geocoder returning None** ✅ **Fix:** Try `geocoder.google("me")` or `geocoder.osm("me")` for better accuracy. 🔹 **Map Not Displaying Properly?** ✅ **Fix:** Ensure the `gps_location.html` file is opened in a modern browser. 🔹 **Live GPS Not Updating?** ✅ **Fix:** If using `gpsd`, ensure your **GPS device is connected** and `gpsd` is running. — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ Developers working on **GPS tracking projects** ✅ Anyone interested in **visualizing GPS data** ✅ Beginners learning **Folium and Python geolocation** — ## **🔹 More Python Mapping & Geolocation Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Create Heatmaps with Folium** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Plot Routes on Google Maps with Python** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Build a Real-Time GPS Tracker in Python** → [Watch Now] ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Python #GPS #Flask #Folium #Geolocation #Mapping #PythonTutorial #LocationTracking #DataVisualization Now you can **track locations and visualize GPS data** in Python! 🚀📍
How to Send Emails with Flask Using Python | Flask Mail Tutorial (2025)
Want to send **emails from your Flask app** using Python? 📧 In this tutorial, I’ll show you **how to set up Flask-Mail** to send emails with Gmail SMTP, Outlook, or any custom mail server. Whether you're building a **contact form, password reset system, or notification emails**, this guide has you covered! 🚀 By the end of this video, you’ll know how to **configure Flask-Mail, send plain text and HTML emails, attach files, and use environment variables for security**. — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✅ How to install and set up **Flask-Mail** ✅ How to configure Flask to send **emails via SMTP** ✅ How to send **plain text and HTML emails** ✅ How to attach **files and images** to emails ✅ How to use **environment variables** for secure email credentials — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **Python Installed** ([Download Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)) ✔️ **Flask Installed** (`pip install flask`) ✔️ **Basic Flask knowledge** ✔️ A **Gmail or any SMTP email account** — ## **🔹 Step 1: Install Flask and Flask-Mail** First, install the required packages: “`bash
pip install flask flask-mail
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Configure Flask-Mail** Create a **Flask app** and set up the email configuration: “`python
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_mail import Mail, Message app = Flask(__name__) # Email Configuration
app.config["MAIL_SERVER"] = "smtp.gmail.com" # SMTP Server
app.config["MAIL_PORT"] = 587 # Port for TLS
app.config["MAIL_USE_TLS"] = True
app.config["MAIL_USE_SSL"] = False
app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = "your_email@gmail.com" # Your email
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = "your_password" # App password or actual password
app.config["MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER"] = "your_email@gmail.com" mail = Mail(app) @app.route("/send_email")
def send_email(): msg = Message( "Hello from Flask", recipients=["recipient@example.com"] ) msg.body = "This is a test email sent from a Flask app!" try: mail.send(msg) return "Email sent successfully!" except Exception as e: return str(e) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True)
“` — ## **🔹 Step 3: Secure Your Credentials with Environment Variables** ⚠️ **Never store email credentials in your code**. Use environment variables instead: 1️⃣ Create a **`.env` file** in your project folder: “`
“` 2️⃣ Install **python-dotenv** to load environment variables: “`bash
pip install python-dotenv
“` 3️⃣ Modify your code to use these variables: “`python
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = os.getenv("MAIL_USERNAME")
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = os.getenv("MAIL_PASSWORD")
“` — ## **🔹 Step 4: Send HTML Emails** Want to send **styled emails**? Modify the `msg.body` to `msg.html`: — ## **🔹 Step 5: Attach Files to Emails** You can also send **attachments (PDFs, images, etc.)**: “`python
with app.open_resource("document.pdf") as attachment: msg.attach("document.pdf", "application/pdf", attachment.read())
“` — ## **🔹 Step 6: Send Emails via Outlook, Yahoo, or Custom SMTP** Modify the **SMTP settings**: 🔹 **Gmail SMTP** “`
MAIL_SERVER = "smtp.gmail.com"
“` 🔹 **Outlook SMTP** “`
MAIL_SERVER = "smtp.office365.com"
“` 🔹 **Yahoo SMTP** “`
MAIL_SERVER = "smtp.mail.yahoo.com"
“` 🔹 **Custom SMTP Server** Replace `MAIL_SERVER` and `MAIL_PORT` with your **email provider's SMTP settings**. — ## **🔹 Common Issues & Fixes** 🔹 **SMTPAuthenticationError (535, ‘Incorrect password’)** ✅ **Fix:** Enable **App Passwords** in Gmail settings (Google may block less secure apps). 🔹 **smtplib.SMTPConnectError: (421, ‘Too many connections’)** ✅ **Fix:** Use a delay between emails or a mail queue like Celery. 🔹 **Email going to Spam?** ✅ **Fix:** Use a valid sender email and **avoid spammy keywords** in your subject line. — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ Developers building **Flask apps that send emails** ✅ Anyone creating **contact forms, notifications, or authentication systems** ✅ Python beginners looking to learn **SMTP and Flask-Mail** — ## **🔹 More Flask Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Build a Flask API** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Deploy a Flask App with Nginx & Gunicorn** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Connect Flask with MySQL** → [Watch Now] — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, please **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **Flask and Python tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Flask #Python #FlaskMail #EmailAutomation #SMTP #PythonSMTP #FlaskTutorial #GmailSMTP #FlaskAPI Now you can **send emails from your Flask app** like a pro! 🚀🔥
How to Create QR Codes with Python | Generate QR Codes Easily
Want to **generate QR codes** in Python? 📱 In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create **custom QR codes** using Python with the `qrcode` library. Whether you need QR codes for **web links, WiFi access, contact details, or payments**, this guide has you covered! By the end of this video, you’ll know how to generate, customize, and save **high-quality QR codes** using just a few lines of Python code! 🚀 — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✅ How to install the **qrcode** library in Python ✅ How to generate a **basic QR code** ✅ How to create a **customized QR code** with colors and styles ✅ How to save QR codes as **PNG or SVG** ✅ How to scan and test QR codes — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **Python Installed** ([Download Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)) ✔️ **Basic Python knowledge** ✔️ A **code editor** (VS Code, PyCharm, etc.) — ## **🔹 Step 1: Install the qrcode Library** To generate QR codes in Python, install the `qrcode` library: “`bash
pip install qrcode[pil]
“` This also installs **Pillow**, which allows us to save QR codes as images. — ## **🔹 Step 2: Generate a Simple QR Code** Create a basic QR code that links to a website: “`python
import qrcode # Data to encode
data = "https://www.example.com" # Create QR code
qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, # QR code size (1 to 40) error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, # Error correction level box_size=10, # Size of each box in the QR grid border=4, # Border thickness
) qr.add_data(data)
qr.make(fit=True) # Create and save the image
img = qr.make_image(fill="black", back_color="white")
img.save("qr_code.png") print("QR Code generated successfully!")
“` This generates a **qr_code.png** file that can be scanned with any QR scanner! 📷 — ## **🔹 Step 3: Customize the QR Code (Color & Design)** Want a **custom-colored QR code**? Modify the `make_image()` function: “`python
img = qr.make_image(fill="blue", back_color="yellow")
“` This creates a **blue-on-yellow** QR code! 🎨 — ## **🔹 Step 4: Generate QR Code with a Logo (Advanced)** To add a **logo** inside the QR code, use the `PIL` library: “`python
from PIL import Image # Load QR code and logo
qr_code = Image.open("qr_code.png")
logo = Image.open("logo.png") # Resize logo
logo_size = (qr_code.size[0] // 5, qr_code.size[1] // 5)
logo = logo.resize(logo_size) # Paste logo onto QR code
qr_code.paste(logo, ((qr_code.size[0] – logo.size[0]) // 2, (qr_code.size[1] – logo.size[1]) // 2), mask=logo)
“` This embeds a **small logo** in the center of the QR code! 🚀 — ## **🔹 Step 5: Scan and Test Your QR Code** 1️⃣ Open your phone’s **camera or QR scanner app** 2️⃣ Scan the QR code 3️⃣ It should redirect you to **https://www.example.com** — ## **🔹 FAQs About QR Code Generation in Python** 🔹 **What is a QR code?** A QR (Quick Response) code is a scannable barcode that stores data like **URLs, WiFi passwords, payment details, and more**. 🔹 **Can I generate QR codes for text, phone numbers, or WiFi?** Yes! Just change the **data** inside the `qr.add_data()` function. Example for **WiFi QR Code:** “`python
data = "WIFI:T:WPA;S:MyNetwork;P:MyPassword;;"
“` 🔹 **How can I generate QR codes in bulk?** Use a loop to create multiple QR codes dynamically. Example: “`python
for i in range(5): data = f"https://example.com/user{i}" qr = qrcode.make(data) qr.save(f"user_qr_{i}.png")
“` 🔹 **Can I scan QR codes in Python?** Yes! Use the `opencv` or `pyzbar` libraries to **scan and decode** QR codes. — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ Developers who want to **generate QR codes** for websites, apps, or WiFi ✅ Python beginners looking for a **fun and useful project** ✅ Businesses needing **branded QR codes** for marketing — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If this tutorial helped you, please **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **Python and automation tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Python #QRCode #PythonProjects #QRCodeGenerator #Automation #MachineLearning #Flask #PythonTutorial #PythonForBeginners Now you can generate custom **QR codes in Python** like a pro! 🚀🔥
From freeCodeCamp to CTO with Robotics Engineer Peggy Wang [Podcast #159]
On this week's episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Peggy Wang. She's used freeCodeCamp to learn how coding, worked in Big Tech as a robotics engineer, and she's cofounder and CTO of Ego AI, which builds human-like agents for video games. We talk about:
– How she grew up a first generation immigrant and public school kid in Milwaukee
– How her love of robotics helped her get into Stanford
– How freeCodeCamp served as a key resource to build her developer chops
– The near future of humanoid robots, self-driving cars, and human-like AI agents in games Links we talk about during our conversation: – Peggy's GameDev company, Ego AI: https://www.egoai.com/ – Quincy's interview with hardware engineer Bruno Haid that he mentions toward the end of this episode: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/podcast-hardware-engineering-bruno-haid/ Chapters 0:00:00 Teaser
0:00:00 Podcast Intro
0:00:00 Song – Passing Breeze
0:03:12 Introduction to AI and Robotics
0:06:21 Insights from CES 2023
0:09:06 The Future of Household Robots
0:12:13 The Evolution of Robotics and AI
0:15:12 The Importance of Humanoid Robots
0:18:14 Accessibility and Cost of Robotics
0:21:16 The Role of Software in Robotics
0:24:14 Peggy's Journey into Robotics
0:27:17 Experiences at Stanford University
0:37:43 Navigating the Path to Elite Education
0:43:31 The Evolution of Robotics and AI
0:51:05 The Intersection of Gaming and AI
0:58:52 Creating Infinite Games with AI
1:08:26 The Evolution of Virtual Characters
1:14:26 The Future of Self-Driving Cars
1:20:30 Advancements in AI and Robotics
1:22:03 The Quest for Immersive VR Experiences
1:30:11 Creating Personalized Gaming Worlds
1:37:15 The Evolution of Game Engines
1:41:07 The Future of Game Development Tools
1:43:46 The Path to Humanoid Robots
1:47:59 The Human Element in AI Decision Making
1:58:21 The Future of Robotics and Hardware Innovation
How to Use Python Dotenv (python-dotenv) to Manage Environment Variables (2025)
Want to keep your **API keys, database credentials, and sensitive configurations secure** in your Python projects? 🛡️ In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use the **python-dotenv** package to manage **environment variables** effectively in your applications. By the end of this video, you’ll know how to **store, load, and use environment variables** in Python projects, making your code cleaner and more secure! 🚀 — ## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:** ✅ Why use **environment variables** in Python ✅ How to install and use the **python-dotenv** package ✅ How to create and load a **.env file** ✅ How to access environment variables in Python ✅ Best practices for securing sensitive information — ## **🔹 Prerequisites** ✔️ **Python Installed** ([Download Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)) ✔️ **Basic Python knowledge** ✔️ A **code editor** (VS Code, PyCharm, etc.) — ## **🔹 Step 1: Install python-dotenv** First, install the **python-dotenv** package using pip: “`bash
pip install python-dotenv
“` — ## **🔹 Step 2: Create a .env File** In your project directory, create a **.env** file and add your environment variables: “`env
“` 🔹 **Never commit your .env file** to Git! Add `.env` to your **.gitignore** file. — ## **🔹 Step 3: Load Environment Variables in Python** Use the `dotenv` package to load your environment variables into your Python script: “`python
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os # Load .env file
load_dotenv() # Access environment variables
SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY")
DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG") print("Secret Key:", SECRET_KEY)
print("Database URL:", DATABASE_URL)
print("Debug Mode:", DEBUG)
“` — ## **🔹 Step 4: Using Environment Variables in a Flask App** If you're working with **Flask**, you can load `.env` variables in your **config.py** file: “`python
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os load_dotenv() class Config: SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY") DATABASE_URI = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", "False") == "True"
“` Then, import and use this configuration in your Flask app: “`python
from flask import Flask
from config import Config app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.from_object(Config) @app.route("/")
def home(): return "Flask app with environment variables!" if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=app.config["DEBUG"])
“` — ## **🔹 Best Practices for Using Environment Variables** 🔹 **Keep sensitive information out of your code** 🔹 **Use .gitignore to exclude .env files** 🔹 **Use environment variables in production instead of hardcoding secrets** 🔹 **Use a secrets manager like AWS Secrets Manager or HashiCorp Vault for high-security applications** — ## **🔹 FAQs About python-dotenv** 🔹 **What is python-dotenv?** It is a package that allows you to **load environment variables from a .env file** into your Python application. 🔹 **Why use environment variables?** They help separate configuration from code, making applications more **secure, portable, and scalable**. 🔹 **How do I store boolean values in a .env file?** Environment variables are always strings. Use `DEBUG=True` and parse it in Python: “`python
DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", "False") == "True"
“` 🔹 **Can I use dotenv with Django?** Yes! Just load it in your `settings.py` file: “`python
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY")
DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", "False") == "True"
“` — ## **🔹 Who Is This Tutorial For?** ✅ Python developers securing API keys & credentials ✅ Flask/Django developers managing app configurations ✅ Anyone working on **Python projects with environment variables** — ## **🔹 More Python Tutorials:** 📌 **How to Build a Flask REST API** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Use AWS Secrets Manager for Secure Credentials** → [Watch Now] 📌 **How to Deploy Flask Apps with Docker & AWS** → [Watch Now] — ## **👍 Like, Share & Subscribe!** If you found this tutorial helpful, please **LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE** for more **Python, Flask, and DevOps tutorials**! 🚀 💬 Have questions? Drop them in the **comments** below! — ### **🔹 Hashtags:** #Python #Dotenv #EnvironmentVariables #Flask #Django #PythonTips #PythonProgramming #SecretsManagement #CyberSecurity #PythonDotenv Now, you can manage environment variables like a pro using **python-dotenv**! 🔥