Bing Ads Tutorial 2019 – How To Set-Up Microsoft Advertising Campaigns

Check out our Microsoft Advertising Tutorial, which was previously known as our Bing Ads Tutorial, but Microsoft rebranded their advertising channel. We cover how to create your first Bing Ads campaign using the new Microsoft Ads. We go over everything like creating your Microsoft Advertising account, importing Google Ads campaigns into Microsoft Advertising, setting up your Microsoft Advertising UET Tag, setting up conversion tracking with Microsoft Advertising, and creating a search campaign that will drive conversions for your business. Get $100 in search advertising when you spend $25 in Microsoft Advertising: If you go through this link, you can get a $100 credit when you sign-up for a new Bing Ads account. All you need to do is spend $25 and you will get a credit. Microsoft Ads home: Microsoft Advertising Playlist: Bing Ads Tutorials Playlist: If you are looking for Bing Ads video tutorials, the playlist above will be very helpful for getting started. Install The Microsoft Advertising/Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking UET Tag with Google Tag Manager: Bing Ads Is Now Microsoft Advertising and Microsoft Audience Network Updates: Our Bing Ads Tutorial for 2019 will go over everything you need to know. One of the best features of Bing Ads is that you can import campaigns directly from Google AdWords. That makes it very easy for advertisers who are already running Google Ads search campaigns. You can only import your search campaigns from Google Ads at this time, you cannot import display and video campaigns. I highly recommend getting started with Microsoft Advertising. I still prefer to do keyword research with the Google Keyword Planner and UberSuggest, but I will put out some more information about the Microsoft Advertising keyword planner. Our Microsoft Ads Tutorial for 2019 will not cover the keyword research tool, but we do it all through Google Ads. We get started by going over the Universal Event Tracking Tag, which is also called the UET Tag. You can add that directly between the header files of your website or you can add it by using Google Tag Manager. After you add the UET Tag to your website, you want to set-up conversions so you can track and optimize for conversions on your website. Once you have conversions created, you are ready to launch your first search campaign. Now, you can create your first Microsoft Advertisement and Bing Ads campaign. We go to the main campaign screen in Microsoft Advertising and click to Create Campaign and use the objective of conversions on our website. That's the best way to increase conversions with your advertising, especially with the Enhanced CPC bidding strategy and by using the most popular optimization strategies for Bing Ads. This is the main part of our Bing Advertising Tutorial for 2019. We name our campaign and select our Bing Ads location targeting and language targeting. Then, you can set-up Bing Ads Ad Groups and your keyword targeting. After that, you will be able to set-up advertisements through Bing Ads.

Google Ads Attribution Models Explained and Attribution Reports in Google Analytics

Check out our video about Google Ads Attribution Models and Attribution Reports. We talk about Attribution Modeling in Google AdWords, Attribution Search Reports, and the Attribution Model Comparison Tool in Google Analytics. Lastly, you can learn how to understand what Attribution Model is best for driving conversions in your campaigns by using the Google Analytics Conversion reports including your multi-channel funnels report, assisted conversion report, top conversion paths, time lag, and path length Google Analytics reports. Google Ads Attribution Models Help Page: About attribution models: When a customer actually completes a conversion on your website, they may have clicked on multiple advertisements from your campaigns. Sometimes, people will find your website through organic search, click on an advertisement, and go Direct to your website before they complete a conversion. So how do you attribute credit for clicks along this entire path? That's a question that has been very difficult for advertisers to answer in the past and even today. In Google AdWords, you can attribute credit to each click on the path, the first click, the last click, and even use a data-driven solution. Google Ads Attribution Models Available: Data-Driven Attribution Model: With Data-Drive, the credit for conversions is based on all of the data Google Ads has about your conversion path in the past. Credit is going to be distributed as optimally as possible based on the clicks that usually lead to conversions. This data-driven model is only available to advertisers with enough conversion data available in their accounts. Once you can use this model, it is the one I would recommend using. Last Click Attribution Model: 100% of the conversion credit is given to the last-clicked ad and the keyword that triggered the advertisement. None of the other clicks along the path will receive credit for the conversion. First Click Attribution Model: 100% of the conversion credit is given to the first-clicked ad and the keyword that triggered the advertisement. None of the clicks after the first click will get credit. Linear Attribution Model: The credit for clicks is equal across each click on the path that leads to a conversion. If there are 5 clicks on the path, then each click will receive 20% of the credit for a conversion. If there is one click, then that click will be treated like the first-click or last-click model. Time Decay Attribution Model: Clicks that happen closer on the path to conversion will receive more credit. Clicks that happen further on the path from the conversion, and particularly the first click, will receive the least amount of credit. "Credit is distributed using a 7-day half-life. In other words, a click 8 days before a conversion gets half as much credit as a click 1 day before a conversion." Position-Based Attribution Model: Google AdWords will give 40% of credit to both the first- and last-clicked ads on the path and the keywords that triggered those ads. The remaining 20% will be spread equally across the other clicks throughout the path.

Facebook Ads Dynamic Creative For Image Ads Tutorial

Check out our Facebook Ads Dynamic Creative for Image Ads tutorial. We cover dynamic creative Facebook Ads and dynamic creative optimization and reporting, so you can learn everything you need to know about creating these types of ads for your Facebook Ads campaigns. I highly recommend using them because you can create hundreds of ad combinations at once by uploading anywhere from 10 images, 10 videos, or 10 slideshows to reach people with the right messaging that will resonate. Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads Surfside PPC Article:
Honestly, no one knows how ads will perform until you upload them and test them. That's why using features like Facebook Ads Dynamic Creative Ads for optimization of your campaign is so popular. Facebook Ads Tutorial Playlist: Facebook Ads 2019 Tutorial For Beginners: Facebook Ads Targeting 2019: Dynamic creative will help you as advertiser to deliver the top-performing combination of your ads. You can create creative and unique assets on Facebook to reach the right audiences. Dynamic creative takes your images, videos, titles, descriptions, and generates hundreds of ad combinations based on the components that you upload to Facebook Ads. Dynamic creative ads can be applied to Conversion, Traffic, Video Views, Reach, Brand Awareness, and App Install campaigns. Dynamic creative accepts up to 10 images/videos, and 5 of each text asset (body text, title, description, CTA) Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads: Dynamic creative makes it easy to: – Auto generate multiple Facebook ads with Dynamic Creative. – Find high-performing combinations of creative components for your campaign and drive performance. – Launch ads with multiple combinations of creative assets quickly. – Deliver the best creative for each campaign audience and ad placement.

Google Ads For Local Businesses Tutorial 2019 – Google Ads For Service Businesses

Check out our Google Ads Tutorial for Local Businesses. Our Google AdWords Tutorial for small, local businesses will help you get started with your campaigns so you can start driving leads and phone calls. We cover Google Ads for Service Businesses to make it as easy as possible. This video is not about Google Local Services Ads, but we put that URL below so you can get started with those and your standard Google Ads. Since so many people are using Google to find new businesses and to find the things they are looking for, our tutorial will help you get started with ease. You want to start with your Google My Business page for your local business, and then use Local Services Google Ads, and then you want to create a campaign like this one. Companies used to spend thousands of dollars on advertising that is not even targeted for your business. If you follow this tutorial and make sure you target the correct keywords for your business, you can stand out from the crowd. Helpful URLs: Google Local Service Ads: Google Local Service Ads are easily managed through Google and you can contact one of their account specialists to help you get started. Google will use your local business, the markets you serve, and the services you provide to help you create targeted advertisements and promote your services to potential customers. Surfside PPC Google Ads Playlist: Our Google Ads Playlist will cover all sorts of tutorials including bid strategies, ad creation, ad copy, Google AdWords strategies, mistakes to avoid, conversion tracking, location targeting, and more. When you are first getting started, there is so much to learn that it might take hours to learn it all. My goal was to help you learn how to do keyword research for Google Ads, create your first campaign, improve your click-through rate, lower your cost-per-click, and drive more conversions for your business. Google Ads Tutorial For Beginners 2019 – Google AdWords Tutorial For Search Campaigns: Google Ads Extensions Explained For 2019: 11 Google Ads Strategies 2019: Google Ads: Google Keyword Planner: Video Description: We start in the Google Keyword Planner, where you can actually focus on the top keywords in your local market for the services you provide. When you consider Google Ads for small businesses and local businesses, you want to have a focus on what people in the areas you serve are typing in. Google is so targeted because you can put your advertisement in front of potential customers who are actively seeking the services you provide. One of the best parts of the Google Keyword Planner is that you can use the Grouped Ideas option to come up with Ad Groups for your business. Rather than going keyword by keyword and building ad groups, you can use grouped keywords and create Ad Groups based on the keywords that people are typing in. Organized campaigns are one of the most important options when it comes to improving your quality score and driving conversions. Once you have your grouped ideas created, you can start using the forecast options to get some forecasts for your campaign. Forecasts are important because you can see how much it will cost for the keywords you are targeting as you set-up your campaign. You can click on create campaign to actually launch your new campaign with your selected budget. We will skip ad creation for now, and what I like to do next is add modified broad match keywords to your ad groups. Modified broad match keywords will help you expand your campaign to reach all sorts of customers, regardless of what they search. You don't want your keyword match types to be too broad, but you can reach the right customers at the right time with our strategy. You can also go to your Campaign Settings to ensure that you are optimizing for leads like phone calls and form fills. This will help you drive the best possible results for your business. Once you add modified broad match keywords, you are ready to start creating responsive search ads in each ad group. With Responsive search ads, you can make sure that you are targeting people as they are typing in your targeted keywords across ad groups. We cover Responsive Search Ads in this tutorial and how to paste your responsive search ad across additional ad groups. You can continue to create more Responsive Search Ads and Expanded Text Ads to get the most out of your campaign. After that, you need to optimize your campaign, once you start collecting more data and getting information about conversions. Google Ads for Local Businesses and Service Business can be difficult to figure out, but it is worth the investment for a small business.

Long Tail Keywords For Google Ads and SEO – Long Tail Keyword Examples

If you are looking for a Long Tail Keywords tutorial, including Long Tail Keyword Tools, Examples, and Ideas for Google Ads, this is the perfect video for you. We start by going over exactly what Long-Tail Keywords are and how you can find them with tools like the Google Keyword Planner and UberSuggest. I think that long-tail keywords are one of the best ways to improve your search engine optimization strategy and your strategy for Google Ads and Bing Ads. When you are wondering about long tail keywords vs short tail keywords, it's not too difficult to see the difference. Essentially, long-tail keywords are subcategories and subsets of short-tail keywords. Whereas something like "Google Ads" would be considered a short-tail keyword, a keyword like "Google Ads Mistakes To Avoid" or "Google Ads Keyword Research Tool" would be considered long-tail keywords. If you are looking for a Long-Tail Keywords finder, I would recommend using auto-suggest from YouTube, Google, and the Bing search engine. In addition, you can use free tools like the Google Keyword Planner and UberSuggest. Long-tail keywords on Amazon and Etsy can help your products stand out from the crowd. You can make sure you are focused on products that people are searching for, and the more specific your products are to longer variations of popular keywords, the more you can sell over time. B2B Long Tail Keywords are popular because the costs associated with driving B2B leads is generally more expensive. What is a long tail keyword example? There are thousands of examples, but one of the best examples I can give you is you can first start with a short-tail keyword like Search Engine Optimization. Then, you can categorize that keyword by looking at a keyword like Search Engine Optimization For YouTube. Whereas the short-tail variation isn't very specific and is broad, when you are looking specifically at YouTube, the strategy would be different than it would be for a WordPress website or a Shopify website for example. Are long tail keywords better? They are easier to rank for and you can solve more specific problems by optimizing for them. However, they don't have as much search volume as a short-tail keyword would. What is long tail SEO? Optimizing for longer variations of keywords that are more specific than very popular short keywords. Are long tail keywords more expensive? Generally, they can decrease your Google Ads costs over time, but the time and resources it takes to optimize for them can be difficult.

Facebook Page Likes Ads Campaign Tutorial 2019 – Get Facebook Page Likes For $0.05 Or Less

Check out our Facebook Ads Page Likes Campaign Tutorial to learn how to get more page likes for your Facebook page for cheap. Page Likes Facebook Ads Campaigns are easy to set-up and we show you the step-by-step process for getting started for your page. The two things you will need to get started are a Facebook Business Page for your business and a Facebook Ads Manager Account for your business. The best way to manage those is with a Facebook Business Manager Account. From there, you can easily set-up campaigns for your website and your business. When you are looking to Buy Facebook Page Likes, using advertisements is the best possible option. You don't want to buy them so that they are gone in a month or two, you want to run a Facebook Page Likes Ad Campaign to get both Facebook Page Likes and Followers Cheap. The Ad Specs are simple too, you just need to upload a square image or 6 at a time, insert some ad copy, and set-up your targeting. How to Create Facebook Business Manager: We listed some of our popular Facebook Tutorials below, including the entire playlist. There is a lot to learn about Facebook Ads, so we try to make it as easy as possible for beginners. Facebook Ads Tutorials Playlist by Surfside PPC: Facebook Ads Tutorial 2019: Facebook Ads Targeting 2019: Install Your Facebook Pixel and Create Custom Conversions with Facebook Ads: Facebook Page Likes: The number of likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads. Your Facebook Page lets you promote your business and engage with people on your Facebook Page. Get Likes for your Facebook Page by running ads, you can buy Facebook Page Likes for very cheap using a campaign. When people like your Facebook Page, they can follow your Page posts to stay informed about your business. You can also use geographic and demographic insights about people who like your Page to make marketing decisions. Your Cost Per Like for your Facebook Page Likes Ads is the metric that counts Facebook Page likes attributed to your ads. It counts both likes that happened directly on the Page and likes that happened on the Page Likes button in your ad. The total cost associated with your campaign compared to the page likes will give you a final figure. How do I get more likes on my Facebook business page 2019? You want to start with a page likes ad campaign, which you can easily set-up by using your Facebook Ads Manager. There are organic ways to increase likes as well, but every page needs a bit of a jumpstart, unless you have an existing audience through your website, email list, or other social media channel. How can I promote my Facebook page likes? You can also promote your advertisements to people who already like your page. If you know someone likes to consume your content already, why not also run advertisements to them to increase your leads and sales. How do I create a Facebook like page ad? You want to start in your Facebook Ads Manager, choose to create a new campaign, then choose Engagement from the Objective options, and choose Page Likes as your objective. After that, you need to select the correct Facebook Page and Targeting for your Ad Sets, Set-up multiple advertisements so you can test them and drive more results for your campaign. Continue to test and optimize your Facebook Page Likes Ads for the best results. How increase FB page likes? You can use organic marketing strategies like participating in Groups and publishing user-friendly content to your page. In addition, you can run advertisements specifically optimized to increase your page likes.

6 Ways To Lower Google Ads CPC – How To Decrease Your AdWords Cost-Per-Click

When you are looking for strategies to lower your Google Ads Cost-Per-Click, we have 6 different methods that will help. You might not be able to decrease your CPC for Google AdWords immediately, but if you continue to optimize your campaigns for quality score, and find relevant keywords that aren't as competitive, you can get your CPC down and drive more conversions at a lower cost. In addition, you can adjust your Max CPC bids for Smart Bidding Strategies like Target CPA and Target ROAS, which will help you slowly decrease your bids and lower your Google Ads CPC. Lower Google AdWords CPC Surfside PPC Article: One of the first things you want to do is optimize for quality score factors like Ad Relevance, Landing Page Experience, and Expected Click-Through Rate. Your Google Ads CTR will impact your CPC, and a higher Click-Through Rate can actually lower your Google AdWords CPC over the course of time. Ultimately, the best way to decrease your CPC and increase performance in terms of conversions like leads and sales, is to improve your quality score. Google takes into account your real-time quality score by using your expected Ad Relevance, Landing Page Relevance and Experience, Expected CTR, and Impact of Ad Extensions for each individual search every time your website enter the Google Ads Auction. Therefore, you need to focus on improving all of those factors over the course of time by setting up very organized campaigns and optimizing your campaign. 6 Ways to Lower Google Ads CPC: We go over some more details and strategies for lowering your Avg CPC in Google Ads. After all, if you can decrease your Average Cost-Per-Click and Average Cost-Per-Engagement in Google AdWords, you can continue to drive more results for your business. If you can learn how to improve CPC, you can apply it to your campaigns. 1. Optimize for Quality Score Factors (Ad Relevance, Landing Page Experience, Expected CTR) The first thing you want to do is make sure that you are serving the most relevant ads possible and sending people to an optimized landing page. Each search query that triggers your ad should trigger a solution and a positive user-experience for that potential customer. Of course, not everyone will become a customer, but with other strategies you can not only lower your CPC in Google AdWords, you can also drive more conversions at a lower cost. 2. Create 4 Ads Per Ad Group The most experienced advertisers in the world will not always know what advertisements will perform the best to reach their goals. The most experienced advertisers create multiple great ads on every PPC advertising channel in every ad group or ad set. Then, the PPC advertising channels like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and Pinterest Ads will serve the top-performing advertisements. If you create 4 ads per ad group and use Expanded Text Ads and Responsive Search Ads, you can make sure your ads are optimized, relevant, and improving your Click-Through Rate. 3. Use All Relevant Ad Extensions Ad Extensions have a huge impact on your advertising campaigns, and you want to incorporate all of the most relevant ad extensions for your campaign. You want to use Sitelink extensions, callout extensions, structured snippets, call extensions, location extensions, and every ad extension that is relevant for your business. To take it a step further, Ad Group level ad extensions in Google Ads can help your campaign drastically. 4. Use Max CPC Bids or Lower CPC Bids With automated bidding strategies, you can set Max CPC bids, which will decrease your Cost-Per-Click bids over time. Ultimately, you need to test your bids and take into account your budget. 5. Use The Keyword Planner The Keyword Planner will help you find short-tail keywords and long-tail keywords that advertisers are not bidding too high on. You will be able to find keywords that can drive results for your business without costing $5 per click or $10 per click or even higher in some cases. 6. Target and Optimize For Long-Tail Keywords When you start to get more data in your Search Terms report, you will find long-tail keywords that can help you expand your campaigns and find keywords that a lot of advertisers are not bidding on yet. You can also use the Keyword Planner to accomplish this goal as well.