Learn more: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/future-of-marketing/privacy-and-trust/data-foundations-for-growth/
Category: Adwords Help
Healthy First-Party Data Habits – AI is only as good as the data you feed it
Learn more: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/future-of-marketing/privacy-and-trust/data-foundations-for-growth/
Healthy First-Party Data Habits – Set Your Data Foundations
Learn more: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/future-of-marketing/privacy-and-trust/data-foundations-for-growth/
Google Ads Tutorial: Work offline & manage campaigns faster with Google Ads Editor
Learn how to use Google Ads Editor to manage your campaigns offline, make bulk changes, and save time. This free tool lets you work efficiently and avoid accidental changes. You can download Ads Editor here https://ads.google.com/home/tools/ads-editor/ and visit the Google Ads Editor help center if you have any question https://support.google.com/google-ads/editor/?hl=en#topic=3290839 #OfflineCampaing #BulkUpload 00:00 I. What is Google Ads Editor? 00:37 II. What you can do with Google Ads Editor?
01:24 III. Downloading Editor
01:43 IV. Downloading Campaigns
02:49 V. Downloading Statistics
03:36 VI. Scheduled downloads
04:01 VII. Uploading Campaigns
What is confidential computing?
A quick explainer of confidential computing, a privacy enhancing technology that keeps people's information private while allowing businesses to make their advertising more effective. Data makes ads better for businesses and the people who see the ads – so we’re excited to introduce a privacy enhancing technology that keeps data more private.
Google Ads Tutorials: Top 5 things to help your Performance Max campaign scale
If you find that your Performance Max campaign isn’t scaling or driving sufficient volume of conversions, there are a few ways you can optimize your campaign. 00:00 I. What is Performance Max? 00:37 II. Number one: Creative asset mix
01:05 III. Number two: Target Cost per Acquisition or Return on Ad Spend
01:38 IV. Number three: Search themes
02:22 V. Number four: Automatically created assets and final URL expansion.
03:45 VI. Number five: Audit account to make sure exclusion settings are relevant and necessary.
Prioritize data foundations this #DataPrivacyDay 📣