Instagram Ads Tutorial 2019 – How To Create Instagram Advertising Campaigns

Check out our Instagram Ads Tutorial for 2019. We show you how to create Instagram Ads and set-up Instagram Advertising Campaigns by using Instagram Ads Manager. If you are wondering how to advertise on Instagram, our Instagram Advertising Tutorial for 2019 will give you everything you need to get started. This is the most detailed tutorial and course you will find on Instagram Ads as you get started as a beginner. We go through the step-by-step process of creating a Facebook Business Manager, connecting your Instagram Business Page, and getting start with Conversion Tracking. When you are already running Facebook Ads campaigns, it becomes very easy to set-up Instagram Ads campaigns. Instagram Ads Tutorials: Social Advertising Tutorials: We start by going over Facebook Business Manager and how you can get started with your Instagram Ads Manager account. You will run your advertising campaigns on Instagram directly through a Facebook Ads account. Once you set-up your account, I highly recommend putting the Instagram Pixel aka the Facebook Pixel on your website. You can accomplish this by using Google Tag Manager, or place it directly on your website in your global header file. That will allow you to track Custom Conversions and build Remarketing audiences. After you add the Facebook Pixel, you want to create custom conversions. You can also use Partner Integrations in the case that you are running a Shopify website and you want to connect your website directly to your Ads Manager account, which will allow you to track key conversions and key performance indicators such as when people add a product to their cart, or when people actually complete a transaction on your website. The reason you upload these conversions is because you can optimize your Instagram Advertising campaigns for the key conversions such as transactions and leads on your website. Next, you want to head over to your Facebook Ads Manager and create a new campaign. We will be optimizing for Website Conversions when it comes to our campaign objective. You need to choose your campaign budgeting and name your campaign as well. Next, you want to optimize for your Custom Conversion when you are creating your Ad Set. Then, you need to set-up targeting and choose your Placements as either Instagram Feed or Instagram Stories, or choose both. You need to Edit Placements to make sure you will be running ads for your Instagram Business page directly on Instagram. This will allow you to drive clicks from Instagram and reach people on Instagram, and help you grow your Instagram Followers as well. In addition, you need to set-up your targeting on Instagram to Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, Instagram Remarketing Audiences, targeting your existing Instagram followers, targeting Interests, targeting behaviors, targeting locations, ages, genders, and more. Next, you want to create your Instagram Ads, which can include images, videos, or slideshows. The more you test, the better results you will get out of your campaigns.