By showing up for customers throughout their full shopping journey, Swyft Home unlocks stronger results with Performance Max and Demand Gen on Google Ads. Learn how startup furniture makers Swyft Home have grown their business in their first four years, with help from Google Ads along the way. By tapping into Performance Max, Swyft can simplify their setup across one campaign, spending more time on developing stand-out creative. And by doubling down on great video creative with Demand Gen campaigns, they meet customers earlier in their shopping journey than ever. Through this winning combination, Swyft has achieved +76% in Google-driven revenue, and +50% ROAS efficiency. See how you can get the best results from your Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns. Just getting started? Check out our best practices guide for more shopping how-tos. Google Ads Best Practices Guide:
Performance Max Best Practices Guide:
Demand Gen Best Practices Guide: [Performance results for Swyft only. Specific revenue and return on ad spend will vary and is not guaranteed. CSS Program countries can be found in this help center article:]