Selenium Tutorial for Beginners 4 – Selenium Locators | Locators In Selenium WebDriver With Examples

Hi! Welcome to the tutorials of Selenium Framework
Software Testing, an integral part of the development process for the software applications that meet the highest standards of quality. Lack of proper testing leads to the bad quality product, delays delivery, unsatisfied customer service and increase in cost. Due to these drawbacks’ automation testing came into picture.
Selenium WebDriver tool is used to automate web application testing to verify that it works as expected. It supports many browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, and Safari. In this tutorial we will learn about the Selenium locators and what are web elements also we will understand the difference between findElement() and findElements().
What are web elements and its types
Locators of selenium
Difference between findElements() and findElement().
What is web elements and its types: 00:25
Locators intro and its types: 02:40
Locating by id: 05:15
Locating by name: 08:15
Locating by LinkText/ Partial LinkText: 20:30
Locating by ClassName: 27:35
Locating by Tag name: 28:50
Locating by CSS Selector: 37:40
Difference between findElement() and findElements(): 44:40 For Source code:
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