Go Programming – Golang Course with Bonus Projects

Learn the Go programming language in this full course for beginners. You'll practice writing performant, idiomatic Go with these hands-on lessons and challenges. ? Code: https://github.com/bootdotdev/fcc-learn-golang-assets
? Follow along interactively on Boot.dev: https://boot.dev/learn/learn-golang ✏️ Course created by @bootdotdev ? Follow Lane on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wagslane ? Learn back-end on Boot.dev: https://boot.dev
? Need help? Join the Boot.dev Discord: https://boot.dev/community Documentation used:
? Chi router: https://github.com/go-chi/chi
? Goose migrations: https://github.com/pressly/goose
? Text instructions for the project: https://boot.dev/build/blog-aggregator ⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Intro
(0:03:17) Ch 1. Why write Go?
(0:27:39) Ch 2. Variables
(0:51:11) Ch 3. Functions
(1:16:58) Ch 4. Structs
(1:34:36) Ch 5. Interfaces
(2:00:26) Ch 6. Errors
(2:22:01) Ch 7. Loops
(2:48:21) Ch 8. Slices
(3:39:54) Ch 9. Maps
(4:06:19) Ch 10. Advanced functions
(4:31:03) Ch 11. Pointers
(4:48:02) Ch 12. Local development
(5:31:43) Ch 13. Channels & concurrency
(6:07:38) Ch 14. Mutexes
(6:30:56) Ch 15. Generics
(6:38:38) Ch 16. Quiz
(6:43:13) P1. RSS aggregator project
(6:53:43) P2. Chi router
(7:11:37) P3. Postgres database
(7:39:10) P4. Authentication w/ API keys
(8:18:28) P5. Many to many relationships
(8:39:13) P6. Aggregation worker
(9:05:28) P7. Viewing blog posts ? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
? davthecoder
? jedi-or-sith
? 南宮千影
? Agustín Kussrow
? Nattira Maneerat
? Heather Wcislo
? Serhiy Kalinets
? Justin Hual
? Otis Morgan — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news