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Month: December 2018
Low Traffic / No Sales? – How To Fix Most Issues (Shopify Dropshipping)
HEY ATTENTION: Do you want ALREADY selling products along with the link to their store (Inspiration) PLUS —
2 facebook interests sent to your phone? Click below and read more 😉
https://ghiorghiusebastian.clickfunne… If that does not work type in your search bar:
"Sendtrending.com" My Ecommerce Course:
https://ecomalphas.com/p/ecomalphas/?product_id=841652&coupon_code=LIVE&preview=logged_out Want a tailored website with already winning products built for you? Apply here: https://ghiorghiusebastian.clickfunnels.com/quiz-page PDF's:
5,000 Blueprint: https://gumroad.com/l/KKVB
Checklist: https://gumroad.com/l/IEiwU
Advanced Checklist for overachievers($3): https://gumroad.com/l/oeJp
$254,391 In 4 HOURS Here’s What He Did (Shopify Dropshipping)
➜ FREE Dropshipping Course: http://bit.ly/FREEDropshippingCourse ➜ Book A Consulting Call With Me: https://goo.gl/bKKrdD ➜ My Most Profitable Instagram Influencers: https://gumroad.com/products/pwyeJ ➜ TRIPLE Your Conversions w/ This Secret TRICK: https://gumroad.com/l/ssqID Add My Snapchat: justinpainter23
Think Like This, Make More Money (Shopify, FBA, Private Label)
HEY ATTENTION: Do you want ALREADY selling products along with the link to their store (Inspiration) PLUS —
2 facebook interests sent to your phone? Click below and read more 😉
https://ghiorghiusebastian.clickfunne… If that does not work type in your search bar:
"Sendtrending.com" My Ecommerce Course:
https://ecomalphas.com/p/ecomalphas/?product_id=841652&coupon_code=LIVE&preview=logged_out Want a tailored website with already winning products built for you? Apply here: https://ghiorghiusebastian.clickfunnels.com/quiz-page PDF's:
5,000 Blueprint: https://gumroad.com/l/KKVB
Checklist: https://gumroad.com/l/IEiwU
Advanced Checklist for overachievers($3): https://gumroad.com/l/oeJp
[Case Study] One Product Dropshipping | $1,032,512 in 5 Months
✅ Notes from the video: https://gabrielstgermain.com/case-study-one-product-dropshipping/ ✅ Step-by-step course revealing the store from this video: https://bit.ly/2X7kAkW ✅ Join the FB Mastermind group: https://bit.ly/2QgzYHP ✅ Free dropshipping course playlist: http://bit.ly/2SrzILl ✅ Ecomhunt (product research tool): https://bit.ly/2O6IbMZ ✅ BigSpy (free AdEspresso alternative): https://bigspy.com/adspy/facebook/ ✅ Recommended fulfillment service (50+ orders per day): https://ecommops.com ✅ Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielstger Hey everyone! In this video, I do an in-depth case study of my one product dropshipping store that did over $1M in sales in under 5 months. This is the same store that I talk about in my "Free Course" video so if you haven't seen that one, I highly recommend that you watch it first. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GrmiRLjZyc I start by explaining how I found the product using Ecomhunt and why I decided to test this product. Then I talk about how I tested the product with Facebook ads using my quick testing method, including how I made the video ad using Animoto. I continue by showing you a day-by-day view of my ads manager to show you what results to expect with this quick testing method. The point is to show you that in order to scale quickly with Facebook Ads, you need to have some starting capital to test with. That's why I recommend beginners to start with Instagram influencers. I also cover some tips on how you can stay consistent with a one product dropshipping store, even as the product becomes more saturated. Lastly, I show you a detailed profit and loss statement for this store, revealing exactly how much I made in profit. I want to be as transparent as possible so that you guys don't have unrealistic expectations when entering this business. Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed, please make sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, and comment below what you want to see next 🙂
BEST 3 Niches To Sell In 2019 (Shopify Dropshipping)
➜ FREE Dropshipping Course: http://bit.ly/FREEDropshippingCourse ➜ Book A Consulting Call With Me: https://goo.gl/bKKrdD ➜ My Most Profitable Instagram Influencers: https://gumroad.com/products/pwyeJ ➜ TRIPLE Your Conversions w/ This Secret TRICK: https://gumroad.com/l/ssqID Add My Snapchat: justinpainter23