Facebook Ads Tutorial 2024 – Creating Facebook Ads FOR Beginners (Step-By-Step)

?Connect with me on ecomplaybook ➡️ https://www.instagram.com/ecomplaybook/ ?Connect with me on IG ➡️ https://www.instagram.com /realnazerati In this video, I Talk about how you Run Fabebook Ads in 2024! I started by creating a facebook group :
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ecomplaybookcommunity ⚡️ And today, Scoot and I are running a FREE Discord channel where you can learn how to get started with dropshipping. It's a great community to network with people, learn how viral videos are made, and become an ecom rockstar through dropshipping products online. Discord ? https://discord.gg/wd9Eht477s Watch This Video In FULL! PiPiAds Spy Tool ➡️ https://www.pipiads.com/?invite=ECOM20OFF Would you like to learn the business faster and more in depth? My team has passed the torch to several people and we even have a couple students doing better than us now! Click the link below and book a call with us! It's totally FREE. But you have to be serious about this! Book a free call ? calendly.com/daniellasantangelo/20min I hope everyone enjoys the video. Got questions? Hit the comments and LMK!! xoxo,