How to make your first $10,000 shopify dropshipping as a beginner step by step. In this video I show the exact strategy I used to go from $0-$17,000 per day dropshipping with Facebook and Instagram ads. This strategy can scale your dropshipping business fast in 2023. Enroll in my Dropshipping Program
(ONLY $20 one-time payment) ??? My Instagram: Dropshipping never really show their exact strategy so i took it upon myself to show you how you can scale your store really fast as long as you have a winning product. Once you have a product that is a winner, scaling to over $10,000 days is the easiest thing to do when you know how to structure your facebook ads. The same can apply on tiktok. The main thing is to collect as much data as possible when testing a product and then once facebook or tiktok has enough data, you create lookalike audiences and scale with that. This is the exact step by step way you can start with almost $0 (no money) and take your dropshipping business to the next level fast.