10 Extremely Useful Tools You Should Be Using In Your Marketing Right Now

10 extremely useful tools you should be using in your marketing right now. Do you want to know what the most challenging thing about marketing is? It involves a lot of other skills. I mean, depending on what you're doing in order to run a successful marketing campaign or efforts, you need to know quite … Continue reading “10 Extremely Useful Tools You Should Be Using In Your Marketing Right Now”

7 Free Apps That’ll Help You Write Content Faster

Seven free apps that'll help you write content faster. Look, if there's one thing that's worth being great at in marketing, it's writing content. Whether you're focused on getting organic traffic through Google or social media or even writing copy for your ads, creating content is one of the best skills that you can have … Continue reading “7 Free Apps That’ll Help You Write Content Faster”

10 Small Things On Your Website That Are Ruining Your Traffic (Remove These Today!)

Did you know that you are doing things that are hurting your traffic? Today, I'm going to break down 10 small things on your website that's ruining your traffic and how to remove these today. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/ ____________________________________________ First one, forgotten noindex tax. If you ever have anything on your pages … Continue reading “10 Small Things On Your Website That Are Ruining Your Traffic (Remove These Today!)”

Don’t Build Backlinks This Year – Do This Instead

Did you know that building backlinks doesn't guarantee that your rankings are going to go up? Today I'm going to break down why you should not build backlinks this year and instead you should do this. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/ ____________________________________________ There's nothing wrong with building backlinks. And I don't think everyone should … Continue reading “Don’t Build Backlinks This Year – Do This Instead”

The Future of Digital Marketing Will Surprise You

Don't try to go viral, post COVID what you're going to see is a lot of people continuing with online commerce, which is going to increase the demand for digital marketing, but it's also going to increase our competitive digital marketing as well. Focus on what you're naturally better at because that's what you'll enjoy … Continue reading “The Future of Digital Marketing Will Surprise You”

How to Generate 355 Backlinks With 29 Dollars

Wouldn't it be great if you could just snap your fingers and generate more backlinks, a way that was ethical, that wasn't breaking Google's guidelines in a way that your users would love and they would want to link to you naturally and it didn't require you to spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of … Continue reading “How to Generate 355 Backlinks With 29 Dollars”