The Secret to Making Paid Advertising Work

Google and Facebook combined generate more money from ad dollars than any television channel out there. They're huge. That means paid advertising works, because if it didn't, they wouldn't be making hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Today I'm going to share with you the secret to making paid advertising work. RESOURCES & LINKS: … Continue reading “The Secret to Making Paid Advertising Work”

Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable)

You have amazing product. You have amazing service. You go out there, you run some ads on Facebook because that's what everyone is doing, but you find yourself just spending all this money. No one cares about your ads. They're not clicking on it. And if you do get some clicks, none of them convert … Continue reading “Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable)”

Watch This If Your Paid Ads Aren’t Generating Any Sales

Watch This If Your Paid Ads Aren’t Generating Any Sales // You know your competitors are running paid ads, but have you found that when you run paid adds, you're not generating any sales? So let's get into how you can generate sales from your paid ads. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ CrazyEgg: 4 Reasons … Continue reading “Watch This If Your Paid Ads Aren’t Generating Any Sales”

How to Get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack

How To get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack // Can you guess how many visits I'm getting a month? 4 million of those four million two million are unique. But you already know that. But what you don't know is, I get the majority of that traffic from one simple … Continue reading “How to Get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack”