How to Optimize Your PPC Landing Pages for SEO

How to optimize your PPC landing pages for SEO. Do you think SEO is its own thing and offers independently from other marketing channels? Think again. Working with different stakeholders in different divisions and aligning your marketing efforts together is the only way to unlock massive amounts of traffic, which means you need to start … Continue reading “How to Optimize Your PPC Landing Pages for SEO”

How To Future Proof Your SEO Against Google’s Next Update

How to future proof your SEO against Google's next update. You've put in all this time and effort into your SEO strategy and all of a sudden, boom, Google wants to change things up on you. An update can have a major impact on your SEO strategy. It can cause your content to slip in … Continue reading “How To Future Proof Your SEO Against Google’s Next Update”

Why I Focus on Social Media Marketing Over SEO

Why focus on social media marketing over SEO? You're probably surprised to hear this, after all, I'm mostly known for all things SEO. So why do I focus on social media marketing now? Because I've learned that it's one of the quickest and most effective ways to drive major traffic to any site. That doesn't … Continue reading “Why I Focus on Social Media Marketing Over SEO”

Amazon SEO – Tutorial For Beginners

Amazon SEO, here's a tutorial for beginners. Have you ever heard of the advertising triathlete? It's people talking about Google ads, Facebook ads, and Amazon ads. Amazon is the powerhouse that most marketers take for granted, especially when it comes down to SEO. So, let's go over how you can optimize your Amazon listings so … Continue reading “Amazon SEO – Tutorial For Beginners”

How Google Uses NLP and How You Can Too With Your SEO

Have you noticed that when you search on Google, in most cases, they know what you're looking for? It's because they're using NLP. NLP stands for Natural Linguistic Processing. This helps Google understand that when you search for terms like Apple, are you actually looking for the food or the computer company that sells phones. … Continue reading “How Google Uses NLP and How You Can Too With Your SEO”