7 Google Ads Hacks That’ll Make Your Campaigns Scale Profitably

Google Ads are still one of the best platforms that you can use to grow your business. Primarily because it lets you reach the right people when they're looking for whatever it is that you're selling. When they're actively searching for keywords related to your content, your product, your services, you can be right then … Continue reading “7 Google Ads Hacks That’ll Make Your Campaigns Scale Profitably”

96% Of Your Landing Page Visitors Will NEVER Convert (And How to Improve That)

You're selling a product or service, you hire a designer, a web developer to build amazing landing pages for you. You pay hundreds of dollars for ad clicks, maybe even thousands. But when you look at your conversions, you're not even breaking even when it comes to your admen. What should you do? Today I'm … Continue reading “96% Of Your Landing Page Visitors Will NEVER Convert (And How to Improve That)”

How Does Google Make Money? Google Business Model Explained

Today I want to walk you through how Google makes their money. In other words, I'm going to explain Google's business model. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools : https://youtu.be/snqHKBYfkQw The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) : https://youtu.be/5lW635Uo7dw ____________________________________________ Did you know that Google's … Continue reading “How Does Google Make Money? Google Business Model Explained”

STOP Using Facebook Ads – The Best Alternative Ad Platforms

Facebook ads are getting more and more expensive and more competitive. Yes, there is a huge ROI from running Facebook ads, but that's if you have amazing copy, good images, good videos, you figured out how to target the right audience. And if you figured it all out, you should keep using Facebook Ads because … Continue reading “STOP Using Facebook Ads – The Best Alternative Ad Platforms”

4 USELESS Marketing Tools You’re Still Using (STOP Wasting Your Money)

While six to eight years ago some of the tools that I'm going to mention were really useful. Today, they're just going to waste your time. So, when you read about them on the blackout forums or SEOs talking about how they can skyrocket your rankings, you should avoid them at all costs cause they're … Continue reading “4 USELESS Marketing Tools You’re Still Using (STOP Wasting Your Money)”

Has Blogging Changed Too Drastically in 2020? (The Explanation Behind Your Weak Results)

A lot of people think blogging has changed over the last year since they're not getting good results from their blogging efforts anymore. The truth is, the underlying rules of success when it comes to blogging are still the same. But the competitive game has changed a lot over the past years. In this video, … Continue reading “Has Blogging Changed Too Drastically in 2020? (The Explanation Behind Your Weak Results)”