How to Generate 355 Backlinks With 29 Dollars

Wouldn't it be great if you could just snap your fingers and generate more backlinks, a way that was ethical, that wasn't breaking Google's guidelines in a way that your users would love and they would want to link to you naturally and it didn't require you to spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of … Continue reading “How to Generate 355 Backlinks With 29 Dollars”

How to Create The Ideal Blog Homepage

You get all this traffic to your blog, but very little to no conversions. And as your traffic goes up, your sales, your revenue ends up staying the same. Today I'm going to break down the ideal blog homepage. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Google Analytics: Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ When you're in your Google Analytics, … Continue reading “How to Create The Ideal Blog Homepage”

Here’s What You Need to Outrank Your Competition

No matter what you type in on Google your competition's ranking at the top. How do you beat your competition? What do you really need to do so you can outrank them? because if you can, your business would explode. Today I'm going to break down what you need to do to outrank your competition. … Continue reading “Here’s What You Need to Outrank Your Competition”

Turn Your Idea Into a Real Business – 10 Steps from 0 to 100s of Sales Opportunities

And I want to teach you a lot on how to grow your small business. Today I'm going to be talking about how to turn your idea into a real business. And what I'm going to be breaking down to you today is going to be based on all the stuff that I know that … Continue reading “Turn Your Idea Into a Real Business – 10 Steps from 0 to 100s of Sales Opportunities”

7 Landing Page Hacks That’ll Double Your Sales – Part 1

I thought I would do something that's a bit more interesting today. Now, quick question. Is the clock a presentation or Q & A included? Either way I think it's just the presentation, all right. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ So, today I wanted to do something a bit interesting. But what I … Continue reading “7 Landing Page Hacks That’ll Double Your Sales – Part 1”

How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing – Email Marketing Unlocked

In today's lesson, I'm going to be breaking down email optimization, but why should you optimize your emails? Well, it's all about lifetime value. The more you optimize your emails, the more revenue you can generate through emails, and when you think about lifetime value of a customer, there are some people in many cases … Continue reading “How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing – Email Marketing Unlocked”