How to Market Yourself in the most Competitive Industries

Marketing your company when you have no competitors is super easy. But what do you do if you're competing in some multibillion-dollar companies and you're in the most competitive industry ever? Today, I'm going to share with you how to market yourself in the most competitive industry. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ How to Do SEO … Continue reading “How to Market Yourself in the most Competitive Industries”

Here’s What I Would Do If I had To Start Over and Rebuild My Business (It’s NOT What You Think)

I've been an entrepreneur for 17 years. But if I had to start over, it wouldn't look the same. I'm going to share with you that if I had to start all over, here's what I would do. And you know what? It's not what you think. ► If you need help growing your business … Continue reading “Here’s What I Would Do If I had To Start Over and Rebuild My Business (It’s NOT What You Think)”

Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable)

You have amazing product. You have amazing service. You go out there, you run some ads on Facebook because that's what everyone is doing, but you find yourself just spending all this money. No one cares about your ads. They're not clicking on it. And if you do get some clicks, none of them convert … Continue reading “Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable)”