The Definition of Digital Marketing by Neil Patel

When it comes to digital marketing there's a lot of confusion involved. What is digital marketing? What is it for? People make it a lot more complicated than it really is. But, it's really easy to understand which is why I wanted to make this detailed introduction video that will just break it down for you. Today I'm going to break down the definition of digital marketing by me in my own words. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Canva – Ubersuggest –
____________________________________________ Essentially, digital marketing is a form of marketing that encompasses the use of digital tools or channels to communicate to your audience. A good example of this is a channel that you may use to communicate to your audience is Facebook. When you post on Facebook, whether you have one follower or a million, you're communicating to your audience. If you use tools like mini chat to put a Facebook message out or text message out, that's another example of using a tool to communicate to your audience. These are examples of digital marketing. Now, businesses can leverage digital channels, such as social media, search engines, emails and other sites to connect with their audience, right. So, it's not necessarily just the channels that you may be thinking of like Instagram or LinkedIn. Search engines are a good example of a channel that's super popular and so is email. I know a lot of people are saying that email is dying, but they've been saying that for over 10 years and trust me, it is not dead. It's being used more and more and more because it's a cornerstone of corporate communication. Now, there's many different aspects of digital marketing. Well, when someone lands on your website, that's your brand, that's your presence. How are you communicating that message out when people land? That's all part of digital marketing. Just like when you post an image on Facebook, sometimes that image is a photo, other times it's a graphic. You may be using tools like Canva which is free to create that image. Now, there's also traditional marketing. So, I want to break down digital marketing versus traditional marketing so that way there's no confusion. Traditional marketing is essentially the same idea as digital marketing except the idea of the online component or the digital component. For example, traditional marketing would be using tools like billboards, print ads, magazines, newspapers, direct mail, phone calls, like dialing and saying hey, would you buy X, Y and Z from me versus using WhatsApp, which would be more digital. Doing direct phone calls, that would be more traditional. In other words, traditional encompasses a form of physical marketing. Digital would be using tools like social media channels, emails, search engine optimization, blogging. You pretty much get the picture. So, why does digital marketing matter? Well, Google and Facebook generate more revenue than any other traditional media company out there because they control more eyeballs. That's why digital marketing matters. It's where the attention is. Look around you. Odds are at least half the people that you're looking at right now have a phone and are on it, right. I'm not talking about the phones in the pocket, I'm talking about they're literally on their phones. They got the Apple AirPods in their ears or headphones, they're doing something with their phone. That's where people's attention and eyes are. If that's where their eyes and attention is that's where there's money to be made. Now, how many of you actually look at billboards? Chances are, a bus comes by with a billboard or you see a billboard on the street, you probably ignore it. That's why Google and Facebook are much bigger than any traditional media company out there. So, is digital marketing worth it for your business? Well, chances are it is. It's worth it for almost every business out there other than ones that are like government related, and the reason being is government type businesses are more contract basis where you don't really need digital marketing for that. But, typically for almost every single business you can do well through digital marketing. Now, if you're not sure on where you can get started with digital marketing, you can use tools like Ubersuggest. You can type in any of your competitor URLs or if you don't know your competitors you can type in any keywords and Ubersuggest will show you all the people rank for it. That'll give you ideas for competitors. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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Video SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos on the First Page of Google (Fast)

Video SEO is the process of getting more video views from Google. In this tutorial, you’ll learn the step-by-step process to rank your YouTube videos on the first page of Google.
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Additional Video SEO Resources YouTube SEO: How to Rank Your Videos #1 ► How to Get More Views on YouTube (Even With 0 Subscribers) ► YouTube Keyword Research: How to Get More Views Consistently ► How to Edit YouTube Videos for High Engagement ► How to use Video Marketing to Grow Your Business ► ***************************************
I’m sure you’ve noticed that videos have been appearing more and more in Google’s search results. In fact, SEO statistics show that video carousels nearly doubled in the SERPs in 2017. This is why you should be focusing on video SEO. What is video SEO? Video SEO is different from YouTube SEO. Video SEO is the process of increasing visibility and rankings in search engines like Google. Whereas YouTube SEO is the process of increasing visibility and rankings in YouTube search. The good news: properly optimized videos The good news is that properly optimized videos for Google can also rank in YouTube and vice versa, with just a few additional things. So, how do you rank your YouTube videos on Google? The first step is to find video topics with ranking and traffic potential. Google ranks content that best serves a user’s query. And generally speaking, if videos are ranking high or are prominent in the SERPs, it’s a sign that creating a video on this topic has the potential to get views from Google. And in this video, you’ll learn three ways to find video topics with both ranking and traffic potential. Step 2 is to create an optimized video. You probably already know the basics of video optimization. Your videos need to engage your audience, i.e., long watch times, high audience retention, and boast-worthy session watch times. But something a lot of creators forget is that the Internet is more or less text-based. So if Google, YouTube or any other search engine can’t interpret the text attached to your video, then you’ll never rank your videos on YouTube or Google. If you want to optimize your videos (and not just for engagement), you’ll have to give as much context as possible to search engines. And the way you do that boils down to the words spoken in the video, matching visuals, and metadata. While they’re easy to implement, they do require some planning. And in this tutorial, you’ll learn some strategies on how to do this. The third step is to add closed captions to your instructional videos. Remember: we want to help YouTube and Google understand the contents of our video as much as possible. And since the words that are spoken can easily be transcribed to text, this is probably the best and easiest way to add context to your video. You’ll learn how to do this in the video. Step 4 is to create an enticing thumbnail. It’s no secret that great thumbnails lead to more clicks. So, you’ll learn a couple of cool tips on how to make a compelling thumbnail that gets viewers to click. Finally, the last step is to add timestamps to your videos. This can help you get the “key moments” feature on Google. Key moments is a new SERP feature was released in September 2019. Here’s Google explanation about this: “When you search for things like how-to videos that have multiple steps, or long videos like speeches or a documentary, Search will provide links to key moments within the video based on timestamps provided by content creators.” How do you capture “key moments” with your video? You’ll learn how in this tutorial. To conclude, it’s estimated that video will represent 82% of ALL IP traffic in 2021. The fact that video is starting to dominate Google’s SERP is a good indicator that it’s time to up your video SEO game. Timestamps: 1:18 Find video topics that rank and bring traffic
5:13 Optimize your video for organic rankings
9:07 Importance of closed captions
10:22 Valuable tips on thumbnail improvement
11:07 Use timestamps to highlight key moments of the video #videoseo #youtubeseo #videomarketing Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED: Ahrefs ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Twitter ►

Does PageSpeed Actually Impact SEO? [New Experiment]

Does page loading speed actually affect Google rankings? I decided to find out. And the results will probably surprise you. First, a little bit of background. Google has stated several times on the record that site loading speed impacts SEO. The slower your site is, in general, the worse it will rank in the search results. But they’ve never said how important speed actually is. Is it a Google ranking factor that’s a key part of the algorithm? Or a minor thing that won’t make much of a difference in practice. Well, I decided to find out. Specifically, I ran a little SEO experiment. This experiment took one page that loaded SUPER slowly according to Google PageSpeed Insights… and sped it up significantly. Then, I tracked the rankings and organic traffic to that page. That way, we could control speed as variable (as much as you can control any variable in an SEO experiment!). The results were… interesting to say the least. SUBSCRIBE to get higher rankings and more traffic! Follow me on Twitter!

4 USELESS Marketing Tools You’re Still Using (STOP Wasting Your Money)

While six to eight years ago some of the tools that I'm going to mention were really useful. Today, they're just going to waste your time. So, when you read about them on the blackout forums or SEOs talking about how they can skyrocket your rankings, you should avoid them at all costs cause they're going to risk your rankings. Today I want to teach you four useless marketing tools that you're still using and you should stop wasting your time and money on. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest: STOP Paying for SEO Tools – The Only 4 Tools You Need to Rank #1 in Google : 7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic :
____________________________________________ The first tool is automated link building tools. When you're using an automated link building tool you're likely going to build irrelevant backlinks from pages that aren't really related to your content. This can hurt your rankings. The biggest problem is you'll leave footprints behind you. Google will be able to identify these patterns with your backlinks and they'll know that you're artificially inflating them and this is going to either keep your rankings flat or it can actually hurt them at the same time. Why waste time on something that's not going to help you rank any better. Instead, you need to create value. Put the user first, whether it's content, whether it's tools like Ubersuggest. You know, if you look at Ubersuggest I've generated over 10,000 backlinks. How'd I done this? Purely by giving away something for free. That's helped tremendously for me over the years. And you don't have to create a tool like that or go as far as I have. You can use sites like CodeCanyon, buy tools that have already existed, buy them for 10, 20 dollars, pop them on your site and generate natural backlinks as well from that. The next tool you need to stop using, it's any text or content spinners. And if that's the case and your user metrics are terrible, your rankings are going to plummet. Not just for that page, but your whole site. If you have a lot of pages that are just spun up, that is not great user experience, it can affect your whole site, not just those pages. So, what you need to realize is creating content doesn't guarantee your rankings. Creating amazing content that people love is going to give you a much better chance of ranking fairly well. So, instead of using these tools, what I want you to do is do research, people love research, they're more likely to link to articles that have research, look for reputable sources and tie in that data into your article and site your sources and make sure that you're writing high quality, original content. The next tool that you're wasting your time on is LinkedIn lead generation bots. The best thing to do on Earth would be to use an automated tool, right? Wrong. On top of this, LinkedIn has sited that they're going to battle up and fight people who are creating these chrome extensions automated tools and put them down for good. So, instead what you want to do it create valuable content on LinkedIn that people want to read, especially if it's video-based, cause LinkedIn loves videos. You can also go live on LinkedIn, which does tremendously well as well. And by doing those things you're going to get more followers from there as well, you can sell your content and services. Last but not least, comment bot. Much like automated content creation tools, a lot of people have been using bots to automate commenting on other sites for years. This is what plugins like Akismet by WordPress are so popular. No one wants all these spammy blog comments. I literally get thousands and thousands of blog comments per day. So, instead, if you want to leave comments, write up something that's thoughtful that helps people. Not just the person that wrote the article but other people reading it and then leave it. When you leave relevant comments A, people are going to know about you and start following you. B, if they like what you have to say they may check out your business. And C, they may end up converting into a customer. Anyone that tells you something that's too good to be true, chances are it is and it's just going to hurt you in the long run. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Has Blogging Changed Too Drastically in 2020? (The Explanation Behind Your Weak Results)

A lot of people think blogging has changed over the last year since they're not getting good results from their blogging efforts anymore. The truth is, the underlying rules of success when it comes to blogging are still the same. But the competitive game has changed a lot over the past years. In this video, I'm going to break down some of the things that you need to do in order to be able to compete in 2020 and stop getting the lousy results that you're getting with your blog. Today, I'm going to cover has blogging changed too drastically in 2020? RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest – How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish : 8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful :
____________________________________________ Just think of it this way, there are over 1.5 billion websites on the web, and 380 websites are created every single minute. There are roughly a billion blogs on the Internet. That's roughly one blog for every seven people. Now, some websites have blogs, some of them don't, that's why you see the discrepancy in that number. But you're probably wondering, hey, with all these websites coming aboard, with WordPress powering more than 30% of the Internet, how do I compete? And is it even possible to rank anymore in your market? In short, it's still possible. Here are some sure-fire tactics that can help you rank in whatever market that you're trying to compete in. First, you want to make sure that your blog is correctly optimized. It's important to make sure that your blog is going after relevant keywords and the ones that aren't too competitive, especially at the beginning. So if you're not including the keywords in your content, chances are, you're not going to rank more because Google doesn't know that you're going after that keyword. And as I mentioned, you don't want to go after keywords that are too competitive. So using Ubersuggest, type in whatever keyword that you're looking to go after, look at the SEO difficulty score. When you're starting off, you want to go after keywords that have a difficulty score of 40 or under. You're much more likely to get rankings if you go after keywords that are 40 and under versus going after the ones that are much more competitive. You also want to optimize your site for mobile and voice search. So if you want to do well with mobile and voice, make sure you're using structured markup, right. You also want to opt-in for the long tail keyword approach when you're starting off. If you're just starting off at the beginning, you want a lot of traffic, remember, on voice and even on mobile, people are searching for long-tail phrases. You will also want to use analytics to determine a customer journey and performance. You need to look at your Google Analytics, set up conversion tracking, and figure out what channels, what sources are causing the most conversions, what pages are causing the most conversion. That way, you know what to do more of and what not to do more of, because a lot of times, you get a lot of traffic to pages that are like, wow, look at all this traffic, but it's not driving any sales. And you're like, it's the right keywords, I'm just not driving any sales. Well, a lot of that, which is the next approach, you can't be afraid to monetize your content. So with a blog, you're getting some traffic, if you're not telling people about your products or services within your blog content, don't ever expect to generate any sales. But if you do, you're much more likely to. Last but not least, you need to focus on an omnichannel approach. Focusing on several different channels is going to actually provide you better SEO results. Yes, SEO is Google, but think of it this way, from everything that we've seen, when you get more social shares, you're getting more traffic back to your site, that means more people are seeing your content, they may link back to it, they may leave a comment, they may subscribe by email, they may come back a year later and then buy from you or link back to you. And all those user signals will continually help with your ranking. The reason the omnichannel approach is super important, Eric Schmidt once talked about how brands are the solution to figuring out what sites should rank on Google. When you take an omnichannel approach, someone's more likely to see you. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #Blogging #ContentMarketing #DigitalMarketing

How to use Video Marketing to Grow Your Business

Video marketing is growing. We’ve also used this channel successfully, resulting in more than 100,000 subscribers, millions of views and thousands of new paying customers. In this video, you’ll learn how to use video marketing to grow your business. Subscribe ► ***************************************
Additional Video Marketing Resources YouTube SEO: How to Rank Your Videos #1 ► How to Get More Views on YouTube (Even With 0 Subscribers) ► YouTube Keyword Research: How to Get More Views Consistently ► How to Edit YouTube Videos for High Engagement ► Tim Soulo’s question on #AskGaryVee Episode 47 ► ***************************************
In a 2018 study, 85% of US internet users watched online video content every month. With such high demand for video content, how do we use it to drive revenue? But first, what is video marketing? Video marketing is using videos to promote and educate your target audience. It’s also used to increase brand awareness and social engagement, allowing you to reach new and bigger audiences. Video marketing doesn’t mean you have to create shows or be a personality that people fall head over heels for. A report from Hubspot Research shows that 54% of consumers want to see videos from brands, which was higher than any other content type. Why is video powerful? A few reasons: ► Allows you to demonstrate concepts faster and more clearly
► Create a personal connection with viewers
► Reach audiences on YouTube How do you create great video marketing campaigns? The first step is to define your audience. You’ll learn a few ways on how to define your audience, even if you don’t yet have customers. The second step is to define a primary objective. And there are 3 main categories for objectives. These are brand awareness, education, and entertainment aka. BEE. You’ll learn what the differences are and how to choose the right one for your business. Step 3 is to create content. While there is no exact formula to create a successful video, there are a few things you can do to optimize your video. You’ll learn how long your videos should be, and the format you should use. You’ll also learn how to overcome some struggles as you start being a video creator. The final step is how to get views to your videos. You’ll learn 4 strategies we’ve used personally to get more views and how you can too. Video marketing is insanely powerful, and you should definitely consider doing marketing with video in the months to come. Timestamps: 1:16 – What is video marketing?
3:18 – Understand who is your audience
4:38 – Three types of video objectives
5:50 – What is the best length for the content?
6:48 – Types of video format
9:24 – Overcome your ‘struggles’
12:25 – How to get views to your videos
14:29 – Using paid ads to promote your videos #videomarketing #videoseo #youtubemarketing Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED: Ahrefs ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Twitter ►

Can Social Media Still Bring You ANY Website Traffic in 2020

The social web is huge, from Facebook to Pinterest, when you combine them all, it's over billions of eyeballs per year. But, if you've been doing business on the social web for a while you've probably watched things become harder and harder every single day. I ran a study and pulled 483 companies who all are leveraging Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. And today I'm going to show you whether or not businesses are actually getting any traffic from social. Today I'm going to break down can social media still bring you any website traffic in 2020? RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
How to Start Social Media Marketing (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners) : 7 Social Media Hacks That’ll Make Your Business Grow Faster : Stop Making These Social Media Marketing Mistakes :
____________________________________________ There's always a big debate as to whether or not social media is worth it for your business in terms of traffic. This study is conducted to help paint a better picture of how useful social media really is for your business. Important disclaimer, this study focused solely on organic traffic and not paid. Right, from a paid acquisition standpoint social media is really simple. You spend a dollar, you should make more than a dollar. That is super effective even to this day. If it wasn't, Facebook wouldn't be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, they're all worth billions of dollars because paid ads on social media are still effective. Sure, it's harder and harder each year, but it's still effective. Now let's go over social media organic traffic over time. Let's start by looking at this chart of social media traffic over time. In 2015 you can generate roughly three visitors per month for every 100 followers. However, now that number's just roughly two visitors per month. That's a 38.6% drop in organic traffic. Now when you look at traffic by social channel, let's first start off by looking at which channels drive the most traffic per 100 followers. Facebook and Instagram are somewhat of the lowest in the chart. Instagram really isn't a shocker because you can't really add links to your posts. What is a surprise though, is Pinterest was the winner by far, followed by LinkedIn and YouTube. So if you want to get the most traffic start off with Pinterest first and then LinkedIn. I often get asked, how often should I post content? Well, this chart may help. In general, posting more should drive you more traffic. However, the study shows that after eight posts a month you'll start seeing a diminishing return. Now, this is due to the way the algorithms are set up. The more that people engage with your content, the more of them that'll see your future content as you post it. This is why it's important to only post high-quality content and not mediocre content. If you can produce five amazing pieces of high-quality content a week, then do five. If you can only 10 a month, then only do 10 a month, but limit your number based on the quality of the content that you're producing. Now let's look at social channels and which ones prefer videos. So you're probably wondering, hey, which networks prefer videos? Well, it's easy to see that Instagram produces the most amount of views by far, followed by LinkedIn and YouTube. Even on Facebook, as you scroll in your feed, you'll see videos automatically playing without sign-on, same with Instagram. YouTube is not like that, so a view on YouTube is really a view, while a view on Instagram and Facebook isn't really necessarily a view. Now while it's important to post video content on all channels, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube should be your top focus. Now let's look at how well live videos perform on each channel. The results are similar, with Instagram and YouTube leading the pack. The big takeaway here is live videos don't generate as many views as regular videos and the main reason is, and this is likely that non-live videos can be optimized for SEO much more than let's say live videos. The next thing I want to look at, how much revenue is generated from social traffic. So here's a percentage of revenue that each business has generated from organic social media traffic over the past five years. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SocialMedia #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing