This is a complete copywriting tutorial for 2020. In my opinion, copywriting is THE most important marketing skill you can have. That's because your ability to write comes into play when you're creating: -Blog posts
-YouTube video scripts
-Outreach emails
-Podcast titles
-And more This video is a non-stop, actionable copywriting crash course. Specifically, in this video you'll learn: How to learn the exact words that your customers use to describe their problems using online forums like Reddit and Quora. This might be the most important copywriting exercise of them all because it forces you to write copy that your customers can relate to. Then, I'll show you how the "Slippery Slide" keeps people scrolling down your page. This is an old school copywriting tip that I've updated for 2020. It's no secrets that headlines are super important for sales letters, social media posts… or anything that you publish online. I show you how to write headlines that stand out, get noticed, and push people to click. You'll learn how to use FOMO and strong leads to make your reader super interested in what you have to say (and also, boost conversions on your website). When it's all said and done, you'll have a copywriting tutorial that you can refer to whenever you want to improve your writing skills. SUBSCRIBE to get higher rankings and more traffic! Follow me on Twitter!
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Category: Search Engine Optimization Tips
9 SEO Metrics You Need to Measure When Launching a New Website
9 SEO Metrics You Need to Measure When Launching a New Website | When you're getting a new website off the ground, knowing exactly what to measure will make or break your success. But with all the metrics that Google Analytics and other platforms offer, it's easy to get lost. So, you know what? Today I'm going to keep it simple. That way you can succeed. Today, I'm going to break down 9 SEO metrics that you need to measure when launching a new website. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Google Analytics –
MobileMonkey –
Google Search Console –
Ubersuggest – –
____________________________________________ The first metric that you need to monitor is load time. It has a huge effect on SEO and user experience will make or break your website's success. You know, I was reading an interesting article that was breaking down some stats from Walmart. Did you know that every second that they saw in load time improvement, they saw roughly a 1 or 2% increase in conversions? That's not bad, something's better than nothing, right? So load time not only affects your search engine rankings but it can also affect your conversion rates. The second metric that you need to keep track of is dwell time or at least average session duration in Google Analytics. If people like your content, they'll spend more time consuming it. If they don't, then you're kind of screwed. And a simple way that you can improve this is crosslinking your content together. So for example, if I have an article that breaks down SEO and an introduction to SEO and I break down all the factors of SEO such as things like link building. Well, if I was to have an article on link building, I'll link to that article and that will help with this metric. The next metric is average time on page. Check this metric off for individual pages to see what's working and what's not working. You'll have some pages that hit it out of the park and you'll have some pages that just do terrible. You want to take the pages that are doing extremely well and figure out, all right, what do all these pages have in common? Go look at all the pages that aren't performing well, what do they have in common? This will give the idea of what you should do more of and what you should do less of. The next metric I want you to look at is a percentage of returning visitors and the early days, especially when your website is brand new, what you'll find out is you'll have a ton of returning visitors. Because that will be you going back to your site or your friends going back to your site. The next metric I want you to look at: referral traffic. Organic traffic won't be great in the beginning but if you can get referral traffic in order to get people to your site, if they're from relevant sites, you can get sales, conversions. Knowing what is the best referring traffic sources will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy. The next metric I want you to track is organic traffic. In the early days you're not going to rank for much so what you want to do is you want to look for your rankings and if they're climbing up. So when you're looking at organic traffic, look at the total number not just each individual keyword, because you can see as a whole, are you getting more traffic or less traffic. You can do this through Google Search Console or you can sign up for Ubersuggest and it can track your rankings as well as your search traffic on a daily basis for you. The next thing I want you to track: bounce rate. For organic traffic, anything around 50% or lower is good, anything above that level you need to make improvements to your site. Bounce rate's not just about the content but it's about the experience. The next metric: email opt in's. Email subscribers will be one of your best source of traffic. Now another metric I want you to track: pages per session. Look, if people are coming to your site and they're sticking around for two, three, four, five pages per session, that's good. If they're sticking to one point something, that's pretty low. Look at the behavior flow in Google Analytics to see exactly where users are navigating to. This will inform you and tell you what's working and what's not. This will tell you what you need to do to get more pages per session. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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7 Skills Every Marketer Must Master (Or Else Get Crushed by The Competition)
7 Skills Every Marketer Must Master (Or Else Get Crushed by The Competition) | You're a digital marketer and things keep changing every day. Do you fear your skills can become obsolete in the years to come? Well, this is your chance to change that and upgrade your knowledge base. Today I'm going to breakdown the seven skills every marketer must master, or else you're going to get crushed by the competition. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) :
Taboola –
Ubersuggest –
____________________________________________ The first thing that you need to master is media buying. Look, it's not just about Facebook ads and Google ads or even Bing ads these days. Taboola, they provide a huge ROI as long as you learn how to use them right. So, if you can learn media buying right, you can do well. Now, media buying is a lot different than just saying "Hey, I'm going to drive Google traffic or Facebook traffic "to a page and convert people." What you're going to have to learn how to do, is generate copy, copy that educates people, and through that education pushes them into your product and service. The next thing you need to master is SEO traffic generation. Paid ads are going to become more and more expensive over time. In the last recession, Google didn't have a down year. In other words, when the market crashed Google was still making more money. You're probably wondering why. Well, if you spend a dollar and you make more than a dollar, such as you making two or three or four dollars, do you think you're going to cut back during recession? No, it's profitable. You're more likely to cut back on things like television ads. So, you need to learn how to get organic traffic because that way as costs continually rise, you'll be prepared and you can still get that organic traffic. Now, with organic traffic, you'll find that it doesn't convert as well as pay traffic, but that's okay. It still drives a very high ROI through the fact that you don't have to keep paying per click. If you don't know where to get started with SEO, just go to Ubersuggest, put in your URL, once it loads click the site audit report. It'll tell you everything that you need to fix and prioritize it based off of what's going to drive you the most traffic, versus the changes that'll make the least impact. After you learn SEO, I want you to learn copywriting and persuasion. As David Ogilvy said, when it comes to copywriting, 80 cents on the dollar is spent on the headline. And he's right, it's all about the headline. There's an interesting fact, eight out of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 will click through and read the rest of your content. So, if you can't persuade people to keep reading and clicking through, you're not going to convert those people into customers. The reason this is important, especially with copywriting, because ads are increasing in costs. You got to add in up sales and down sales, and if you can't persuade people through your copy and through persuasion, you're not going to be making enough revenue on the front end to keep affording the costs of advertising. The next thing you need to learn is channel partnerships or influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is on a rise, and everyone is looking at me like, oh, you know paying people on Instagram doesn't work out that well. Now, the reason influencer marketing or channel partnerships is important, is it's all about finding micro influencers. So, if you can find micro influencers or channel partners who have the same exact customer basis as you, you can end up doing really well. Next, you need to learn about Analytics. Sure, there's Google analytics, but are you using goal tracking? Are you looking at the cohort report which shows you who's coming back over and over again? Are you looking to see what pages are causing more sessions and repeat usages? Next, you need to be really good at social media marketing. And not just posting on Instagram, or Facebook, or any of this. It comes down to video and live. You don't need studio quality production like I have, you can just bust out your phone, record really quick videos like GaryVee or Tai Lopez does, it's very effective. And I also love research because it shows me what's working other similar industries and then I can test it out on my site, versus from starting from scratch as well. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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How to Stop Overthinking Your Marketing And Do The Work 5x Faster | FAST Business Growth
How to Stop Overthinking Your Marketing And Do The Work 5x Faster | Do you feel you're spending a lot of time on your marketing and not getting much done? After 40, even 60, even 80 hours of just working on your marketing each and every week, just feel you're putting in so many hours, but you're not getting a ton of results. Well, we're about to fix that today. Today I'm going to teach you how to stop overthink your marketing and how to do your work five times faster. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest –
Hootsuite –
CovertKit –
Hello Bar –
____________________________________________ Now you probably overthink your marketing if: A. You're trying to be perfect. B. You're polishing up graphics.
C. You're polishing up your social media, text-based content or copied. D. You're getting sad when your content piece doesn't perform. It's just an indicator that you need to try another approach. So, let's go over how you can work five times faster and more effectively. The first thing you need to do is breakdown the overwhelming projects into baby steps. In marketing, there's a lot of things that take time, but they can be broken down into baby steps. For example, when it comes to SEO, there's link building, there's writing content, there's promoting the content, there's things like cross-linking, there's on page SEO, you can break them all into small bite size chunks. When you break it down, write it on a paper as if, hey, here's what you have to do for this day. Or here's what you have to do for this task. And what I like doing is writing it down on paper or creating tasks and breaking it all into bite size chunks and ideally try to make them small enough where I can complete something within 30 minutes to an hour at the latest. The next thing I want you to do is allows think about why you're doing a certain activity. Do you really need to do it? See, sometimes we're slaves to our own list. We have all these actions in our to-do list, we're like, all right, we're going to go do this today and we break it all down, but are some of these things even important? Well, if they are, you should be doing them. If they're not, you know, double check with yourself like, "Hey, is this actually going to move the needle?" If it's not going to move the needle, then don't do it. It's not put it on the sidelines, I'm talking about don't do it at all. The next thing you want to do, identify and focus on activities that have caused the majority of your results so far. It's a 80/20 rule, right? The Pareto Principle, in which, 20% of the stuff you do will produce 80% of the results. You know, it's so funny, I talk with a lot of my sales guys and their just like, "Yeah, closing all these deals. "I'm on the phone, I'm following up with everyone" and I'm like, "You're following up with too many people. "Why don't you focus on the right accounts "that are going to make us the majority of the money." The same goes with your marketing efforts. Look at what has the biggest impact, focus on that. That 80% of the stuff that you're spending your time on produces the least amount of results. Next, I want you to outsource the lowest level activities in your business. Whether that's creating graphics for Instagram or graphics for Facebook, or LinkedIn, or whatever it may be. Or editing your videos, or optimizing your title tag. There's a lot of basic stuff that you're probably spending 10, 15 hours on that you could have other people help you out. Next, I want you to start creating processes. When you have a process in place and it could be in a form of checklists that someone has to do all these things in order to get this specific action, then what you'll find is people will be much more efficient. Then, I want you to create as much content as possible in batches. Whether it's text on social media, quotes for images on social media, podcast, for example my marketing school podcast, we tend to record roughly 15 episodes in a two to three hour chunk. Last, but not least, I want you to repurpose more of your content. Turn your blog post into social media quotes. Heck, you can even take your blog post and repost them on social media. Use image captions, video captions, right? Turn your blog post into outlines for videos. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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How to Learn SEO Fast and Effectively
Trying to figure out how to get higher rankings and more traffic? This video will show you how to learn SEO fast and effectively.
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Additional SEO Resources What is SEO? How Search Engines Like Google Work ► SEO for beginners video ► On-Page SEO Checklist for 2019 ► How to Do Keyword Research for a NEW Website (2019 Tutorial) ► Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish (2019) ► Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ► A Basic (Yet Powerful) Technical SEO Audit for Beginners ► How to Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Tasks and Maximize Productivity ► Link Building with Google Sheets: Start Guest Posting in 15 Minutes ► How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google: A Data-Driven SEO Strategy For Faster Rankings ► ***************************************
The world of SEO: a crowded and noisy space where it’s easy to get information overload from many conflicting tactics and strategies. And if you’re spending the majority of your time reading guides on how to do SEO rather than actually do it, you won’t learn anything. So, this video will highlight some principles that are critical in learning SEO fast and effectively. The first thing you need to do is to nail the fundamentals. You need to understand and learn what these fundamentals are before you can generate meaningful traffic to your site via search engines like Google. What are these fundamentals? You’ll find out in the video. After you’ve nailed the fundamentals, Sam recommends that you get an internship at a respected SEO agency. You’ll find out why this is the best way to learn, and how you can get an internship at a company you respect in the industry. Sam also recommends you apply the 80/20 rules to SEO. The 80/20 rule, also known as Pareto’s principle suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. You’ll learn how to apply this rule to your SEO education. The next thing you should focus on is to refine processes rather than search for shortcuts. You’ll learn how to do this, as opposed to constantly seeking out shortcuts, hacks or the next shiny tactic. Lastly, soft skills. SEO isn’t always about the hard, technical skills. Soft skills matter too. You’ll learn what these soft skills are, and why they are one of the greatest skillsets that all great SEOs have. Timestamps: 2:24 – Learn SEO fundamentals
2:47 – Get an internship at a respected agency 4:12 – Apply the 80/20 rule for learning
4:53 – Refine processes rather than search for shortcuts to methodology
5:53 – Build perseverance 7:46 – Prioritize based on the things that are working for you #learnseo #seo #seobasics Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED:
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How to Find Hundreds of Thousands of SEO Keywords For Free
How to Find Hundreds of Thousands of SEO Keywords For Free | A few years ago, you would need a handful of tools if you wanted to find keywords for your content and SEO strategy. Especially if you want to figure out what your competitors are doing in this space, and how you can beat them. But today, I'm going to teach you how to do all that with one tool and best of all, for free. Today, I'm going to teach you how to find hundreds of thousands of SEO keywords for free. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest –
____________________________________________ So what's this tool? Well you can probably guess it. It's Ubersuggest, it's my own marketing tool. And it's free, I'm not making money off this. Technically, the more of you that use it the more it cost me in server costs. But what I'm going to do it break down how you can find hundreds of thousands of keywords for free. So first, on Ubersuggest, there's different type of keyword reports. If you type in a keyword like dog, you're going to see some basic keyword options. You're going to see some suggestive keywords, related keywords, but there's also questions, comparisons, and prepositions. This is important because this shows you other keywords that people are typing in that not too many people are targeting. When someone has a question, they're looking for answer. And if you can provide the answer, and your answer is your product or service, you ca bet you're going to generate some sales. Comparisons, if someone's comparing one company to another, you can bet they're ready to make a decision. These are all examples of good keywords. Same with prepositions, it's another place to find amazing keywords that most people aren't touching. Now once you figure out the keywords from the comparisons, prepositions, questions, I want you to go into your articles that already get traffic and Ubersuggest will show you that. So if you type in your domain name, you'll see a report that is the traffic analyzer overview. Now, if you scroll down and you go to top pages, you'll see your top pages. And you click on keywords, it'll show you all the keywords that drives traffic to those top pages. Take those keywords, type them in into Ubersuggest. When you type those keywords in you'll be able to find questions, comparisons, and prepositions for all those keywords. Once you find those, take those keywords that Ubersuggest spits out in the keyword ideas report, and then go and integrate them into those top pages that are already ranking for the head terms. The next thing I want you to do is type in a competitor URL into Ubersuggest. When you type in a competitor URL into Ubersuggest, it'll show you all the keywords that they're ranking for. All you have to do is scroll down, click on keywords, it'll show you the SEO keywords that your competitors are ranking for. And you can go through them and this will give you idea of all the keywords that they're ranking for. Now I want you to do one other thing. You've already typed in your competitor URLs, to to their top pages. This will show you that the type of content that they're creating. Now that you seen the type of content that they're creating, here's what you can do that's really cool. Type it into Ubersuggest, and click on content ideas. This content ideas report will show you all the blog articles that are very similar to your competitors. Take them all, look at the content, and make sure that whatever you're writing is better than all the ones there. And Ubersuggest will show you all the keywords that each of those articles are ranking for as well. This will give you ideas of keywords that you should integrate into your blog post. In addition to that, you now have a list of all the people that are linking to your competitors. You should hit them all up and beg them for a link and tell them how your version provides more value and break down how, be very specific on how they should consider linking to you as well. Now, another thing that I would do if you want to get the most value out of Ubersuggest, is go and look in Ubersuggest, go to the site audit report, it'll show you all the duplicate titles and meta descriptions that you have. And go and look to see if you can integrate any of these new keywords that you've researched into any of the duplicate titles and meta descriptions. So there's a lot of other features in Ubersuggest, I just want to show you those because it helps you find way more keywords. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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This Social Network’s Organic Reach Will Drop Dramatically in 2020 – Here’s Why
This Social Network’s Organic Reach Will Drop Dramatically in 2020 – Here’s Why | Business owners and publishers watched their Facebook pages organic reach die since 2014. And now it's ridiculously low, but there's another social network that's already started to decrease their organic reach too and it's going to start drastically dropping in 2020. Today I'm going to break down the social network that's going to have a huge drop in organic reach in 2020 and what you can do to fix this. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Instagram Ads:
The Best Way to Get More Instagram Followers [2019 Update] (video):
How I Gain 1,254 Followers Per Week on Instagram Organically in 2019 [Fast & 100% Free] (video):
____________________________________________ So you're probably wondering what that social network is, it's Instagram and don't worry, as I mentioned I'll teach you how to combat this so that way you can get the reach, but let's go over some data before we get into that. There's over 500 million accounts using Instagram stories everyday, a billion plus Instagram accounts worldwide that are active every single month. Instagram is the second most engaged social network according to eMarketer, now there'll be more and more content competing for news feeds in this space, right, as more and more people on Instagram, more people that are competing. The Instagram community has grown from 90 million active users in January 2013 to over a billion active users of June 2018. And Instagram's projected to grow more slowly in the next few years, from 13.1 percent growth in 2018 to 4 percent in 2022, which means competition will get tougher and tougher. There's just simply too much content being pushed on Instagram, making it really tough for your content to be seen. Well the first thing you want to do, is playing with paid ads. The reason you want to play with paid ads, is not because you need to spend money on Instagram to have that grow, you want to play with paid ads, because of how quickly help boost the stuff that's working, so that way it gets more reach, you're engaged more with your audience, you'll breath more life into them and with the algorithm they're going to be like, oh so and so is interacting and engaging with Neil's content Jon's content or your content. The next thing I want you to do, is you live every single day, I know that sounds crazy, but the really big on live, if you bust out your phone and you're leveraging live every single day, and interacting with your audience, you'll find, that more of them are going to see your organic content when ever you post. Next, you to start engaging with the community through comments. So, when they leave a comment, you should leave a comment responding back to them, when they have a question, you should answer and be thorough, not a simple yes or no or thank you, the more detailed you get, the better off your are. Next, you need to keep testing the content type that's working, if you look right now, what you'll find on my Neil Patel profile, is a really small image of me with a blue verified check and a big quote, is working really well, versus when I put big images of me with a quote, I'm not getting as many likes and shares and engagement. Next, I want you to start responding to everyone, who messages you directly, so Instagram has a mailbox feature which people can send direct messages to you. Whether they are follower or not, I want you to start responding to everyone, engage with them, because if you do that, it shows that you care, you're going to have a much more loyal fan base, they're going to go to your profile directly even if they don't see it in the feed, and start engaging, so that way as you post more content, Instagram will show it in their feed, because you have all this engagement and you're going to get much more organic growth. Now last but not least, I want you to start partnering with other Instagram influencers, they don't have to have a ton more followers and million, they could have roughly the same, amount as you, start creating video content together, start doing co-production of content and they post it on their profile, you post it on your profile, so even if you're not getting as much organic reach, it's now going on multiple pages, which, or multiple profiles, which is going to help with more people seeing you and that should help with your sales, traffic revenue and overall branding. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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