The Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy

This is my COMPLETE content marketing strategy, In fact, this is the same step-by-step process that I used to get 2M+ visitors to my site last year. With that, here's a quick summary of what I'm going to cover in today's video: First, I'm going to show you how to find proven topics for your content. So whether you're writing blog posts, shooting YouTube videos or recording podcasts, you'll learn how to find topics that get results. The next step in my content marketing strategy is to choose a content format. Specifically, a content format that's working right now. Next, you'll learn how to optimize that content for SEO. Specifically, I'll show you how I optimize my blog posts so they rank in Google for competitive terms. Finally, you'll learn how to promote your content the right way. In the end, you'll have a legit content marketing strategy that you get use to get more traffic to your site. SUBSCRIBE to get higher rankings and more traffic! Follow me on Twitter!

Content Hubs: Where SEO and Content Marketing Meet

In this video, you’ll learn how to create your own content hub to maximize search traffic to your pages. Subscribe ► ***************************************
Additional Content Marketing Resources Content Marketing and Blogging Tutorials ► What is Content Marketing and How to Crush It on a Tiny Budget ► Content Marketing Strategy That Gets Leads and Sales ► Blogging Tips for Beginners That Actually Work ► SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ► ***************************************
Content hubs work because they help build semantic relationships between content. So, rather than write a book-length blog post about a particular topic, you can create other relevant guides and internally link between these pages. This tells search engines that all the content is related. Plus, having a logical structure to your content provides a better user experience for visitors. There are 3 parts to a content hub: ► Hub: the pillar content, and usually an in-depth guide or a resource on a broad topic
► Subpages: separate pages that go in-depth on a more specific part of your topic
► Hyperlinks: used to connect the hub to its subpages and the subpages should also link back to the hub. So, how do you create a hub for your site? The first step is to brainstorm ideas for your hub pages. You’ll learn a few questions you should ask yourself to determine whether it would be a good page in the video. The second step is to choose the right subpages. You’ll learn how to do this in the video, plus you’ll also see an example of how we would build a hypothetical content hub for a yoga site. Timestamps: 0:29 How content hubs work
1:11 Three parts of content hubs
3:50 Brainstorm ideas for your hub pages
5:36 Choose subpages that relevant to your topic
5:59 How to build a content hub for yoga site (example) #contenthubs #contentmarketing #seo Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED: Ahrefs ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Twitter ►

Why I Stopped Doing Link Building (And Should You Too?)

I completely stopped doing link building and it's been almost three years since I did that. Funny thing is my traffic has only grown during this time period and if you ask me, I think I'm never going to build links again. Do you want to learn why? Today I'm going to break down why I stopped doing link building, and why you should potentially, too. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest –
CodeCanyon –
____________________________________________ The main reason why I stopped doing link building is that I no longer need to. My website gets Backlinks every day and I don't even have to lift a finger, literally I don't! It hasn't always been that way though, for approximately the first two or three years when I first started the website, I was hitting the pavement hard. I would hit up every single person who linked out to competitor articles, beg them for links. So you're probably wondering, "Neil used to do this, what's changed? "Is it Google's algorithm?" Well it isn't Google's algorithm. Here are the main reasons why I stopped link building. The first reason is, I built a brand. So with brand building you want to go out there and be on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, all the social channels. As well as SEO, Content marketing, E-mail marketing, Push Notifications, Chatbots, like the ManyChats, or MobileMonkeys, text messaging. By having all these channels it's going to get your brand out there, which then makes it easier for you to gain links in the long run. And when you're building up your brand whether it's a corporate or personal brand, the first few years you won't really see the results you're looking for, but if you keep pushing hard for two, three, four, five years, in the long run it will work out. The second reason I don't build links is, I have valuable content that people want to link back to because it helps them grow their traffic, right? Now, your content doesn't have to help people grow their traffic, but it has to help them in whatever way. If you provide a lot of value, and when you're providing value it's not just one or two content pieces, but you build up hundreds and hundreds of articles if not thousands over time, and then you do it in a way where it's Evergreen. The third reason I stopped is, I built an invaluable free tool in my mind, Ubersuggest. Ubersuggest gets more than 25000 backlinks from over 3400 referring dominions. That's a lot. In essence it's become a household name in the SEO community because I offer what people charge for, for free. You can either pay $1,200 a year, or $100 a month, or save the money. What I want you to do is go to CodeCanyon. For $10 or $20 you can get a tool in almost any industry, pop it on your website, it's really easy, and over time you'll notice that the links will kick in. The fourth reason, I've done studies and research that people want to reference. Last year alone I launched two industry studies. One of them, I gathered 183 companies who are all leveraging content marketing, and I produced 17 charts to show people like you where content marketing is heading. And the other one, it was about social media, and its ability to generate traffic organically right? Without paying for social ads. I polled 483 companies who were all leveraging Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and I showed in that study, what's happening to social traffic over time. At least from an organic perspective. Those two studies alone have generated me 97000 backlinks, from 119 referring domains. So now the real question is this, should you stop building links too? Well it depends what stage you are. Now let me first break down if you should stop building backlinks. You should stop if, you have a lot of followers on social media that you can use to promote your content continually. Also you're already ranking for a decent amount of queuers. Your brand is well known and people look up to you in your space, or your company brand is well known and they look up to your company. You're already getting some press, public speaking opportunities, interviews on podcasts, TV interviews, radio interviews, and even mentions on blogs. Your content tends to get backlinks naturally, and you have tools or quizzes or other resources that people love to keep linking back to. These big established companies don't need to build links and it's obvious, but in your niche you may be one of those brands as well. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How I Rank #1 For Very Competitive Keywords on YouTube

Since 2017, I've grown my YouTube channel from zero to over 490,000 subscribers. YouTube is the second most popular search engine on Earth. I'm ranked for keywords on YouTube that are some of the most competitive, like SEO and content marketing. Today, I'm going to break down how to rank number one for very competitive keywords on YouTube. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest – –
Copyblogger –
____________________________________________ The first thing you need to do is become an authority in a specific area. Channels that are very specific versus talking about everything, tend to do better when it comes to ranking. Google wants to rank authoritative channels that are really, you know, the key, the end-all, be-all authority on that subject versus just random people. Why? Because it provides more value and that keeps people more on YouTube longer. So no matter what, you need to have one focus area for your channel. I kid you not, that really helps you rank better. The second tip, pay attention to feedback. If people love certain topics, then do more of them. If some people hate certain topics, then do less of them. Sure, you can't always keep creating the same video over and over and over again. But you can do variations of it, you can expand upon it. And sure they may not just tell you this feedback in a comment, but you can also tell by the views, the likes, the dislikes. All this will give you feedback. The third thing, understand search demand. Much like SEO, having the right keywords, with the right search volume gives you the best chance of success in the long run. The last thing you want to do is create content on things that just aren't searched. Sure you'll rank number one from something that gets no volume, but who really cares, because it's not driving any traffic. The next thing, do your keyword research, but focus on the value of your content. So look at the quality of your videos. You want to hook people on early on. You want to tell them why they should stick around. You want to keep them entertained. All these types of things will do well. And if you're just boring and talking in monotone like this, no one's going to stick around. But when you have amazing content that people like, "Oh my god, this is so entertaining, "you have great animation, good transition," that'll keep people around longer. The next tip, pay attention to your video format. So here's my formula that I use with my videos. First, I start with the hook. This is the idea where I capture the attention of my audience by telling them what the video's about, why it's important and why it matters to viewers. Then, I tell people to subscribe. And I just don't say, "Hey, subscribe to my channel." I tell them, "You have to click the alert notification," because if they click the alert notification, more people will get notified of your videos. Third, I lay my content out in a step-by-step format, bulleted explanations. If you do that with your audience, they'll also keep coming back. And that's why I also try to keep things short, sweet and easy to understand, so whether you're a newbie or you're advanced, you can get value. And finally, I give them some additional calls to action, talk to them about my ad agency, telling them to like the video, telling them to share it, telling them to leave a comment. Now that you've got your format right, the next step I have for you, keep a eye out on what's working within your market. See, your audience isn't only watching your content or your channel. There's other channels that are competing with you. Look at their channels. See what's working. See which one of their videos is doing the best. Analyze it. Copy their best concepts and strategies. And the last tip I have for you, it's all about the first 24 hours. With YouTube, the videos that tend to do really well in the first 24 hours tend to rank really quickly. So the first 24 hours, I push it out to all my social channels, like Twitter, saying, "Go to YouTube, watch this video." I'll do email blasts, push notification blasts through All this helps my videos rank higher because it's so popular in the first 24 hours, YouTube sees it, it's much more likely to do well in the long run. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #YouTube

3 Reasons SEOs Should Learn How to Code

Learning how to code can make you a better SEO and marketer. In this video, you’ll learn how programming and SEO intersect, and what you can do with it even with just the basics.
Subscribe ► ***************************************
Additional SEO Resources SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ► How to Learn SEO Fast and Effectively ► SEO Checklist: How to Get More Organic Traffic (Step-by-Step) ► Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish ► On Page SEO Checklist for Higher Google Rankings ► Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ► Uncovering Google Search Intent with SerpApi and Python ► ***************************************
First things first, this video isn’t for beginners. If you’re just starting out with SEO, focus on the fundamentals first. Also, just because you don’t know how to code, doesn’t mean you can’t be an excellent SEO. But the learning curve to programming is worth the effort because it benefits your efficiency, wallet, and career. So, how can you use programming as part of your SEO arsenal? The first use case: by learning a server-side language, you can automate redundant tasks. SEO is filled with redundant tasks, like changing title tags. But this can be done programmatically in a fraction of the time. You’ll learn how to do this in the video. Another reason you should learn at least the basics of programming is to communicate more effectively with your dev team. Marketers and developers tend to think differently. Marketers often think of the final result, while developers think of all the steps that are required to get to that result. While it sounds like a match made in heaven, the synergy between the two departments often falters. The last reason is that understanding how code works can make you a better technical SEO. Being able to read through source code efficiently can help you identify technical SEO issues that most crawling tools wouldn’t discover. And finally, which language should you learn? You’ll get some recommendations in the video. Timestamps: 1:08 Use server-side language for automations
1:52 What is API?
3:57 Conditional functions for easy automations
4:08 Use cases with Zapier
4:51 Communication with the dev team
6:25 Technical SEO and coding #codingforseo #programming #seo Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED: Ahrefs ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Twitter ►

7 Marketing Trends to Help you DOMINATE Social Media in 2020

Out of all the marketing spaces out there, social media is the one that changes the most every year, and it changes so drastically. And look, if you're going to follow advice from one or two years ago, it's not really going to work in the future. Today I'm going to break down seven marketing trends that'll help you dominate social media in 2020. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
How to Start Social Media Marketing (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners) : 7 Social Media Hacks That’ll Make Your Business Grow Faster : Stop Making These Social Media Marketing Mistakes : ____________________________________________ So what's the big first big change? It's, Stories, are going to continually grow. According to Hootsuite, 64% of marketers either have already incorporated Instagram Stories into their strategies, or plan to. So you need to really get into Stories. Even YouTube has recently added Stories to its platform. And it's going to be something that the default on all social platforms that come about, even the new ones that emerge that haven't launched yet, everyone's going to be into Stories. So make sure that you're leveraging them, and you can use the same story for all the platforms out there, so it'll just be more efficient for you. The second trend, niche platforms are going to take off. Look, Facebook's big, Instagram's big, they've dominated a lot of the social channels in the last few years. But platforms like TikTok are taking off at record rates for youth communities. Business platforms like LinkedIn do really well for the B2B category, or the business world. There's all these niche platforms that are coming about. Some of them are old, some of them you heard about, but more people are really going into these niche communities. Just like Pinterest is really good for interior decoration, and really good if you're targeting the female demographics. So you need to look at these niche networks, and not just push them out and be like, oh, no one's on Pinterest, it's not that popular. It's still a multibillion-dollar publicly traded company. If you're not paying attention to these niche channels, you're not going to do well. And here's the thing, if you already created content for one of them, you can repurpose that content and put it out everywhere, right? Just look at all the channels out there. The third trend, there's a new push for social commerce. See, at my ad agency, we get a lot of people talking to us, being like, "I'm doing e-commerce, were doing really well "on Facebook ads and Instagram ads, "we want to now get into Google adverts." This is the opposite, years ago it used to be people like, "I started with Google adverts, "now I want to figure out Facebook." People are now starting with Facebook and social ads, because social commerce is so big when it comes to Instagram. There's all these companies build off of Instagram and social media. The fourth trend, augmented reality is going to be more prevalent. Now, this stuff hasn't taken off yet, but you see Snapchat really pushing hard on this, Facebook's pushing hard on this, and although it's not fully there, it's going to become more and more popular in the future. The fifth big trend is a rise of regulatory control. Look, there's so much privacy information that we're all concerned about, you bet the government's going to step in. So you need to be more careful with the data that you're pushing out, what you're collecting on people, because last thing you want to do is breach any of these rules. And it's not just on a country by country basis, now in certain regions, like the United States, each state has their own rules when it comes to privacy. The sixth trend, technology adoption will take off. We're now in a role where video is everything. Video is going to become more popular than text-based stuff, everyone's going to want video-based content, because they have these mobile devices, and they have these broadband networks that are coming into place, where videos just happens so fast it's just going to become the norm. And that gets me into the seventh trend. Video content will dominate any other form of content. If you have text-based content, you've already found on Facebook, doesn't do as well as video-based. But it's not just Facebook, all the other networks from LinkedIn to TikTok, to them wanting live video, this is all going to take off. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook:
►On Instagram: #SocialMedia #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google – The Non-Designer’s Guide

How do you make your homepage more SEO friendly? You know that hey, for a lot of keywords, content pages tend to do better, but does that mean that your homepage can't rank for anything? Of course not. Today I'm going to teach you how to design a beautiful home page that ranks on Google. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
How to Do SEO For A Tiny Site With No Backlinks : The Perfect SEO Setup for WordPress: 8 Plugins to Skyrocket Your Rankings and Traffic :
____________________________________________ Look, home page SEO is very similar to optimizing your other pages, but just skipping over your home page is going to be a big mistake and you're going to miss out on a lot of opportunities. People go to your home page and learn more about your businesses all the time. First impressions are everything, and that relates to your home page as well. And here are some tactics that you can employ to create a beautiful home page that ranks on Google. First off, state your company's value proposition and selling points right away. Point out your unique selling points. What makes your company different from others? Wherever you can, you want to make sure that you point out your business’s strongest selling points, and you want to put this really early in your content. Next, you want to use customer testimonials. Trustworthiness is a huge aspect of conversions. As the internet continues to take over, brand trust is getting more and more important. Not to mention, brand trust leads to brand loyalty, AKA, returning customers. Showcasing your customer testimonials is a great way to build trust with new visitors. Next, you want to make your homepage mobile-friendly. Make sure you're using mobile-friendly themes and your website is responsive. Whether it's a small mobile device, or a bigger mobile device, or a tablet device, that way you're compatible. If you're wondering if your website is mobile optimized, well Google has free mobile testing tools out there for you. Next, make your navigation simple. Navigation is key when it comes to user experience. You don't want to have a site structure that makes people confused. Chances are if people are going to their site, and they can't find what they're looking for within a few clicks, they're going to bounce, Google is going to notice, and in the long run, it's going to hurt your rankings. One of the biggest reasons that people bounce is because bad site navigation, and what I mean by that is either too many options or they can't find what they're looking for within three clicks. In general, less is more. Next, I want you to optimize your home page title and metadata. And if you're wondering how to craft something that's very appealing, roughly six-word headlines tend to do well, people love how-tos, they love lists, they love anything that tells them what they're going to get. And if you need help with crafting your meta tags, whether it's your title tag or meta description with the right keywords, check out UberSuggest. Put in the keywords within your industry, then I want you to go to the keyword ideas report, and it'll tell you all keywords that you can consider targeting and look for the ones with the SEO difficulty score of less than 40, those are the ones that are the easiest and quickest to rank for. If you also want help optimizing your title tags and you want to run experiments, you can also use tools like ClickFlow which allow you to AB test your title tags to maximize your clicks for your homepage. Then, I want you to pull in recent blog posts on your home page. Remember, your home page is like that welcome mat. People can be going there for many reasons. Now, here's an interesting step for you, especially if you're e-commerce and you're just selling products, you may be like hey, I want my homepage just selling products, I don't want to showcase any content. Last but not least, you want to close with a call to action. Look, by people going to your home page, you don't want them just going wherever they want and have no end in sight. The end should be buying a product or service from you, going into Lead Magnet, collecting their name and information, whatever conversion is for you. Make sure your call to actions are easily clickable, they're images that stand out, and you sprinkle them throughout your home page because some people could just go to your home page and they know they want to buy right away, and for those people, you want to make your call to action closer to above the fold. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing