How To Find the Perfect Affiliate Product to Sell That Your Audience Will Love

How To Find the Perfect Affiliate Product to Sell That Your Audience Will Love | One of the most asked questions I get is, "Neil, how do I choose products to sell as an affiliate? "I don't want to ruin my reputation selling things "that my audience won't like." Well, there's a framework to find the perfect affiliate product, and if you follow it step by step, you'll end up selling much more than if you just copy and paste an Amazon affiliate code on your website hoping that you're going to generate sales. So you're probably wondering what it is, right? Today, I'm going to break down how to find the perfect affiliate product to sell to your audience that they'll love. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
SurveyMonkey –
Qualaroo –
Amazon –
Affilitizer's Chrome extension –
Amazon Associates –
eBay Partner Network – Affiliates –
Target Affiliates –
Walmart Affiliate program –
ClickBank –
JVZoo –
OfferVault –
Rakuten –
Warrior Plus –
FlexOffers –
ShareASale –
Commission Junction –
Avangate –
MaxBounty –
PeerFly –
Udemy –
Treehouse –
Coursera –
QuickStart –
360training –
____________________________________________ First, if you don't know what your audience's main problems are, what their needs, what their wants are, you need to start by surveying them and talking to them. By figuring out what your audience needs, what their problems are, if they've paid for other products or services, it'll tell you what you can sell to them, and what you shouldn't waste your time with. For example, if you're selling musician-related products, or your blog or your website's about music, and you find out that everyone's a expert, and you decide to sell beginner-related products, you're not going to get many conversions. But if you find out that everyone's a beginner, and you sell beginner-related products, and then intermediate as people go up, and then expert products as they go up even more, you'll do much better. That's why it's really important to figure out what your audience is all about, the issues and pain points they have. That way you know what to sell them from an affiliate standpoint, to generate the most income. Second, you want to brainstorm all kinds of solutions, the products, the services, that can help your audience out. Create a blank document. Jot down any ideas that cross your mind, whether it is something that you've already seen, or no one's invented yet. There's no filter. Third, look for products that fall into any of these categories, and are top sellers in their categories. For example, if you go on Amazon, they clearly show you what are top sellers in a category. You can install Affilitizer's Chrome extension. So let's go over the criteria. It needs to be directly connected to the content that you write about. So if you're writing about music stuff, your offers, your products, services, need to be about music. If you start offering something else, not only will you not make any money, but people are going to be pissed off at you. It also needs to help people out. The fourth thing you need to consider is whatever products or service you consider selling as affiliates, here are the criteria that they need to meet. Because if they don't meet these criterias, one, you won't do well, but two, you're going to look bad to your audience. The fifth thing that you need to do is don't just put links and ads all over your website to these products and services. They need to play an active role in your content. You've got to blend them in contextually. Sure, it may not perform as well as the main product that you're focusing on, but hey, if someone decides to sign up for that other product that you don't think is that great, eh, at least you're going to get an affiliate commission. And of course, make sure you include a call to action. If you don't have a call to action when you're promoting affiliate offers, you're not going to do well. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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How to (Actually) Start a Business And Go From $0 to $10,000 in 4 Weeks

Learn more at I wasn't even 15 years old when I first dreamed of being an entrepreneur. But I knew that following the "normal path" would never give me the money, lifestyle, and freedom that I wanted. If you're like me, the answer is obvious: Start your own business. The problem is when it actually comes to starting a business, there's so much to think about! SEO, Social media, Paid traffic, Content, Conversion optimization, Email marketing, Copywriting… Not to mention the nonmarketing tasks like creating a product… starting a website… serving customers… hiring and managing employees… The list goes on and on. There are so many resources available and directions you can go in. And there's literally a million things you COULD do. But what actually matters? This special episode of Marketing School is going live today – right here with Eric Siu and me, Neil Patel. We're recording for anyone who's ever thought about starting a business. Especially if you… Have an idea (and just want someone to tell you exactly what to do step by step so you can start creating real results)… Can't crack the $10,000/month barrier (where 99% of new entrepreneurs give up – but if you can break through, the sky is the limit)… Or need help scaling. (If you feel like you've hit a plateau, we'll show you how you can break through and add another $10,000 or more to your monthly revenue.) So if you want an easier, faster way that can actually deliver results…

What are Backlinks and Why are They Important?

What are backlinks and why are they important for SEO? How do you check them and how do you get more of them? You’ll find out in this tutorial. Subscribe ► ***************************************
Additional Link Building Resources SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ► Link Building for a New Website: 5 Actionable Ways to Get More Backlinks ► Why You’re Not Getting Backlinks and How to Change That ► Link Building with Google Sheets: Start Guest Posting in 15 Minutes ► How to Build Backlinks WITHOUT Creating New Content ► How to Find Someone’s Email Address (in Seconds) ► How to Write Outreach Emails (That Won’t Get Ignored) ► ***************************************
Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If you’re on the receiving end, you can refer to them as incoming links or inbound links. If you’re linking to others, it’s called an external, outgoing or outbound link. Why are backlinks important? There are three main reasons, and you’ll learn what those reasons are in the video. The easiest way to conceptualize backlinks is to think of them as votes. When a page receives a backlink, it’s essentially another website vouching for the content on the page. And the more “votes,” you get from credible sources, the higher the trust. But not all backlinks are created equal. How do you tell a “good quality backlink” from a “not-so-good” one? You’ll learn how in the video. And now that you’ve learned how to tell the difference between high and low-quality backlinks, you’ll want to check backlinks pointing at your own site. We’ll show you the two places you can do this for free. And finally, how do you get backlinks? On the whole, there are three main methods to getting backlinks. You’ll learn what they are in the video. Timestamps: 0:24 – Why backlinks are important
1:36 – What are “high-quality” backlinks
3:09 – How to check backlinks
4:30 – How to get backlinks #backlinks #checkbacklinks #getmorebacklinks Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED:
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Types of Keywords That Never Sell (Stop Wasting Your Time With Them)

There're a lot of extremely competitive keywords out there. From pharmaceutical keywords to online gambling keywords to payday loans and credit cards and banking term. These are all competitive keywords that multi-billion dollar companies are already investing hundreds and thousands, if not millions of dollars to go after. And if you go after them, you're not going to do well. And those aren't the only type of keywords. There's a lot of other keywords that if you go after, you're going to be wasting your time. Today I'm going to go over the types of keywords that never sell. These are the keywords that you should stop wasting your time with because if you go after them, you're not going to generate any sales. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Ubersuggest –
How to Find Hundreds of Thousands of SEO Keywords For Free :
____________________________________________ The first type of keyword that you should avoid is generic keywords. You'll attract visitors that have no interest what you're offering. They don't qualify visitors in any way. For example, if you just want to rank for credit cards, sure you're going to get a lot of traffic and a very, very, very, very tiny percentage of those people may convert, but heres the thing. The amount of cost, the money, the time you put into to rank for that term is going to be so expensive for how much revenue you make, it's not worth it. In most cases you're going to lose money and not have a positive ROI. You don't want to go after generic keywords. You're better off going after very specific terms, and the terms you should avoid are industry specific keywords which gets into the next type of keywords you should avoid. You know that technical jargon that people use? Well, most people who are in the industry may know about it, but most your buyers aren't going to be in your industry so they're not going to use it as much. So when you go after these terms that have all this Technical Jargon, sure you may get some traffic, but they're not going to do well. For example, I'm in the SEO industry. If I go after terms like schema markup, sure I'm going to get more SEO's to my website, but I'm not going to get potential buyers coming to my website who are ready to buy. Most of my buyers don't know even what schema markup is. The next type of keyword that you should avoid: Keywords with the wrong intent. Keywords that only bring in visitors for free information are the worst! For example, if you're getting people to your site for free college advice, free SEO advice, free marketing advice, whatever it has in there, right, if it has free in there, chances are not anyone's going to really spend any money with you. The next keyword that you should avoid going after is keywords that are Out of Context. Look, when someone's searching for things like storage, it could mean that they want self-storage or boxes or storage for their personal computer or cloud computing, has many different meanings. Same with apple. Are they looking for Apple Computer or they're looking for the food that they are eating? So you want to make sure you avoid generic keywords that are Out of Context because they're very unlikely to convert, and your user metrics are going to be messed up which is going to really hurt your search rankings. The next group of keywords are keywords with Unrelated Informational Intent. If you focus on keywords that don't have to do with your product or service, that will give you the wrong type of traffic. They'll give you top-of-funnel traffic that may drive awareness, but not sales. If you have a lot of extra money to blow, sure, go and do this, but if you need to make revenue, I would avoid these keywords at all cost. Later, once your business is more established, you're making money, sure, you can consider going after them, but in the early days, I would avoid them . The next group of keywords, they're ones that are Too Competitive. Keywords that have to much competition, keywords that usually have buyer intent within the keywords. Keywords such as cheap laptops or where's the best place to buy a laptop? Right, all of those are specific buyer intent keywords that are going to be super competitive and hard to go after. If you're not sure if the keywords you're going after are easy to go after or hard, use Ubersuggest, it's free. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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The Mom & Pop’s Guide to Massive Organic Traffic Through SEO and Content Marketing

The Mom & Pop’s Guide to Massive Organic Traffic Through SEO and Content Marketing | You're a mom and pop shop, and you know no one ever looks at yellow pages anymore. So, they're likely searching for your kind of business online. You want to be found through Google, but SEO's too expensive for you. What should you do? Today I'm going to break down the mom and pop guide to massive organic traffic through SEO and content marketing. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Google My Business –
4 Easy Steps to Marketing Your Local Business Online :
____________________________________________ The first thing I want you to do is leverage Google My Business. Now there's a few steps you need to take. The first step is you have to claim your Google My Business profile. That way people know it's your business, and not someone else's. After you claim your business, you need to have a strategy to attract reviews. If you don't get reviews, you're not going to do well on Google My Business. So ask your clients to review you on Google My Business. Have a printed handout that reminds them to do it, and teaches them how to do it. Remember, not everyone knows how to use Google My Business and leave a review. Always answer positive and negative reviews. It doesn't matter if it's positive or a negative, you want to give your response there as well. You want to acknowledge the negative reviews and answer them politely, and work to make them better. Photos of real location, inside and outside. That way people can spot it from the outside, but also they can see what it's like. Photos of your staff, how friendly they are. Make sure they got a smile. If they don't have a smile and they're all depressed and sad, who's going to want to show up? Photos of your most popular products. Your items, your food, whatever it may be. Photos of just customers hanging out enjoying themselves. By doing all of that, you're going to to do to much better with Google My Business and rank higher. Cause most people who do Google My Business, they're not leveraging half these features. They're just claiming their profile, and then they're just asking people to leave reviews. So if you go above and beyond, and you do all those steps, you're going to to be much better off. Now that you've done Google My Business, then I want to structure your website for success. So, your home page. On your home page you need to have a basic idea of your services. Clearly state that above the fold. Then beneath that you want two to four paragraphs about your business. Like the location, a map showing where you're located, a video explainer of your business, or a video breaking down how it's like to be at your business. And importantly, on your home page you need to have information on your opening hours. Even though you're in a city, there's probably other surrounding cities where people are coming to your business, right? I can create location based pages on all these cities on my site that I serve, and break down, you know, how long it takes from Santa Monica to get here, what's the quickest route, what is it like. Customer tailor the advice to that area or city. After you create those local pages make sure that those pages are cross linked to each other. So they can jump from Santa Monica to Beverly Hills. Cause when you cross link them they're going to end up ranking higher. The next thing I want you to do is add as many services pages as possible. So if you have 10 services, create 10 service pages on your website. If you only have two services, create two service pages. Next, create a reviews page on your website. Make sure you're using proper Schema Markup, cause there's Schema Markup for reviews. This way when people are searching on Google they can actually see the star rating and reviews, which helps your listing stand out and get more clicks. Next, apply the other Schema Markups at the same time. Cause if you're already going to use the review ones might as well use the local business Schema Markup. Restaurants and lawyers will also have their own Schema Markup. After you do that, create content for your static services pages. Go in depth describing your services. And last but not least, content marketing for local sites is way easier. If you can just post once a month high quality piece of content, and in your content mention things like your location, people, land mark, events, neighborhoods, institution, this shows Google that you're a local, relevant business. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #OrganicTraffic

STOP Trying to Build Marketing Funnels (And do THIS Instead)

You hear all these people talking about how their marketing funnels are bringing them hundreds of clients and thousands of dollars, and when you look at their landing pages, their email sequences, their Facebook and Instagram ads, you get paralyzed. How do these people come up with those beautiful, designed marketing funnels and figure out all their sophisticated automation behind those sequences? Well, you no longer have to hire a designer. You don't need to even be a paid ads expert. You don't even have to be a developer. There's a easier and simple way to do this. Today I want to tell you that you should stop building marketing funnels and do this instead. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________
Download my eBook from
GetResponse –
Shopify –
Etsy –
Stripe –
Paypal -
WebinarJam –
____________________________________________ Now, if you want to sell anything online, you need to have a sales process. It doesn't matter if you're selling consumer product or a B2B product. You have to, in essence, take people from point A to point B. Point A is the first time that you have contact with them, whether that's on your website, someone's contact with your brand, they're seeing it online, and point B is the moment that they decide, hey, I like what you're selling. It's also the best way to get people to keep buying more and more from you, which increases the lifetime value of your customer, which then makes it more feasible for you to leverage paid advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google. Now, normally, as I mentioned earlier, if you want to create a following, you would have to hire a paid ads person, you would have to learn design, you have to learn email marketing and be really good at the copy, and you would have to know web development. But those days are gone. Now there's one simple tool that'll let you do all of this, and you no longer need multiple tools or the skills to create a high-converting funnel. You can get all of that done by just using only one tool, and it's called Autofunnel by GetResponse. They took all the knowledge, all the funnels that converted, and packaged it all up into one simple tool that makes it easy for small and medium businesses, even large enterprises. So a few of the cool things that you can do is, normally if you want to run paid ads, you have to know how to leverage Facebook ads or Instagram, and all the bells and whistles, so that way you can get the maximum out of their platform. Now, through the Autofunnel platform, you can run paid Facebook and Instagram ads directly there, and that the landing pages that they have are the ones that are already proven and high-converting. In other words, they're not going to show you landing page templates that don't convert well for people. So it'll give you all the email marketing sequences and automation you need to get going right away without having to hire a specialist. That way you can get more people from not buying to buying so you can maximize the dollars from your ad spend. In addition to that, the email templates that you can see are written by other marketers, and they convert well. It even handles all the transactional side as well. So it doesn't matter if you're leveraging a store like Shopify or Etsy or RU Commerce. It all is plug-and-play, even with your current payment processors, such as Stripe and Paypal. If you want to run a webinar, it not only helps you maximize the number of signups, but it has its own webinar platform, so you don't have to pay for a separate webinar service. It used to be, when I used to run webinars, I would have to sign up for a WebinarJam. I would have to connect it with, let's say Infusionsoft, which is now Keap. Then from there I would have to go and hire a developer to make this all work because Infusionsoft is hard to use. But now you can all do this really simple with templates that are already high-converting. That way it's so much easier if you want to sell high-ticket items, such as when you're selling a $1,000-plus product. Now, here's my favorite feature. At the bottom of every single funnel is your exact ROI. It used to be where you would have to go into Google Analytics and calculate it manually. But now, through Autofunnels, you can just see the ROI at the bottom of every single funnel, which helps you get the maximum amount of it. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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►On Instagram: #Funnel #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Get SEO Clients Even if You Don’t Have a Website

Want more SEO clients for your agency? Learn 5 unique strategies on how to get more of them. Subscribe ► ***************************************
Additional Client Acquisition Resources Sam’s Client Acquisition “Experiment” ► SEO Leads: How to Get $1K+/Month SEO Clients (with a Simple Video Pitch) ► ***************************************
Before you watch this video, you should have a history of producing results and be able to help any client you choose to take on. If you’re looking to make a quick buck, we recommend that you master your craft first so that the tips and strategies you learn in this video will be 10X more effective. The first way to get SEO clients is via partnerships. There are two types of partnerships you should get involved with. You’ll learn what these partnerships are and how to make it work for your business. The second strategy is to speak at conferences. You’ll learn why being on stage is a powerful client acquisition channel for your business. The third strategy: inbound marketing. This is likely the most valuable for your business because your results are your strongest selling point. You’ll learn how to use inbound marketing to generate more SEO clients. The fourth strategy is to apply for jobs. How does that work? While applying for jobs and getting more SEO clients might seem vastly different, there’s a powerful factor that comes into play. You’ll find out what this factor is and how to make this strategy work for your business. The last strategy is cold outreach. This is the most common approach. You’ll learn a sample template on how to do such outreach and why that template works. Timestamps 1:27 – Get involved in partnerships
3:43 – Speak at conferences
4:19 – Invest in inbound marketing
6:04 – Apply for jobs
7:13 – Do cold outreach #seoclients #howtogetclients #seoleads Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials. STAY TUNED:
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