I Biohacked My Brain!!! 😱Biocybernaut Neurofeedback Training

Can you hack meditation? Apparently, you can biohack the brainwave patterns of Zen Masters who have been meditating for 40 years through neurofeedback training. I did 7 days of brain training at the Biocybernaut Institute, you can learn more here: https://www.biocybernaut.com/ I recently concluded 7 intense days of Neuro-feedback training and I wanted to share my experience with you because I didn't know something like this existed until a friend introduced it to me and I want to be the friend that introduces it to you. When I first learned about Neurofeedback training, I wasn't prepared to make the financial investment but after a few years, I decided to go for it. Maybe this is something you do next month, or maybe 5 years from now. What's valuable is to know that technology exists and there are people out there like Dr. Hardt who have a mission of raising the collective consciousness of all human beings. 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 🔎
Learn more about The Biocybernaut Institute by visiting ► https://www.biocybernaut.com/
Biocybernaut Publications ► https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjg3TUhaVHVDb09MNHBNWWhhV0ZTYjJOamY5QXxBQ3Jtc0ttOERrX1FXTGRjSWJxc1hSaENfdXNPaHhFTXUzOUJmNFUtLW1RZ0lJejhGRFMzdFg1WUhDa1ZKdTZCZkJZbHhEbWJ3X3NIdGlCN2hJb0g0RUFpSXlLWDB1Sm9jbjNzLUVubXZmejdEWGZ6ZWZPaXQtcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.biocybernaut.com%2Fpublications%2F
Biocybernaut Technical Papers ► https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0RUSHZSTnE5cUdMUlcwdjByQmhQN0FIMDc5UXxBQ3Jtc0tteGhHNWJwQW5wbGZMRnh3UHVVdG92dDJSTENxMVhKeVNZLTZYNHc3d215ZWt2bmY2Y1pEbnNpYmJyOXVwUkpvZ0JCUzBiR2x0TjFfMEhBLTJWZDUyOHcySWo2bHhlOHM1QWpoX3BKTlEtLW11SDI5aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.biocybernaut.com%2Ftechnical-papers%2F
40 Years Of Meditation by Dr. James Hardt ► https://youtu.be/DVr9ps9Zqyw​ Tony Robbins Biocybernaut Review ► https://youtu.be/sZ9w-WS2ifs 📖 CHAPTERS 📖
00:00 Introduction
01:08 What neuro-feedback training is
06:08 About the Biocybernaut Institute
08:53 Why I decided to go
11:00 My personal experience 🗣️ WANT TO ASK ME QUESTIONS?👇
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I Biohacked My Brain!!! 😱Biocybernaut Neurofeedback Training

I Biohacked My Brain!!! 😱Biocybernaut Neurofeedback Training










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