User Authentication in Web Apps (Passport.js, Node, Express)

In this full course for beginners, you will learn how to implement user authentication from scratch in your web apps. You will learn how to use Passport.js in a Node / Express app. 💻 Starter Code
🔗 ✏️ Course created by Zach Gollwitzer. Check out his channel: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:04:04) Topics and Prerequisites
⌨️ (0:16:43) Intro to HTTP Headers and Cookies
⌨️ (0:34:23) Intro to Express Middleware
⌨️ (1:05:04) Intro to Express Sessions
⌨️ (1:31:10) Implementation of Passport Local Strategy
⌨️ (2:50:21) Intro to Public Key Cryptography
⌨️ (3:34:31) How do JWTs work?
⌨️ (4:16:58) Implementation of Passport JWT Strategy
⌨️ (5:17:29) Implementing a Custom JWT Auth Solution
⌨️ (5:46:20) JWT Strategy in Angular Front-End App — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: And subscribe for new videos on technology every day:

User Authentication in Web Apps (Passport.js, Node, Express)

User Authentication in Web Apps (Passport.js, Node, Express)










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